I "Strongly dislike" my dad... a lot!

I may be starting to hate my whole family, cause of him. I just do, he is very bothersome. After arguing for no reason for 2 hours of him yelling at me about dumb stuff... i need to point out this started with his tablet. He been "expressing" that he had problems with his signal for wifi, and keeps talking bad about the router i purchased that is not a good one. Even though it works for me and everyone else, he uses it but he still complains. He tried to do something about it, he bought a range extender. If you all know what it does, is like a second access point you create in your house to get better signal by connecting to it since it has better accessability to move around than a stationary system.

He been using this app on his tablet tha supposed to detect frequency of wireless signals which is probably the whole problem in the first place cause it doesn't work. Is inaccurate, is just my opinion. I have a trendnet ac 1750 AC dual band router that works fine and had for 3 years with no issues for me. He still complains is the router since i got it and keep saying "If you put back in the router i bought, we wouldn't have any problems, and i wouldn't have to bother you about it." Yeah the Linksys single band router from 2006. I was trying to upgrade our situation. That dumb signal detector app says that my ps4 keeps broadcasting a signal and that is not supposed to do that.

First how do you know is my ps4 doing it? Second if is not supposed to be doing it, why is it? If it wasn't you wouldn't see it. I never told him that it may have to do with remote play but i honestly dunno, again, i'm not sure is mine, it could be somewhere else. I told him how are you supposed to know what is supposed to do. Guess it was his trigger, for two hours he argues about every other thing that can make me look unappealing.

"You don't know nothing, is not supposed to do that, is not a router, it shouldn't be creating a access point." Obviously he doesn't know about the range extendor, home networking, or the game consoles he buys asking for my help all the time when he doesn't have to. We have the internet for a reason, but he wants to argue with me about what should be happening.

Then tells me i don't respect him, he says i am supposed to respect my parents, they give birth to me, I'm here because of it. Stating facts and obvious things isn't supposed to change anything about the current situation. The problem is that he always is yelling and is hard to stay calm or relax when someone yells in your ears, second he says i don't respect my self cause i don't respect my parents, explain how i can respect someone who treats me this way ALL THE TIME. How can i respect someone who DOESN'T PAY A BILL OR RENT WITH HIS NAME ON IT. How can i want to ask for help or anything to someone who BEHAVES THIS WAY ALL THE TIME.

Would you wanna talk to someone like that? He always talk about the past, well he think that perhaps he was best at a time i didn't exist or knew him, neither did my mom know he would turn out this way either. He expects me to have respect for someone as a right simply cause he is the reason i'm alive, and have the things i have (even though some of it i worked for myself) Should i say thanks for setting me up in this poor situation where we live in a apartment where i pay your part of the rent and my mom also spend like $600 on his part of the rent and the optimum bill?

If you was a respectable person, you would be having something respectable to complain about not getting respect for. The past is in the past, everyone tries not to forget these things, we all have moments we wanna forget or keep forever. I appreciate the stuff my parents have done, and will if they continue to do so, but i don't appreciate the now of things as they aren't something i want to remember. Mentally damaging someone credibility by saying i don't respect myself cause i don't respect my parents does not make sense. It doesn't make sense that this happened for hours unnecessarily because his tablet is having signal problems with obtaining good connections.

I don't know everything, I do need help sometimes, and when i do, i look for information myself or ask someone when i can. I don't ask him because of his aditiude. I don't like when he yells at me, he is too agressive, is like talking to Yosamite sam from looney tunes. Is just awful. I learned how to set up network and wireless connections in school, that was over 6 years ago, there was never no class about this when he was in school growing up 50 years ago, wifi didn't exist then. I don't care that he doesn't like my moral opinions or view on how i do things, he thinks i don't know whats important in life, but that not the point, i'm sick of him coplaining and arguing about dumb crap that doesn't matter at the time cause he feels he has to teach me a lesson now about life. That wasn't why the conversation started, it was cause you got a app that detects signals that is potentially effecting your connection. Just don't know what to do with him, no one likes talking to him. My mom, my sister, both my brothers, just don't like it.

He does this all the time, but this is someone who i am supposed to respect regardless of this behavior, no, i have my reasons for my actions or distase for him. If he didn't yell all the time, if he didn't sound so hostile where he ready to just hit someone, he would be more approachable. I don't know anymore, but i just don't like how he wants to use everything he can as a weapon, his grandmother wouldn't like this family, we don't respect him, Excuse me, i didn't know the reason for my UNREQUESTED EXISTENCE was to get his approval on everything and respect him even though there is no credible reason to, and tell me i'll never be ready to be a father. That part was unnecessary. This whole conversation is dumb, is clearly just a excuse to get some dumb personal issue off his chest and he wants to do it at me cause i provoked him is what he would say. Mean while is okay to provoke me to some extent to say what i did and now he upset about it. Things would go along better if he was more approachable.

There lots of families who have children who don't talk to the parents, or respect them, for one reason or another, wonder why their child do things they do, lie to them about things, or avoid subjects, not cause they are bad parents but cause they don't make it clear that is okay to talk to them about these things, they don't make it confortable. Being honest i'm not some psychology major or doctor, is just learn from experience and observing people. You don't make your own home a safe place for discussing things that you hope your teachings and believe that you done well enough to help them, then is just how things happen, you gonna sit there and complain about it being someone elses fault why your life is like this or are you gonna try and do something about it without making it worst?

I dunno what kind of life he had before, and i don't like hearing about it, mostly cause lack of interest but cause is always being discussed at the wrong time, in the middle of a arguement in comparison to his past and our present. No one's life is gonna be the same as yours was, i'm sorry that things didn't work out like you had planned or expected but that is life. Stop complaining and do something about it or just leave it alone, stop preaching your ideals on to others when is too late. When i needed someone at a younger age, my mom was there, when i had bullies at school, parent teacher conference when i got good grades and bad ones, when she wanted to know more about aspergers syndrome cause i was diagnosed with it. Where was he, in his bedroom watching young and the restless for the past 20 years, no help with homework, taking care of himself.

He made a bad impression on things and he assumes the past makes up for it. The more we continue into the future the bigger the past gets, in the current present the more bad you do over good, is gonna be more memorable cause is easier target, if you did more good than bad, is possible that people will forgive and forget the bad (depending on severity) But is just become a job like to deal with this.

I'm sorry i said so much, i was in really bad mood and a bad position that i had to release it some way. :blink:
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I hate my dad too. He abandonned his kids, and then I never saw him ever again.
Tech and family don't mix. What you can do is plug the old router into the new router and disable NAT on it so it just functions as an AP, which may be enough for him. Unless he convinces himself that your router's DHCP is somehow part of the issue and giving him bad IPs, in which case ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I feel really sorry for you . though honestly I`m glad my dad isn`t the jerk yours is . I would actually nominate mine for dad of the century(honestly) . anyway you have it pretty tough . so not much I can do except tell you to tough it out . hope it gets better (someday)
I just mean the router is fine, i even proved it. Is the tablet and the fact he rely on a app that just detect signial frequency, is doing what is supposed to do, is a wireless signal, is never perfect 100% 24/7. Sometimes you get bad signals and download speeds and sometimes is good, it happens especially in a apartment where everyone else is also using such things.

I just don't like the spiteful comments and the unecessary arguments that aren't relevant to the reason why the conversation begins. How you go from acusing my PS4 Remote play function (Which is why it broadcast the signal for psvita to connect to) to telling me i don't have respect for myself, or my parents or anyone, is reasons why people like me get shot by the police, and die cause i pissed someone off the wrong way, i should be greatful i'm alive and he expects me to worship Respect him just cause he is my father and i wouldn't be here without him (Which is true but i also had no say or decision in being born in the first place).

Being stubbron and his expectatios of how things are supposed to work in the family isn't his right to say if he never was involved in my life during the important part (early child hood) but want to step in after my mother did all the important difficult task of parenting and settle for the easy parts?

I was told that cause i don't respect him, i don't respect any elderly people or myself, and i will never be ready to be a father. Is not my plan to do anything related to that yet, i don't even have a wife yet. My plan is to start being in a better mood which is hard to do with such a downer. I wish the doctor labeled him legally bad for my health. Waste of time the conversations we have cause we disagree on many things, it happens and i'm entitled to opinions, but i shouldn't be told these things cause it doesn't change anything and is just hostility.:glare:
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Nope @cornerpath I knew him. He may have died from drug abuse actually. Haven't seen him in like, 12 years?
Dude.. If your paying his rent, and stuff.. use the old parental comment against him. "If your living under my house.. you abide by my rules. If you do not like those rules, the door is right there."
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"Being stubbron and his expectatios of how things are supposed to work in the family isn't his right to say if he never was involved in my life during the important part (early child hood) but want to step in after my mother did all the important difficult task of parenting and settle for the easy parts?"

. . . how do i say this without sounding like a complete ass . . . . . lets try this . . .

you should consider yourself lucky (my dad was a crack dealer, turned crackhead who was in and out of jail. until my mother moved out {and took his 3 children} while he was in jail. to this day i still cant ever ask him for a dollar/advice) . . . but your dad wants to be involved. yeah he showed up late but it sounds like he cares . . . you mentioned him telling you about his childhood often in arguments. the logical goal there is simply to teach you without you having to go through all the motions. like history class, but at the improper time (he is obviously no good with timing . . . or he would have been involved from the beginning)

. . . but the fact that he was not involved during the important parts of your life . . . the importance of those years is and can only be determined by you also his lack of direct involvement still taught you at least one valuable lesson (maybe he did not teach you how to be a father but i bet you know what not to do). . . you ask where he was for the last 20 years so i assume you are only 20 that's still young and although you feel like and may be considered an adult you still have a lot of life and learning ahead of you . . .

. . . i will just end it there
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I realize this is almost the same situation my aunt, and my grandma is in.

its really stupid how fucking ignorant people can be,
I see how you reply to the people on this site, Honestly, I would love you as a close friend, brother.:rolleyes:

you should try a gaming marathon:yayps3:, or a binge-watch cringy videos,
see if it helps.
@wormdood you have a point there and i'm sorry about your situation. I don't mean to compare things between us or anyone but i just don't feel like i want such a person in my life with the way he is, seeing is been this way for many years and yes i may be young, i'm not over 40 or anything yet but i still feel pressured into situations that isn't necessary and unable to make breakthough with positive results. Yes is possible to get along with him but as things are not it doesn't seem as likely or easy especially if no one is trying. I try to be nice to him, my mom always ask me to do so and i keep trying but is always when something bad happens it when that thick tension starts eating away at the potential of remaining positive that wrecks things.

I'm willing to have a positive relation ship with anyone when is given the right kind of treatment and effort. It just becomes difficult and seem impossible when things could be simpler but tries to be difficult. Perhaps i do not understand thins but that isn't knew, i'm always being told this, many people have problems understading things about human interaction, behaviors, reasoning and motive, except i get told is cause i have "Learning disability of aspergers syndrome" I don't need a excuse why i do not understand something, i simply need to keep trying until i get better if i can. :unsure:
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not to dwell on myself but . . . honest i feel that its not my situation but my fathers and im sorry for him as well he is the one who missed out on his children's lives as a result of his choices similar to (although for different reasons) your dad and with that in mind i felt the need to say a little on his behalf

as far as how to deal with a stubborn person my best advice is to "prove it." example my girlfriend she loves t.v. and she grew up without a computer (when she/i was in school the only computer classes offered to kids in my part of the country was keyboarding) so i had to convince her mathematically on paper that if she paid for internet + netflix +hulu+ amazon vs internet + cable that she would be paying less while gaining the freedom to basically have any show any time

and i truly love the attitude you convey about the adversity you face the only way to get better is to try . . . the only thing any of us can do is try ( . . . i believe that was the point of my first message . . . that you should go easy on him he may not have done the best job up til now but he is at least attempting to be involved)
Bad impressions are not a good thing, but is more about that it doesn't seem like he is trying, not when people say such things like he did, or least i do not feel that he is. Be it a sense of knowing how someone understands things or just the enough obvious clues that the person doesn't like you.

Having argument all the time just to say nothing but offensive negative things especially someone who should be abl to talk to with no problem of doubts, that just bad, if not be able to do that, what else does someone have left?

If the person isn't comfortable enough and start doubted the people in thier life about not being able to communicate, then is just another struggle for them. I know that familes have problems and other such common problems but i honestly do not believe in his kind of behavior, personality, or if anyone wanna call it philosophy. Family are supposed to bs a team, a unit working together, bringing the best in people around them if they care, saying stuff like he did and then not trying to help see me get better isn't what i expected.

I guess maybe to someone reading this won't understand but it does to me, or maybe i'm exhausted about this.:unsure:
Me entire family can perish right now and I wouldn't care.
Mum n dad know how I stand towards them.

Why you ask?
Well, it's quite simple, it's just 1 word.
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