Best Friday 13th EVER!

I decided to post my first blog..and SHARE THE HAPPINESS with you..

After three weeks of waiting, I really though something went wrong on the way as this is the longest time something taken to come here..
I ordered my Famicom GBA Micro from Play-Asia exactly three weeks ago on the friday around 8.00 PM..
I got package few minutes ago, Micro, little bag for it (with belt buckle) and screen protectors..I'm soo happy..My happiness lowered a bit when I realised that I got US power supply, and I need European, but I'll be buying right one tomorrow..

This is the first time I've seen Micro in real life, and hold it, and I'm astonished..It's so small and pretty..We'll spend many hours together..

What a great friday!!

:yaysp: (we need a smiley that holds Micro)


[quote name='Toni Plutonij' post='1207033' date='Jun 13 2008, 02:13 PM']:yaysp: (we need a smiley that holds Micro)[/quote]
They don't make pixels small enough.

When I saw you replied first (Urza), I thought you're going to crap all over my post..but you made joke..Nice..

Let me just say, that this is actually a big deal, as Croatia is a small country, and not much webshops (at least ones I'm interested in) ship to my state, and when I can order something and get it shipped, it usually takes around week and a half to two weeks..This time it was three, and was way too long for me to wait, I was very anxious..

EDIT: What happened hankchill? Sorry to hear that!
I was really happy when I got my famicom micro aswell :D
And then my happiness lowered also when I realised I'd been sent an Australian plug which was weird.
I bought a usb charger off ebay then.
Well, mine day was nothing special until this arrived..
I'm not from hell, but the future where robots lurk :ph34r:

I just can't wait to try it out..I still haven't seen the screen turned ON..I can't to turn it on for even a minute, battery is all drained out :(..
But after few years of waiting to order it, and then three weeks of waiting for it's arrival..I can wait few more hours..
I'm using EZ Flash Power Star II for few years now..It's been used with GBA, GBA SP (little bit with Nintendo DS Lite) and now will use it with Micro..

I love that cart because it uses chips that drain double less in power, which means double amount of playing..
Well I see some people have very lucky fridays 13th, and some people have really crappy....But most of all, people have NORMAL fridays 13th......

I guess that think about bad luck is made up :( .....

:ha: I'm going to grab my power supply, and after few hours of charging....gonna play Summon Night 2

I went out to sea yesterday and nothing bad happened, so I guess I had a lucky 13th as well.

Glad you finally got your micro. your post seriously made me go grab mine and hold it for a minute. I love IT!! I think it's my favorite handheld I own, especially after my dslite broke a few weeks ago.
Good to hear nothing bad happened!!
I really enjoy my Micro, now if I could play it!!

This is the WORST day after friday 13th.....I spent 8 hours walking around city and NONE of the shops is selling adapter I need, now I'll have to wait until monday to get that power charger/adapter..

I still haven't seen Micro turned on, it's killing me..I have it in my hands, but can't play it..:(
Aaah, delayed bad luck. Thats pretty harsh of karma to do such a thing, make you think you're safe and sound from superstition, then BAM! BADDA BING! When you least expect it.
Yeah....makes you think.....Just imagine if I have this Micro on my hands, but never get to play it, just because I've said it was the BEST friday 13th ever....

Fuck, must be more careful next time..
If my radioactivity could just kick ass of bad luck, it would be great......

No Micro until monday............:(
[quote name='Toni Plutonij' post='1208707' date='Jun 14 2008, 09:35 PM']This is the WORST day after friday 13th.....I spent 8 hours walking around city and NONE of the shops is selling adapter I need, now I'll have to wait until monday to get that power charger/adapter..[/quote]

Are you looking for a GBM power adapter specifically? They are hard to come across. You could just buy a 110 --> 220 V transformer/adapter, and use the 110 V power adapter you got with the Micro. (That's also cheaper than buying the 220V GBM adapter.)
You could buy a usb charger and a mains thing that charges usbs.
(which is what I did)

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