BortzANATOR's Blog

Animation 2's final was to make a lip sync animation. on top of that, I had to take in through Toon Boom Harmony studio to scan the darn drawings in. Well Toon Boom (Dis)Harmony can go to hell. I had to use at least 4 separate programs before i could get my pages scanned in. Once i did, i took...
I woke up at 9 this morning. my class starts at 9, and its for 3 hours so i took a my time in the shower and rolled into class half an hour later. It was ok cuz today all we were doing was finishing up our projects for 3D in Maya 2009. I saved my work at 10:30 and had the TA help me finish...
my friends and i were putting together some ideas that would make pokemon awesome. If we were to make it that is. Its never going to happen but it was funny. here are some of the ideas. 1. you get to chose from any type of pokemon. not double types, just single. 2. your rival doesnt pick a...
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
I was looking here at CPhantom's work, and i got really really excited. I really wanted to see more so i googled and found a really big site with tons of Texture swaps available, here- So i really want to be...
I gave up pop for my new year resolution. over just one month ive lost 15 pounds. and i only weighed 153 to begin with. :blink:
So i have to write some blogs for my Intro DMA, but the site is down so im going to write them here in this area till i can copy them over to word press when it stops being gay. Bourne Identity So i watched the Bourne Series this weekend. It was pretty sweet. This guy wakes up in the a small...
So Golden Sun. Quite possibly my favorite game((s?) for me sake im going to to say that its one game, because split between the two cartridges was for minor bugs and space for the next part of the story). ever. it is easily on my top games of all time, and ive played alot of games. The story...
So i have all three seasons on my hard drive and i wasted like 5 hours today watching like half of season 2. now im here at GBAtemp wasting my other 5 waking hours. :wacko:
I was looking for topic for my research paper, and i decieded on " If you have an Ipod, does that make you more prone to pirate music?" so to get the ideas flowing, my professor told us to think of as many questions as we could about our topic. Here are so of mine: Why is music so easy to find...
Ok this is just something ive been thinking about for a little while. it is a rant. reader discretion advised. jk. So ive been a pokemon fan ever since I randomly picked pokemon Yellow as a 4th grader. I had an amazing time playing that game. i played for like the entire summer and into fifth...

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  • BakerMan
    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: fuckin heavy storm over here