For all those saying they didnt vote for Ms. Gillard are in fact wrong if you knew anything about polotics in australia you would know that you are voting for the party not a certain person so therefore the labor party was elected to govern australia NOT Kevin Rudd the individual the entire party therefore you did vote for Julia Gillard as she is part of the labor party.
Now by saying that Kevin rudd maybe did a deal of some sort is a possibility but why not he was about to hand over a presitgious right to another person sacrficing his own position.
Also all these people reading this article are being mislead as being said that she agreed to a deal or anything because she was asked a question and she said the same answer as she has said to every comment about their meeting for all we know she could have been asked did she do a stip tease and beg Mr Rudd to do a ballot/ stand down she would still say the same thing
"I've made it very, very clear that I will never be speaking publicly about my discussions with Kevin Rudd on that night,"
This is complete privacy rights and we also do not know that Kevin Rudd may have specificaly asked for Ms Gillard to not share any information about that event.
The Australian Labor party have struggled though this term and its not completely their fault timing for them has been hurrendous.