
Very mad. That's all I can say to describe the way I feel right now. Because of 2 things. 1. I just heard that sony got it's way and is requesting all ips. I don't get this. I just don't. Why should sony have my ip address just because I watch a damn video? And that's say for all the other...
My dad was trying to buy the game, but it failed, and know he thinks that they have his credit card number. I told them you can use paypal, but they said that won't work. So, I don't know what to do now.... It wouldn't matter, as they said they won't do it again because it's in Sweden.
I know that the question seems weird, but I've been curious on what you people think of me. It's not that I'm concerned about anything, I just want to know.
I've been feeling pretty weird today. It's not that it's weird, I really don't know how to describe the feeling. I've just been thinking about somethings. I use to think that I didn't like music before, but now I know it's just instrumental that I like. I don't like any of the music that is out...
I finally did something with my youtube I usually just use it to sub to my favorite people, but today I wanted to do more, so I tested with some recording on a ds emu with a game and uploaded it. The weird thing is that when I record, the game goes a bit glitchy with voices sometimes repeating...
Our school just cut all high school busing and preschool and kid have to pay 10 dollars in order to use the bus. We've been thinking about homeschooling, as the other schools around I can't go to because they won't let me ride the bus as well. I really don't feel great right now. I've never...
Today in school, someone dropped their books and said "Jesus Christ". The teacher asked what he said, and he tried to rephrase it to "Cheese and Rice." Now the thing is, this teacher is very calm about things, but when you get on his nerves he blows up on you. Now if this was his first time...
You know that Asbesto thing for the ps3? Well, I've been trying for 2 days to get that thing to work, and the only way it could work is if I bought a HDMI cable, which I did, but why does video resolution have to matter with that? I though it was fixed in the other versions, but I guess not. I...
I pretty much went to school and did the usually stuff. Nothing major. Well, after I came home from school I tested a game that I asked to to test. So good so far. I tried to get Asbesto 1.4 for ps3 to work, no luck. I made dinner, well I made two but both were small and were only meant...
My school goes on a 9 week period, so every 9 weeks I get report cards. Here are mine for the first 2 and for my grades right now. 1st 9 weeks: Connections 8 90.44 B+ Language Arts 8 80.10 C+ Mathematics 8 77.25 C Science 8 82.72 B Social Studies 8 83.43 B- 2nd 9 weeks: Connections 8...
Just blog, can't think of a good title. I've still been think about the sony thing, and I've deciced that I was just parinoid. I thinks it's very unlikey that they can do anything to me just because I viewed a video. In fact, I just showed the news to my friend just now, and he said it was...
I've been thinking. Am I that social? Am I a good person? A my sisters seems to get on my back for this. She seems to keep saying that "I don't have a social life." Or that "You always seem to be treated as a king around the house." My parents just tell me to not listen to her, though.....It's...
I went to school. I may not go to school Tuesday, depending on the winter weather coming my way. I was bored and I drew Future Luke. And I wanted to play some wifi matches on somegames, though no one seems to be playing.
I never really drew anything expect stickman in the past 3 years, but just recently I started to draw video game characters. I have shown some of them to you, and you even gave me suggestions on what to draw next. But one thing I've wondered is how many of you draw here? What do you draw and if...
Never really did any of these. But I'm bored and I'm I need something to do for the next hour and half. Anyone have a topic we could talk about? Anything will do.

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