moozxy's Blog

Ok so I just started watching Gundam 00 s2 and I've no idea what's going on because I can't remember anything from s1. Could someone provide a recap of s1 for me please? I can't be bothered to rewatch it.
Teach me the Economist's secret handshake by tonight! Then tomorrow I need someone to teach me the Accounting jive..
I video'd this for some reason which is because I video'd the last one and I'd feel bad if I didn't video this one PLUS THIS IS BETTER THAN GUM, ALTHOUGH I AM OUT OF GUM :( 0xVMaNEKdug I filmed this as soon as I picked up my post on the way back from uni (which is why I'm still wearing my...
So firstly, I must apologise for the lack of updates regarding the first episode of moozxy and ShadowXP's Special Features and Fads. We actually had some pretty good content recorded, with Xcalibur as a guest, but I've decided to abandon it. Now now, here me out before you throw shit at me. All...
Ah I'm moving! <hr>Posts merged A TORNADO HAS HAPPENED!!!
I got in Southampton Uni! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! How'd everyone else do?
Tomorrow I am leaving at 11:30AM to go to the airport to go to Seoul via Amsterdam for about a month, so I will be posting not so much for that month. If you want to know where I am, that's where I am!
Oh yeaa, when I come back in 3-4 hours I SHALL BE FREE! BRB Bitches.
That's it. I've completed one of my lifelong quests! After two years of eating at Subway on and off I've finally done it, and I can tell you, it tastes great. The Perfect Subway: Steak and Cheese on honey oat bread with the works, and sweet onion and lite mayonnaise. HUZZAH!
Every now and again I get really really scary dreams. I wouldn't call them nightmares, since it's not the content of the dream that it's scary. I'll try to explain; while I'm sleeping, I suddenly become concious about the fact that I'm sleeping, in my dream. This sort of makes me panic, and I...
Ok so you all know that my father, after a year of no contact what so ever, ordered me to pilot some huge mecha and I ended my post with that. Well after that, I chickened out. Fear gripped me and made me shrink away.. I took a step back my mouth opening and closing but forming no words. I...
-----Preface----- Like I said in a comment in my last post, I'm making shit up as I go along. This probably means there will be irregularities within the story but I'll try to keep those to a minimum. If it's something I feel must change then I'll edit the previous post and leave a note at the...
Me and my dad don't have a very good relationship, I'm not saying it's bad as in we're constantly fighting, but we just have never been that close. So the other day when I got a call from him asking me to come see him at his home was really strange. Normally the only times we talk to each other...

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