Blog entries by BloodyFlame

Tomorrow, I'm gonna go get either FFXII or LBP2, but I don't know which one to get.
Every Sunday, I have Chinese School which I have made like 2 rants on it already. Anyway, I'm positive that it's the reason why I'm not as fun to be around as I used to be. It took away the feeling in my voice, any effect discipline would have on me, etc. Short blog is short.
I'm currently 13, by the way. Anyways, I've never been able to touch my toes. Standing up or sitting down, I can't do it. It sucks because the people around me can do that and go even farther. It sucks. A lot.
That alone is amazing. My dad RARELY buys me games, and even if I have the money, he doesn't let me go to a GameStop to get it. Anyways, I got KH2 for my PS2. Great game according to a whole lot of friends(by which I mean 3.)
With my birthday coming up, my aunt got me an 80GB Non-Slim PS3. She also gave me Grand Theft Auto IV with it and two controllers. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that my T.V. has Overscan and I have no idea how to access the service menu for it. Anyone know how to access it? EDIT: I...
A couple months ago, I ordered some Kirby Epic Yarn patches via Club Nintendo. Today, I got new ones, a limited edition patch, and a note.
In my Chinese "School" you are punished for being stupid. In other words, you get more than 3 words incorrect and the teacher will hit your hand with a wooden ruler. It's a test we take every week which is basically just memorizing a sentence and write it down. It's 3 hours long from 9 AM to 12...
If some of you may remember from one of my precious blog, there was an asshole. He's finally fucking gone! :hrth: Never again will I have to deal with his crap. I'm not the only person who feels this way at my school. Pretty much everyone else in my grade is super happy. The asshole was the...
There's been a dead pixel on my PSP's LCD for a long-ass time already. It's driving me batshit insane. It's directly in the center of the screen so I always see it. I may be crazy or weird, but it does. I've already tried playing a seizurific video on my PSP for a while. Doesn't work. I guess I...
Note: B's as in grades. So, I got a B- (40/50) on a Social Studies quiz that more than half of my entire grade failed. Now, my dad is so amazing that he can tell my ENTIRE academic future with that one grade. He says that I don't have a chance of getting into colleges such as USC. He also said...
This is a rant about people who answer questions on Ask GBAtemp. I've seen some people direct them to Google. The purpose of Ask GBAtemp is to escape all that and get answers from the community, right? It always bothers me when people do that. /rant
There's this asshole kid who used my friend until recently. Apparently, he thinks that convincing a Special Ed kid that someone is their mom is not taking advantage of them. The same guy also thinks that telling a very personal secret to someone who supposedly won't tell anyone else is okay and...
I got a $20 Starbucks card and 2 shirts worth $50 total. Can't really say anything about them...
My parents say that if I get a GPA of 4.0 in the second trimester of school, they would buy me a $2,500 globe chair. Then I said I wanted an XBOX360 instead, but they said they would rather buy me the chair because the 360 falls under the category of Games.
So, today, I asked my Social Studies teacher a question about the astrolabe made by a Muslim scientist, or something like that. I asked if they made a new unit of measurement for the astrolabe or not. She didn't know and told me that I could get extra credit if I tell her tomorrow. I'm not sure...
if you read my previous blog, you know why this is the best day ever. my scdstwo arrived in the mail today, i'm using it a lot. also, my aunt bought the itouch 4g and is coming over as i type this. lastly, today is the last day of swimming lessons and i passed onto the next level.
Tomorrow, my aunt is going to buy me an iTouch 4G ^^. Also, my DSTWO will arrive tomorrow, probably, and it will be my last day of swimming lessons. I'm so excited!
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