science's Blog

My Linear Algebra exam is on Monday, and I am studying my ass off, so I may post less (probably not, though) Really I am posting this incase there are some people out there who are awesome at linear algebra and want to help me. I get most of the stuff involving matrices, such as determinants...
<center><object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
In Canada, this weekend is the Thanksgiving weekend. I live in school residence. Everyone has gone home, except for me. My girlfriend left last night, and I'm lonely. She isn't texting me either :( I think her phone died. My brother is coming down tomorrow and bringing all my shit, like my...
I got warned today for the first time since I joined over two years ago. It made me realize that I have indeed been too silly. Well, I think I'm gonna change that. Orc called me an idiot, and Orc is right, I've been being one. I'll be silly in the testing area, but from now on, all my posts will...
they taste so good to me :)
My girlfriend lives in residence here at the University, and she is in a suite with three other girls, which they all share the same bathroom and common area, but have different rooms. Before I moved here, she told me that there was something weird someone had thrown in the toilet, and she...
Hi. This is my C++ homework. I don't see whats wrong with it. What is wrong with it. Thanks &#40;4&#41; The following C++ program does not compile. Explain where the mistake is. If you correct the mistake, what would the output of the program be? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int...
I recently bought the new Pokemon edition DS Lite, and took some pics because it looks really silvery to me. I used to have a plain black onyx DS, but I sold it a while ago. If my memory serves me right, it didn't look like this. This one is very shiny and silvery. Anyways, here is the pics...
I'm majoring in Computer Science, and this is my first year. I figured I should take the 'Introduction to Computer Science' course. I didn't think it would be so fucking easy. Its stupid how easy it is. Here is the lab we had to do today. You don't have to read it all, just lightly skimming it...
In BC, everyone in the province gets $100 to make more ecological choices. To 'Go Green', essentially. And on a torrent website I have (private one), I get $50 bucks for doing a thingy for them and VIP status worth about 75 bucks. Not bad.
story later. im busy
So, I work at Safeway, and the guy who is in charge of freezer is gone away on vacation, so they put me in charge of the freeze. What does that mean? My shifts this week were 7:30 - 4 every day, but on Friday, I'm gonna start work at 11 - 6:30. This means I am fucking exhausted. Since I live in...
So I got my white DS modded by thieves like us, and he sent back the case along with a screwdriver, so I decided to mod my black one with my white one. There are the results. I think it looks pretty good, except that there were numerous reasons for me to keep going back into the DS...
Today I woke up at 5AM, and my girlfriend drove me to the airport. I caught my flight, and when I landed in Vancouver, I got off the plane, walked 20ft to the other gate, and got right on my connecting flight (it was already boarding when I landed). Then, after that flight, I get to Kelowna...
Tomorrow I am leaving at 5:45AM to go to the airport to go to Calgary to go to my old school's prom for about a week, so I will be posting not so much for that week. If you want to know where I am, that's where I am!
Today in church, some old lady sitting next to my mom looked like she was snoring really loudly and she had her head back, but then she started to sound like she was gasping for breath, and she was making all these freaky noises and then she started barfing and some volunteer ladies were trying...
Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary on GBAtemp, and I forgot :( I was supposed to get flowers :(
Shit shit shit I am so stoked this album leaked. I am going to go listen to it, but Wolf Parade are one of the best indie bands around, so I have high expectations! :D

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