A day in the life of TrolleyDave

Ok so this is my first blog post. Unfortunately it's about my eventful day on Thursday and could be distressing to some but I need somewhere to vent and consider alot of you mates so I feel pretty comfortable posting it here. Apologies ahead of time if it causes you any distress.

So my day started on Thursday abruptly with being called down to my parents place. When I got down I found my sister, my 10 year old niece and my 16 year old nephew sat there. Steam came shooting out of my ears almost instantly cos my sis was covered in bruises. My niece then went on to explain that my brother in law (who will most likely be referred to as "that slimey little prick" from now) had woken them all up at half five in the morning and proceeded to beat on them and then chucked them out of house.

I asked my sis wtf was going on and found out that the slimey little prick has been buying sleeping tablets off the net for the last couple of years and it's been getting worse and worse. So I told my sis that there were two choices, she could call the cops or I could go down. Luckily for that slimey little prick she decided the filth was the best option. So the cops show up and say there isn't alot they can do (domestic dispute laws are shite), although they did "detain" him when he attacked them with a pencil. Anyway, they sent him to the hospital to get checked out. Cos my sister was at my parents it was his Mom who took him to the hospital, althogh when my sis found out he'd left the house she went home The hospital said he was smashed out of his skull and should stay the night. The mother being a fucking ignorant cow made up a load of shit about how he never does drugs blah blah fucking blah and that if they released him him she would look after him.

How did she intend on looking after him? By dropping the fucker back on my sisters doorsteps. So the little prick walks in and the first thing he does is lump my sister and chuck a fucking pop bottle at my nephew. The mother in law starts running her gob about how it's my sisters duty as a wife to put up with that shit blah blah fucking blah and that she shouldn't have called the cops (although I agree with her on this one, she should have let me sort it out! :P). My sister (being as tough as me) cracked him in the jaw, grabbed the kids and marched straight back to my parents.

When she arrives the prick and his Mom starts phoning talking about how my sis should go back blah blah. I was keeping my cool (well as much as could be) until they demanded my sister go down and speak to them. I yelled down the phone (it was at my Moms ear at the time) that if the cunt wanted someone to talk to I was more than willing to "hold a conversation" with him. Funnily enough they hung up. Then they phoned saying my sister had to go back to their house cos the dog was ill and needed to be put down. Emotional blackmailing fucks that they are. So my sister goes back with kids in tow. When she gets there he starts getting all fucking shirty demanding the kids get in the car with him blah blah blah. When they refuse he says "Right I wash my hands of you then", chucks the dog in the car and fucks off to the vets. He had one of his mates with him (bodyguard I think lol) who then gave my sister and the kids a lift to the vet. When they get there the cunt had just finished having the dog put down. If that wasn't fucking bad enough the cunt turned round to the kids and said "See what you made me have to do".

He then darts out of the vet to shoot off back home. When he gets outside though the cops are waiting for him. While they couldn't him for the assaults (fucking law sucks) they said that cos he was so smashed they'd arrest him for driving while under the influence. He kicks off, the cops pull out the pepper spray and he soon backs down (couldn't of been that off his fucking head if he still had a sense of self-preservation). The cops hand my sis the keys and he jumps in his mates car and speeds home so he can beat my sister there, knowing full well she had to go back cos my nephew is diabetic and the prick kicked them out without letting him take his insulin. So the cops give my sis an escort home, help her grab the necesseties and give her an escort back to my parents.

So we're all at my parents and I said if he wasn't out of the house by night time then I was going to go back there and "evict" him. My sister said no, but they way I see it is why should some junkie fuck father get the house and leave the mother and kids homeless. Anyway as we were arguing about that my sisters neighbour phoned to say her husband, his Mom and his mate had just left the house carrying a box of stuff. It looked like he was leaving (smart move on his part) so really that should have been the end of it.

Me and my Dad go outside to watch the cunt to make sure he did actually go home (they had to drive past my parents house to get to the village his Mom lives in). Much to our fucking surprise though we look right and about 6 houses down (it's a council estate) there's his mates mini-van with him, the slimey little prick and his Mom.

The Mom gets out of the van and starts flapping her toothless old gums and giving it large. Me and my Dad tell her she better get back in the van and fuck off and take her cunt of a son with her. Does she listen? Nope, she starts running her mouth off even more and keeps coming towards us. Then he pops his head out the van window and starts running his mouth off with shit like "You think you're hard do you, I'll have you". Now anyone who's seen my pics in the temper pics thread will know that I look I've been around, this cunt looks like Ralph Macchio.

So anyway, he puffs his chest up like a fucking peacock and starts bowling down the road. I keep telling him that if he comes any closer he's gonna regret, but being a fucking junkie he thought he was some kind of super-villain. So as he's getting closer and closer I'm getting angrier and angrier, his kids are behind me and I think "fuck, I'm not gonna beat him down in front of his own kids" so I went steaming back into the house and took my anger out on a door (which I now have to replace! :P).

When I got back outside he was there outside my parents flapping his gums about how he was gonna take us all on blah blah blah. So I went steaming over warning him that if he didn't vacate quickly he was gonna be sorry. Then the slimey little prick tried to chin my Dad. So I went diving over and grabbed his arm. I was tempted to smack him but had to think of how the kids felt. He threw another two punches at me before I retaliated (I must be getting old!). I didn't smack him or anything, I just grabbed him by the throat. That way there'd be no blood and no noise, I'd just have to hold on for a few moments until he passed out. One of my mates so what was going on and rushed over and pulled me off the slimey little prick.

He soon backed off after that, making a gap of about 10 feet between us. We told him to get back in the van and fuck off, instead he thought he'd get cocky and go after my Dad. I went diving at him again, my Dad went gunning for him and luckily for the little cunt my mate got in the way again. So a battle started in the street. Everytime I started to get the better of him I'd be pulled off and the cunt would start running his mouth off again and I'd go leaping forward in a fury.

His fucking mother is still running her mouth off the whole time, giving it this and that about how I had no right to lay my hands on her son and my sis had no right to phone the cops fucking rah rah rah. Eventually the little prick gets so scared he bolts back into the van (the cunt had taken 100 sleeping pills in the space of 3 days and still shit his pants, I find that kind of funny). So I start trying to drag him out the window, lucky for him they were electric and his mate could wind it up from the front. So really it should of ended there, the three of them should've got in the van and made a sharp exit.

Nope, instead the mother suddenly thinks she's Lou fucking Ferrigno and get's in my face, squaring up like she's a 30 year old man. My mate must've seen the look in my eyes cos he rushed over and dragged my away. As he's doing that the bitch plants one on my Dads jaw. Fucking rage filled me then and I picked her up off the ground, smashed her into the van and chucked her to the ground (not too proud of this but she should've just got in the van and fucked off). So there she is lying on the ground doing the dying fly. The son starts getting out of the van again giving it large, as his head starts coming out the door I boot it trapping his head in there. So I'm there booting and kicking the door, people trying to pull me off and his mate gets out of the car acting the fucking big man. As he does this the mother gets in the van sharpish, rolls up her window and starts telling the other guy that they should go.

First he's like "What are you doing to my van", then he realizes what I'm doing and he keeps quiet for a second. My nephew comes over and says I need to stop cos he thinks I'm gonna kill his Dad (to be honest I think I was I was that angry by that time). Luckily for that slimey prick my nephew spoke up cos it made me stop instantly. I walked away with no intention of going back but the cunt at the back started running his mouth off about how I had no right to get involved, it's between a man and his wife. Fuck that, red mist all over again. So I start on the guy at the back of the van but couldn't get to him because by this time I had my mate, my Mom and my Dad all holding me back from him. My mates going "look you better go or he'll kill you".

Stupid ignorant prick though starts running it off about how I'm not so tough and if it wasn't for me having back up I wouldn't have the balls to get lippy. So all three of them holding me back let go and I went diving towards him, he fucking legged it like he was roadrunner. They all grab me again and pull me back telling me to just walk away. So I start to, but the ignorant fucker comes back to the back of the van and starts getting mouthy again. Talking about how my sister had no rights to phone the cops blah blah blah. So I asked him if that meant that if I kicked seven shades of shit out of him did that mean that he would have no rights to call the cops. Apparently me beating the shit out of someone my age and size would mean the cops should be called, but a guy beating up on kids shouldn't. That was it, I'd fucking had enough. I went to grab the neighbours kids golf club from the garden (the kid ran off with it though!) and I think the guy realized how serious I was getting and jumped back in his van and fucked off at about 60.

They haven't been back (smart people) but they have told me they're going to have me charged with assault blah blah blah but no cops have shown up yet. The slimy little pricks complaining cos he's covered in bruises, has a twisted ankle and two huge cuts running down the side of his face (so not much different then my sis) and his Mom has a big bruise on her back from where I slammed her against the van door (so not much different then the bruise on my 10-year old nieces back from where he slammed her against the wall). They still keep phoning my sister talking about how him and his mates are gonna get me (they know where I'm at and have my phone number, cowardly fucks) and that she should watch her back too blah blah blah. So I'm still pretty fucking angry, but alot less angry then I have been over the last couple of days.

Sorry for posting all of that here but I needed to vent, and if I vent to my mates we'll just plan a dawn raid on the pricks house.


[quote name='ScuberSteve' post='1372478' date='Aug 31 2008, 01:01 AM']In all honesty--
I lol'd.[/quote]

That don't bother me mate. I'm just glad it comes across as humurous instead of me being a violent psycho! ;)

I don't knoiw what else I could have done in such a situation and I applaud you for that.
Some people will never leanr and in that case violence is the only option.

I just hope that those people were just bluffing when they said they were going to have you charged because they have no right to after what they put your sister through.
I hope her kids are going to be alright too.

Wow, dude. That's pretty intense. Your just Mr. Rocky Balboa all up on him. heh.

It was right for you to do that, I guess, and I also think it was wrong.. But at least he got what he had coming for him, running his drugged mouth 'till there was no tomorrow...

Just wow.

And, yeah, you're right Xcalibur, I also hope the kids are ok.
[quote name='Xcalibur' post='1372487' date='Aug 31 2008, 01:05 AM']wow.

I don't knoiw what else I could have done in such a situation and I applaud you for that.
Some people will never leanr and in that case violence is the only option.

I just hope that those people were just bluffing when they said they were going to have you charged because they have no right to after what they put your sister through.
I hope her kids are going to be alright too.[/quote]

Cheers mate. I swore years ago I was done with scrapping but like you said, some times violence is the only solution. I doubt they'll have me charged but even if they do it wouldn't be my first lift by the cops. Plus I've got a bunch of witnesses who'll stand up and say he swung first.

The kids are doing alright thanks. They're a bit shaken up as to be expected but as long as their old man ain't around they'll be able to get on with it. Eventually he'll have to detox. The worst thing is is that when he's not popping a factories worth of sleeping pills he's one of the nicest guys you'll even meet.

[quote name='gapman416' post='1372490' date='Aug 31 2008, 01:07 AM']:blink:

Wow, dude. That's pretty intense. Your just Mr. Rocky Balboa all up on him. heh.

It was right for you to do that, I guess, and I also think it was wrong.. But at least he got what he had coming for him, running his drugged mouth 'till there was no tomorrow...

Just wow.

And, yeah, you're right Xcalibur, I also hope the kids are ok.[/quote]

I agree it was wrong to get violent, but in some cases the person in front of you wants the violence so you've got no choice.

[quote name='xJonny' post='1372492' date='Aug 31 2008, 01:08 AM']FUCK. I hope your family are OK.[/quote]

Yeah, they're fine now (well as best as can be expected). It's just me who's still angry.
Jeez, that's just a lot to take in and for me reading that in a timely fashion I'm not sure if I'm 100% clear on everything.
At first I thought I read your sister was 16, but now that I re-read it as one of your nephews is the 16 year old, that's less confusion.
So your sister's husband is a gigantic douchebag, beats his kids, attacks his wife, and everything else in there?

That's a lot to happen, surprised you would hold back on someone like that too :ph34r:

I can just imagine an orchestra playing during this, perhaps the legend of zelda theme when you start retaliation :yaysp:
And if I were you, I wouldn't have held back as much.
But then maybe if I were there I'd understand about not wanting to do that in front of his kids.

If I were wiser I would have better things to say about this.
[quote name='PaperPlane' post='1372543' date='Aug 31 2008, 01:33 AM']Jeez, that's just a lot to take in and for me reading that in a timely fashion I'm not sure if I'm 100% clear on everything.
At first I thought I read your sister was 16, but now that I re-read it as one of your nephews is the 16 year old, that's less confusion.
So your sister's husband is a gigantic douchebag, beats his kids, attacks his wife, and everything else in there?

That's a lot to happen, surprised you would hold back on someone like that too :ph34r:

I can just imagine an orchestra playing during this, perhaps the legend of zelda theme when you start retaliation :yaysp:
And if I were you, I wouldn't have held back as much.
But then maybe if I were there I'd understand about not wanting to do that in front of his kids.

If I were wiser I would have better things to say about this.[/quote]

Don't worry mate, you don't need to be older and wiser to realize the guys a douchebag! lmao An orchestra playing would have been great! 10 years ago I probably wouldn't have been able to hold back so much, age mellows you and lets you look at things in a different light.
Hmmm....really, I think that Violence isn't answer for anything, but you really should have kicked this guys teeth out......I mean, beating wife and kids, what's there to think about....

Break this fuckers arms and legs, and his old witch of a mother should be put away......

I hope your sister won't ever get back to him, and she'll have a nice life....

What a fuck......
[quote name='Toni Plutonij' post='1372577' date='Aug 31 2008, 01:53 AM']Hmmm....really, I think that Violence isn't answer for anything, but you really should have kicked this guys teeth out......I mean, beating wife and kids, what's there to think about....

Break this fuckers arms and legs, and his old witch of a mother should be put away......

I hope your sister won't ever get back to him, and she'll have a nice life....

What a fuck......[/quote]

I agree mate. Violence is never the way to go (I know from plenty of experience), but in cases like this it's well deserved. I really wanted to slaughter him, and I think if his kids and my mate hadn't have been there it would've ended up alot more serious.

My sister has already said she'll go back to him if he de-junkifies himself and show's that he's trying to clean himself up (love is fucking odd to say the least). If he does clean himself up and they get back together I'll respect her wishes, but if he steps out of line it'll be TrolleyDave time! :) Personally I can't see him cleaning himself up, the cunts been away from the family since Thursday night and he's been off his head the whole time so it's obvious the pills are more important then the family.

Still, as long as he stays away from my sister and the kids while he's a junkie he's safe. I've already promised them I won't touch him. Although my niece told me that if he starts on me in the street I should kick his ass! lol
Fuck that man.....It's maybe hard to say it like that, but your sister should really cleancut it....Ask for divorce, or just leave him.....
Any man who can beat women isn't a man, those guys don't deserve to live, there is no excuse for that.....Someone (looking at you) should beat the crap out of him, and I mean really bad, break his body, because he'll never learn......

I'm really sorry to hear this TrolleyDave...Nobody deserves stuff like that...
[quote name='Toni Plutonij' post='1372622' date='Aug 31 2008, 02:11 AM']Fuck that man.....It's maybe hard to say it like that, but your sister should really cleancut it....Ask for divorce, or just leave him.....
Any man who can beat women isn't a man, those guys don't deserve to live, there is no excuse for that.....Someone (looking at you) should beat the crap out of him, and I mean really bad, break his body, because he'll never learn......

I'm really sorry to hear this TrolleyDave...Nobody deserves stuff like that...[/quote]

I agree mate, I've told her she should just drop him like a runny shit but love is blind as they say He will get the shit kicked out of him at some point the way he's throwing what little weight he's got around (maybe cos he looks like Ralph Macchio he thinks it makes him the fucking Karate Kid for real!) someone's gonna lump him. Plus if he's stupid enough to start on me in the street he'll do it when I'm on my own, so there won't be anyone to save him from an ambulance trip. To be honest I think a beating good enough to put him in hospital for a few days is what he needs. That way he'll be forced to go cold turkey in a hospital and lie there and think about what he did that got him put there.

I ain't too worried about myself I've been involved in lots of nasty shit before, it's my niece and nephew I really feel sorry for as they're a pretty normal family usually and they're good kids who've never really been in any fights or anything.
Good god, I haven't read a post that long since WeaponX's script.

Damn, if I was you, I would have murdered him (guy sounds like a complete dick bastard)
Good lord. I commend you for not absolutely murdering the guy, but that may've been a better fate for him, all things considered. Beating wife+kids = no mercy in my books. And worse yet, the fact that she still wants to be with him sets off serious alarms in my head. I can't understand those types. I mean...the only way I can see that working is if the woman in question is a masochist, and there are certainly a lot of those running around with women still loving the men who beat them. Blargh.

Hopefully, he'll have learned his lesson and will clean himself up so that he won't find himself looking at death's door again. =P
Thats alot of writing! I mean, I can type for like 5 minutes and it'll look like a lot but when I submit its like a little paragraph.

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