
I went to school.

I may not go to school Tuesday, depending on the winter weather coming my way.

I was bored and I drew Future Luke.

And I wanted to play some wifi matches on somegames, though no one seems to be playing.


[quote name='fudgenuts64' post='3431170' date='Feb 1 2011, 04:29 AM']Nice drawing. Show me more![/quote]
You can find more here.
Other Drawings

Some of them are not that good, just letting toy know.
[quote name='nando' post='3431220' date='Feb 1 2011, 03:53 AM']his tie is really short[/quote]
Well actually, when I was drawing him, I use a picture that showed only half his tie. I just didn't add his hand, so I sort of forgot to put the rest of the tie on. I may fix it later and scan it again.
No school today. Too much snow.

....Anyone want to play brawl with me? I'm sort of bored.

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