Gyrobax's blog

This kind of slowness is expected (at least I expect it) because every December and January I always get this slow boring feeling, like I can't wait for something to happen, even if it's very small like someone coming over for a visit. I dunno, does anyone else get this way too? I'm curious
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yeah I'm pretty late to the party with this but I just read a story of a guy named David higgs and it really made me feel something. like the guy was cheated on by this ungreatful woman and he still loved her a lot. It honestly scares me, like what if my future Girlfriend/Wife or whatever...
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The dreaded 2016 is finally over. (I'm doing it sorry) but hey, new year, new adventures, new experiences and most of games. Here's a toast to you guys and everyone here at GBAtemp. have a great one
Ok, so I like to draw, and my family and friends say that I have a natural talent for it which I'm not sure about myself (will leave attachement of one of my drawings so you can judge for yourself) anyway, so I have (well ex friend now) a friend who whenever I would post something that I drew...
long story short, my parents are divorced and I'm going to spend christmas with my dads side of the family. I should have a damn choice since I'm 18 but my dad's making me go. so I don't know what to do anymore and I'm stressed out over this
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not the best but, with issues that have been happening with our family and my personal medical issues I find this a breath of fresh air for me and my brother. Merry christmas, happy hanukkah, kwanzaa, whatever you celebrate, even if you don't celebrate any, have an amazing time.
I mean seriously, I don't think I'm that unappealing honestly but god, I hate people who think they're better than everyone else just because of their looks and crap. For instance the reason why I'm mad about this is because I recently got back from walmart to go pick up some groceries and some...
This morning on my way to school I was playing pokemon soul silver, two hours pass by and I finally left class, and while I was on the bus I booted up the game like normal, I got to where the game menu tells you to select your save and when I did I got a black screen. I exported my save (so my...
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it's taking a toll on my drawing, my self confidence, and myself. I don't know what to do with myself at this point. I thought that getting rid of someone from my life that I think is making me feel bad was going to help but it didn't.
I finally got 3 ultimate for my 3ds, though I barely got passed the getting to that camp mission because I had stuff I needed to do. can't wait to see what else this game has in store for me
I've been wanting one for my XL, I have the money and everything but when I went to gamestop they didn't have it in stock even though the website said they had some in store.
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so on my way home from paying some bills, I found a CRT TV 17" tall and it works too only thing is I'm going to need a remote for it to get into Input mode because this brand doesn't have anyway of doing it unless I have a remote for it. I might just get a universal one though and see if that works
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Recently, I've been bagging on myself. (saying my art sucks, how I'm a dorky loser,how I'll never get a girlfiend/wife, stuff like that) I don't really mean it all that much by any sense, but my mother and sisters insist that I need to cut it out, saying that all of those things aren't true. of...
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my plans for saving up for a game are always tarnished. for instance I had about 26 bucks saved up to get a circle pad pro for my XL and an R4, but recently since I still live with my folks and we have little to no groceries I gave it to them to at least help get something for the family. sucks...
so lately I've been messing around with junk on my wii, emulator's, Wiiware injections aswell as VC injections, using two 8 gig USB sticks to hold some gamecube games, and changing the system menu theme to dark blue, I don't know what it is about homebrew on a console, but it gives me a rush of...
2016 was supposed to be a very promising year for indie games, we had Mighty No.9 which was supposed to be a successor to Megaman, but that game turned out mediocre. And then No man's sky came out and that game was....well a lie. and with Cuphead coming out later this year (or at least it was...
it was a good show, I like the little love triangle that happened during two of the episodes. I'm not sure if I could recommend it because of the drool thing but if you're looking for a good show or manga read. try it out
I might even finish it tonight, been watching for a couple of hours and its oddly enjoyable aside the concept of drool and romance (yes you read that right)
I keep getting told the same old things, practice you'll get better, you're very talented, yada yada yada. they just don't get it though, I've lost my self confidence in drawing and self motivation, no matter what I draw no matter how "loved" it is by my family and friends I just don't care...
and before I get comments saying (just wait for ds rom loading from an SD card) I know about that, but I would like something right now and I'm thinking of getting one of the 8.99 cards from nds but have no Idea what form of payments they have.

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