Frogman's Blog

Helllooooo :) After forever and ever I am back. Last year wasnt my best so my posts were a bit sporadic. Ive missed GBAtemp alot :wub: Ill try to be on more often now :rolleyes: I recently just got back from Bali in Indonesia which was extremly fun, I went white water rafting and swimming...
So my friend just text me saying 'what the hell?' I said 'What?' Him-"I just got a call from you but it was like looping saying "Hey, you there? good just wait ill cal you back its an emergency" me- :wtf: Then he went on to say it was my voice and I sounded really calm and yeah, he said it was a...
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Coreyfrog7 Tis Frogman now
Hey all, After nine moths of waiting (which im sure nobody here was aware of) my step-mum had her bub. Her name is Coco Harper Rosevear :) Heres her an my other little sister too. ( I scribbled her face cause idk if my parents would really want me putting it here) Thats me and her. Also...
So the tickets for the EB expo went on sale today. My Dad bought VIP Ticket for the Opening got account confirmation number but now order confirmation. But then just in the last 10 minutes mt mum bought me a VIP for sunday and got order confirmation immediately. Im freaking out just a little...
Hello, Im in quite a mellow mood right now. After about 6 months of rehearsing the last 3 days I have been performing in the Musical les mis. I didnt have a main part :/ i was ment to get a semi major role but then got cheated out of it :angry: Though the performances went brilliantly and i had...
Hey xD, So lately I keep having dreams about the 3DS... xP idk why i just am quite excited for it. Has anyone else??
Dear Tempers, Today was a great day :) I played the 3DS :S It was awesome... In brief SSFIV: I found it not a good as its hyped up to be, though the graphics were great. Link OoT: Brilliant easy to pick up and play, intuitive controls, didnt get to play much but was really fun. It also does a...
Dear all my adoring fans... Here are photos of my trip to the aquarium/zoo It was fun :) Lots of Pictures..... So the day was great heres the story.... **dreamy sequence you normally see in movies** Good morning everyone the day started with me going on skype and chatting to Ifish and...
Hey tempers, Guess what !! :O My gran is taking me down to sydney on thursday and I get to play the 3DS zOMG!!! ayayayyayayay i can not contain my excitement, il video it and post it here Where, Why etc.
Welcome to the start of something big. Like no other review, you've ever seen. RFUqu3u3b7g&fmt=18
Yesterday i decided to install steam, and all ive had is problems with it!!! I payed for half life 2 for mac, then i didnt even download it and it was saying preparing to install so i was like :unsure: okay.. so then it gets up to te last part preparing cache then it just crashes so i try again...
Dear GBAtemp Members and Staff, I would like to formerly apologize for my recent fiasco.... :glare: I understand how it affected other members and was not cool....(okay maybe a little bit) But I PROMISE not to do it again. Yours, Coreyfrog7
I am so frustrated about whats going on with all the people slamming Julia Gillard about K rudd and that whole ordeal I decided to Write a little rant :):):):) :P This is what i posted on a news website ^^

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