My experience with online gaming.


During the late 1990's when people started advertising the idea of playing games online with people around the world, it might have turned some heads. The concept was that from your living room in your home, you can play your friend from down the street, or the next state or country, or anyone from around the world. (Ignore the repeated sentence, it was to sound convincing) Anyway it had the good intentions at heart. No longer will friends have to crowed around the couch on a low resolution TV with somewhat lack luster view point waiting to get a turn at the game you wanted to play with your friends. Sure having them around was good, you can talk, interact, share, watch together, experience everything as partners, discuss things and have fun. But what about doing it without having to travel all the way over there?

The online gaming tried to take off during dreamcast days, you would play the games online with your internet connection of 56K Speedd, Then PlayStation 2 and xbox and game cube came along. Ps2 had very limited amount of games (mostly sports ones And final fantasy XI) You can do that with. Xbox had what was now and still is the "XBOX LIVE" And probably more games to offer since it was based off a computer and all, i found it weird how some games that was on Both Xbox and ps2 only xbox had online play Like Capcom VS SNK 2 EO has online play for Xbox live while the ps2 did not. The GameCube also had some online features but the biggest use of it was Phantasy star online AS far as i know. While it also had online, it also had the same capcom vs snk 2 EO game xbox had but no online play. Weather or not it was starting to get a bit better, that debatable.

in 2005 Nintendo releases the nintendo DS This featured online play known as "Nintendo Wi-Fi" That allowed wireless connection to the internet using home network routers and store hot spots that offered them, to play select games online with other people. It had a decent amount of games, from RPG, Fighting, And platforming. During that time, The PlayStation portable was also a thing and had some online capability, but i never found a game that actually plays online with other player. The system featured Wi-Fi but it seem like it was mostly used for local wireless play at the time.

Sometime during the next year (2006) The PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo wii was created and sold. The systems had started focusing on wi-fi online gaming more. Each of them having the same kind of wi-fi 2.4 GHZ B,G connections. At that time, PlayStation network was established, now people was able to play games online with others on PlayStation without Wire connections and had vast choices of games to play, It also featured a PlayStation store, were you can download games directly to your system to play without having to go to the local game store and purchase the disc. There was also some exclusive games to buy as they were not sold in stores as well and a variety of Select PlayStation one games as well, It could be played on PS3 Or PSP. Xbox also had simlar services, called "XBOX LIVE ARCADE" Most of the games featured were probably ports of arcade games or games with arcade style as well as exclusives independent from the other consoles. Nintendo also had similar service titled "Nintendo Virtual Console" The title being that instead of instead of reprogramming games from the past, it will be played using a emulation system. The wii "VC" was intended to play games from past systems, It had the nintendo entertainment system Super nintendo, and Nintendo 64, it also featured other systems like Sega mega drive, Master system SNK Playmore Neo Geo HUDSON NEC Turbo Graphix 16 and some arcade games as well. It even had is own exclusive set of games called "WII WARE" The games you can buy for all 3 systems at the time had online modes depending on which games you have. The difference between the 3 was that While PlayStation network and Nintendo Wi-fi was free service, Xbox live was not, it required subscription payment for the online matchmaking services. Online gaming was finally starting to become a thing.


Skipping to the present we now have multitude of things that can go online with. PlayStation 4, Xbox one, Nintendo WII U, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, Android, devices, Ios devices and also pc which i should have mentioned before. (I didn't cause i was talking about gaming consoles only) Online gaming has improved a lot since about 15 years ago, Some problems arise and sometimes get dealt with but I am gonna talk about my experience with it.

First i had experienced it during late 2008, I had worked during summer as a program enrolled that offers People to work for 7 weeks and be paid for it, it was short term and i wanted money to buy some new games. I bought myself a nintendo DS Lite. (i know it was 3 years late but i wanted the new mega man games that they had for it.) The system was glossy red top screen and all black everywhere. It included a caring case that looked like a cheap folder for paper with a place holder strap, some game called Brain Age 2, But I got New super Mario bros. cause i had to have it. Soon there was more games that i was interested in was being released. One game i really liked was Bleach blade of fate. It was a fighting game by Sega (And treasure I think) That was based off the bleach series anime and manga. It was fun game and i liked playing it. I play online as it was something i was curious about. I went through so much trouble to play that i had bought that wifi connector thing for the nintendo consoles, The one made by buffalo i think. At the time we didn't have wifi routers, so it was a big deal. I tried a few other games like Mega man star force, Sonic Rush adventure, and some others. (NOT Pokemon) It was nice and i felt it was a good thing.

In 2011, I bought myself a PlayStation 3, ( again i know it was late) It was the the 500 GB model that come with assassins creed 3 and one month of playstation plus as well as the nice new design look. Over time i started collecting games to play. I have a decent amount of games, Ultra street fighter IV, Call of duty Black ops 2, A few naruto games, Resident evil, Some arcade games, etc. I had a lot of games that i wanted, some i was unable to get since it was long gone after i had the system. But that when stuff started to Go down hill.

For one thing, i never liked the idea of a ranked match system in games, I just like the idea of playing a game with someone and being fun. I found rank match to be a very unappealing thing. Usually the idea is when you play games, in ranking, your score or whatever it is called for the game you are playing is recorded on server and data for what you do online is broadcast around the world for anyone to see. Not only that but since i started playing the games fairly late compared to some others, every player on ranking matches were significantly better than i was meaning i wasn't much competition. I was easy win targets. Of course only chance i had at winning was playing the new games that were released after i bought the game and have equal time to get as good. I usually find myself playing with someone, usually large groups sometimes (Some games required large groups) And losing and doing bad, sometimes losing isn't bad but you should know how it feels if you lose all the time and do you're best. Sometimes is fun and you can accept losing but it does become poison sometimes to the point where is not fun anymore. Is also the same with winning as it also not fun all the time. Another thing i didn't like about the ranking system is that is kinda seem unnecessary. What reason is it for? To just show off who is good and who isn't? Is like a labeling system or some filter system, is maybe seen as another online bragging and bullying system. There is already trophies and achievements system, Not sure when that was part of the game but i can see is to push players to the limits and maybe even incentive to explore all the game has to offer. With the price you pay for games anyway, you hope that when you explore the games is worth the price tag they mark it with. For $60 you don't want a game as under developed as Killer instinct or street fighter V was when it first was being sold and slowly become worth it over time.

Anyway the ranking system is basically the competitive portion of the game, so if your not interested in competitive long term fame or glory then is not much to do there for you. There is a reason why it exist and i understand it as a option alternative to people who just wanna have fun and not worry about people seeing how bad your status in ranking is or people who wanna test their abilities against other serious competitors. The bad thing about it is that if you decide to try it out of being curious cause you explored everything else and it was last on the list (Or some trophy required you to do it which IT DOES OFTEN WHICH I HATE) You get your stats uploaded to server and can never be removed. You can't delete it. Since game information for your user account is stored on server Clouds, you can't get rid of it. Some games will allow it for some reasons, but Your rank 2043 In whatever fighting game you played is there to stay.

Also if you don't keep playing or maintain that rank, it gets decreased easily since it is a global system. Just like when you play MMORPG Games, the time you spend not playing the game, the more others can get advantage over you and since the game is online and interact with others, is not good if your "Level 70 Wizard is beaten by someone else Level 128 Sorceress" Cause they had more time to ply this one game than you do. That means if you wanna get good at that one game you must dedicate time to it. Sometimes you can't always do that. You take a break, maybe few months or years come back and find out how weak you gotten, probably why you stopped playing in the first place. Who knows. Maybe you wanted to play other games with more value or interest. Then remember you have this game and play it for nostalgia or cause you paid for it and don't want to consider it wasteful. Whatever the reasons is just somethings that can happen why people will play or not commit to it.

You probably wonder why am i mentioning stuff like this. "If you are done with the game, you shouldn't care, if it not for you it shouldn't matter. Just don't play it if you don't like it." You are right, that's what it should be like. If you quit then is done, no more to worry about. But the reason why i mention it cause is part of the game, which means if you are looking for new game to play you want to know everything about it before trying. Some things like i described before may not attract new people to playing the game, and it would be bad if they missed out on something they could potentially like.

Now i also want to mention the main thing about online gaming, the match making. For someone who don't have friends, perhaps it would be a good thing to try, perhaps you could make friends, talk with people while playing, create teams or groups, join guilds, or factions or whatever, play in groups, party chat, coordinate team strategies, play against each other, have fun. My experience is that playing games online is starting to not be fun, last time i remember playing a online game was online and playing super smash bros for WII U/3DS. I like playing the game, but when i decide to play, i feel kinda empty. "I'll play some of it tomorrow" I would just play vs mode against cpu and then try some other modes. After awhile i stare at the online mode, and just remember how bad some of the games with people i play were. Between playing the online modes, there about 4 modes divided into groups. For glory and for fun.

In for glory mode, you have option for One-on-one, where you fight on a random stage (All omega style, set up like final destination) Each player gets 2 Stock lives and 5 minutes to fight and no items Is your Tournament standard style competition like you see in various events for melee like EVO or CEO Or any other well known California tournament. For team battle, you can take a partner online with you (Like someone sitting next to you) and play against another two players (Probably two people sitting next to each other) Or if you don't have someone like i have, then you get paired with random players who may or may not be good. Each fight the teams rotate partners, so is different every time. In this mode, the timer is set to 2 minutes and there no stock battle, so your fighting for most KOs. There is a free for all mode of the same variety, only difference is there no teams. Each battle is recorded and data stored on servers and people can see your rankings for wins, loses, and other data on global ranking system. So is competitive.

In for fun mode you have almost the same rules. Except the stages are the normal type, (Not omega final destination style) And you have items. But still 2 minutes a fight and must win by most KOs. Also there no one-vs-one battle. This mode is less competitive and no ranking so is a simple join and play process.

There is a Friends only mode, but is complicated. Unlike games on PlayStation and xbox, you could just create a room/Lobby/Lounge or whatever and set the settings to how many people may join the group, if you want reserve private spots for people and so on. You create the group, and you can send invitations to have another player join the game. Just enter the User name id or select friends from your list, Is simple as opening the invitation to join and you are ready to play. On nitnendo consoles you have things more secure.

For nintendo 3DS you have friend codes. When you first play a online game, your system creates friend service data to use on nintendo network (Modern version of Nintendo Wi-fi) And you get the code. Is a 16 digit number used to identify your self online and others. For wii u, you just have a nintendo network id Not friend codes, in order to play with friends first you must both be added to friend list. You share the friend code or nintendo network id. (You can also visit miiverse and find people there and send friend request for them to accept and confirm to both be added to the friend list) once both players approve of friend list request. Then you can play together any game you both have available. During the game, You go to the play with friends option and create a room. Once the room is created, you wait until a friend joins. To be honest is very bad since you need to actually know that someone is looking for friends to play and unless you can find a way to tell them before you host, is very silly to sit there and wait for people to join and not get anyone to participate cause they won't know unless you tell them. You would have to tell them ahead of time and plan schedule to play with them. (You can send messages private on miiverse as well as wii video chat but again your friend won't know and requires them to actually know you trying to contact them. Is not like xbox live where the system notify you that someone wanna play, looking for friends to join, or sent invites. Is very bad how it works.)

Skipping past the setup part, when you actually get the play with friends working, you can set your own custom rules. Very nice, but some limits. At random, the person who sets the rules are changed, sometimes you can set it then other people get the chance. So watch out for that. You can actually select stages this time but which ever stage gets chosen is random among the amount of people playing. (Example is having 4 people play means you get 25% = 1/4 chance of your stage chosen.) Is not all that bad, it even has voice chat. But is very limited. I think is one of the very few games that actually has voice chat. But the amount of effort to set up playing with friends is just bad, you would probably be faster playing the other two modes. There is a spectator mode but is not really necessary to discuss.

Bottom line is there very nasty players online, people who don't play fair, people who play using cheap tricks and tactics, people who repeat the same actions also known as SPAMMING, people who stay in one place so long also known as CAMPING People who don't co-operate in team battles and purposely cause you to lose while your doing all the work. Basically i mean is playing online is a very game changing Situation and could cause you to feel indifferent about some games. Caution should be exercised. I must remind you while online gaming isn't a necessary part and is no way enforced it is available as option to people who want to play with someone who isn't around you like me. This was a long post i know and took several hours to do but is here if anyone cares to read.
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Brilliant write up. Thank you for taking the time to write it! Interestingly I generally diskike online gaming for the same reasons you have mentioned.
What I hate the most is CallofDuty online.
My brother got influenced to the point he called me a "stupid scrub" who doesn't know how to "quickscope".
He once, challenged me on a sniper-only fight, and he called me a "scrub" again for using the scope in long periods of time. LOL

Your post is great, Sonic Angel Knight!
To be honest this whole post took about 4 hours to write and i didn't expect anyone to see this, read it all, leave comments or like it.
One of the reasons why i decided to write it was just this feeling i had of emptiness and i felt comfortable sharing it, cause i just supposed others may like to know. I know is like a lot of stuff to read but i kinda felt if someone saw it would either ignore it or skip it all together. :rolleyes:

I included the "HISTORY LESSON" Portion to explain the concept of the online gaming idea was and inform people why it exist if they was unsure, and made sure that they know is not a requirement to your game (Excluding titan fall since you can't play alone i think :unsure:) But is just how i felt ever since trying to play online games. Yes i think is a great idea, only best had fun experiencing with people you like playing with, with friends you can share and trust who plays well and makes it worth your time.:)

The online stranger thing i guess was a okay part of it but it lacked very much leaving feelings of emptiness inside roaming around from people to people, paried up with strangers who play unfair or eratticly different and having no actual connetion or communication is more like a peirless journey into a endless dungeon expecting to come out with a positive additude. It just seem depressing so fast that if you thought you were boring and alone while doing it, you feel even more alone after trying. Especailly if you didn't even make any friend while trying. :sleep:

So i Just was surprised people read any of this and hope more would read not cause it about me but just to understand how much online game changed things in games period. :teach:
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I thought the history part was interesting. Another notable part of online multi-player gaming was Doom. Online Doom deathmatches were a massive thing in the 90s and really helped to propel online gaming into the mainstream. You could even go back further to BBSs which had online ANSI games.

I completely relate to the feeling of emptiness in online gaming. It feels just like you're playing against the computer most of the time, but there's no actual interaction with a person. Knowing that the other people are all doing the same, and possibly feeling the same, makes me feel lonely.

The exception to this is where there is some interaction. There used to be a really nice online strategy war simulator (a bit like Advance Wars) called WeeWar. I loved it and there was a chat box on the game page so you could chat with the person/people you were against while you played. There was a real sense of connecting with someone else while you played.

I like Mario Maker because you can play other people's levels and make comments, and get comments on yours, but it's still not quite the same.

Even Mario Kart feels a bit empty. I love playing 4 player MK8 on the console though :)
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Online cooperative gaming is good, even the competitive part. What is the deciding factor if it is enjoyable or not, is the people playing it, may it be devs or gamers.

I hope to see more games with no toxicity, or poison online, where even the rude players would congratulate each other, may they be winning or losingg.

Make more blogs, Sonic Angel! Keep up the great work!
Yeah i kinda left out the PC online gaming part cause i know it was something everyone had known about, i wanted to focus on the console aspect of it since Game consoles had the more historical part of it since it was more impactful with the idea of doing something that computers had already been able to do. I wanted to mention PC but felt it could been lot more to say and added way more stuff to write that people would not care to read cause is more common than consoles was until it became a type of focus.:teach:

When i had remembered the idea of online gaming, it was interesing to me thinking i could have friends from different places to play games with and talk to, or just not play alone all the time. Looking at the online mode, i just stare sometimes and dunno what to say, the opinions have changed since then cause it just usually leaves a dissatisfied taste in actually "Press A button" To play it instead of staring at it for while before moving on. :mellow:

In all honesty i guess it lacking in motivation for me to wanna try it some more, is different with friends, there is always motivation with friends, but not with strangers. I like to think by the way some people play and people i encountered that they are just some sadistic Trolls with nothing better to do than ruin people fun and harass them till it more of a thing when your feeling better about yourself while the other is disappointed. :unsure:

A friend is a friend, they aren't there to bother you, they wanna be part of your fun. So if the original idea of playing with friends around the globe was probably handled better in online gaming i probably could have been little more Invested. It fairly hard to make a proper online community for the kind of stuff that doesn't require you using something like a forum or simlar social media, It should just been as simple as most MMORPG games, or some online community system for consoles more developed unlike nintendo mii verse. But more like playstation network where you can share information and even show off your screen with someone else spectating and watching. :)
@GamerUnity Over here stroking some egos.
"Make more blogs! Sonic Angel Knight Keep up the good work"
I'm only one person, is not a scripted assembly line making this stuff up you know. :lol:
It fairly hard to make a proper online community for the kind of stuff that doesn't require you using something like a forum or simlar social media, It should just been as simple as most MMORPG games, or some online community system for consoles more developed unlike nintendo mii verse. But more like playstation network where you can share information and even show off your screen with someone else spectating and watching. :)"

Move to pc if you want that. Steam's community features offer pretty much what you want.
@Armadillo they don't have the games consoles do. :P
Besides some games do have it, I noticed one like Guilty Gear Xrd, Revelation (WISH I HAD) That did it surprisingly well online mode. :)
I was just being honest, it was all my opinion and feelings, not much else but that. I could have said more but then it would have been longer.:unsure:
I don't think people here like reading or have patience to sit and read long comments like this. :shy:
It's not the game who's to blame, it's the gamers.
Most of them are shit kids and teens.

No, if I play online games it's usually on private servers or coop with friends.
Is just experience. That is all. I write it to share with people. I dunno how much care, maybe others don't think like me, is alright. everyone is different. It doesn't really change how i still wish to have fun online experiences but can't cause of faulty reasons. Maybe one day i can find a group of people to play with but who knows, maybe online gaming will become better. :unsure:
I am sorry for anyone who previously had trouble reading or understanding the post, I updated it with the use of spell check since i wasn't able to during the write up process, at the time i was writing it on my andorid tv and it did not have spell check or auto correct. So is just a noticed for anyone who may have tried reading :)

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