50 Things to ask yourself.

1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?
3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?
12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?
14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
22) Why are you, you?
23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
25) What are you most grateful for?
26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?
29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
32) If not now, then when?
33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?
50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?


1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?


2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?

never trying. Even if you fail, you tried to succeed rather then sitting back and not daring.

3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

I say we have to do things we don't want to do i.e. you have to work to pay the bills and they may mean you do a job you hate. I think we like things we don't do because we don't do them. They have an element of freshness to them.

4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

Currently yes.Though I guess I still have time on my side.

5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Make it more fair. Where the rich have as much influence as the man in street regarding political decisions and greater wealth distribution.

6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?


7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

I'm doing something I do believe in but yet wish to change it to make it better.

8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

Live more to more gut reaction.

9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

First sixteen years: not much. Last three years: the majority including all of the important decisions

10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

the right things

11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

defend for said friend.

12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

TBF I don't a newborn child would understand what I'd be saying. SO I'd leave a letter for when the kid's older. The advice would be to listen to the little voice inside of you.

13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?

Depends on the loved one and the law.

14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?


15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

COnversational skills. I'm somewhat irrelevant.

16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

Different people have different brains and hearts meaning different things would make us happy.

17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

Can't really think of anything I can't do. I'm still young and wondering.

18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?


19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

Sweden. Top notch public sevices

20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

just the once.

21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

I'd say the former.

22) Why are you, you?

I don't think I can put it into words

23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

I think so but I can always get better.

24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

losing or not seeing a good friend is never good. I can't really answer that question.

25) What are you most grateful for?

the things that make me happy.

26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

rather be dead. memories are of our experiences and our experiences define and make us who we are. To lose old memories or not make new ones wouldn't make us who we are.

27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

Never. You must always question.

28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?


29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

Not now. I moved on.

30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

Can't really recall a happiest childhood memory.

31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

wehen I stood up for what I beleive in.

32) If not now, then when?

33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

not much.

34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?


35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

I'd say it's due to humanity being more flawed and that's from I'm not a believer.

36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

Ig uess this when you listen to your gut feeling.

37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

No. It's not enough to retire on.

38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

more work I enjoy.

39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?


40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

I can't say I ever have

41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

I'd try to see everyone I ever care about.

42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

No. I'm content with who I am.

43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

I have no way to answer that one. I blame my youth for this.

44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

When you have the courage you need to go on forth

45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

we're afraid of being wrong.

46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?


47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

this morning

48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

I don't really have anything I love apart from the usual.

49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?

depends how eventful those days were

50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

making them for myself. I know what's best for me.

[p= ]
1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

0, I'm always young at heart

2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Failing, because this is a realistic-ist society

3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

Because of society constraints, and because ppl like me are too lazy

4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

I am usually more words than action :P

5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

The fucking stupid political system, the incompetent leaders, a lot. But I'm not gonna dream beyond that because its never gonna happen. (P.S. By those, I dun mean Singapore, PAP is actually a really good government even if they remain ruling forever)

6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

As long as its work, I won't be happy. :P

7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

I dun even know what I'm doing now

8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

I don't think I'll live beyond 40+ even now, so same as now

9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?


10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

here is pressure of failing, so more of doing things right

11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

If I respect them, they must be men of status. Nothing good will come out of it if I sue them.

12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't listen to the government's propaganda.

13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?

Too timid

14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

Those two never match

15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

Er.... The music I listen to is considered "old" compared to the rest of my friends

16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

There is no such thing as a complete win-win situation

17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

Commit suicide. Because I figured the world has other things I can enjoy.

18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

I wouldn't know. I'm too inexperienced

19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

Britain. Because I love the music there. I dun care what you bits say.

20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

Yes. Why not?

21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

Joyful simpleton. I can enjoy the world with all I have in everyay life.

22) Why are you, you?

Because I enjoy being me

23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

I have bad personality, and humor. I wouldn't classify myself as a good friend.

24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

The latter.

25) What are you most grateful for?


26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

Lose all old ones. There is still future even if its bleak

27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

I could say you can't challenge truth until you know it first too.

28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?

I have no greatest fear. Being the shallow minded childish teenager I am, school holds terror.

29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

I wouldn't remember. Nothing matters if it is just a small matter. Five years ago, I was far more childish.

30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

I don't remember anymore. But it would be special if I remember it because any joy n childhood would be extreme happiness in my present age

31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

Listening to Led Zeppelin music and singing along with my terrible voice and dying pitch/range, and breaky and gay sounding falsetto. But hey, singing to Zeppelin always make me happy and alive.

32) If not now, then when?

When I feel like it, I feel like it.

33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

Many things. In this society.

34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

I hardly socialize much, so I probably feel like that when I exchange just one line with someone, but hey at least I talked with him!

35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

Because there are too many religions. Each of them just a harsh form of propaganda. The damage will always be big.

36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

There is no such thing as "right" or "wrong", "good or "evil" I may be obstinate and rage a lot politically and musically, but there is not much that seems right to me out of that frame. Hell, even satan can be good.

37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

Why not.

38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

Enjoyment work.

39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

If you actually use math calculations, probably in thousands.

40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

I'm the kind of person who doesn't take chances. So I don't have much of experience I can brag of.

41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

I would just live in fear, alone. Probably with my family tho.

42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

Why not. Life is short and sad. If I can die early and still become the second Led Zeppelin, why not.

43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

I believe being alive can be anywhere from being able to breath and being on life support. But truly living would at least have you do some things you want, however small.

44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

When you are mad.

45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

Because that is just a hypocritical statement form philosophers of the past. Its human nature to be that careful.

46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

A lot of things. But even if ppl didn't judge me, there will still be this thing called Law.

47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

When I was running. I am overweight, c'mon.

48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

Hard Rock. My public declaration for Led Zeppelin love here on gbatemp is more than enough. I wonder how many of you are sick of it already.

49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?

No, but I will remember the those from that day 5 year later. But not clearly.

50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

Society makes some decisions for me. I make some for myself. There is no such thing as absolute freedom.
Yay I do not have to wait ages to be on a KYT (not that I have ever signed up).
Might as well spoiler this
1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
I find age a poor metric by which to judge things and I am notoriously useless at guessing age. So wake up from a coma in the morning without memory (or date specific memory at least) probably about the same as I am now or maybe 25.

2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Failing for me usually means I still learn something so never trying.

3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
Have yet to have this problem but then again I am

4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
No but only because I rarely speak.

5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
To make things even more interesting (most people I meet I could probably dismiss and never think about again which I do not really care for).

6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
I like reverse engineering things, it seems that is what I do.

7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
I believe in nothing and do whatever catches my fancy from day to day.

8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
Sleep even less and said forget school earlier on to learn something useful.

9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
Such things have only just begun but "controlled without forcing things" would be an apt description.

10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
I am out for me and should someone else benefit fantastic.

11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?
Probably be shocked as there are very few things I find distasteful, for a person to be my friend not caring about things that are not justified is usually a prerequisite.

12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Never stop learning.

13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?
I would break a law just to pass time.

14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
Only because I suffered the "break it down and learn it again with a slight bit more complexity rather than take it as far as you can" part of schooling.

15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Sleep patterns.

16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
Because there are people who care not for learning things.

17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
Move somewhere else in the world, I said I would do it with someone else who does not live such a carefree life as myself.

18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
I have a lot of electrical junk around here if that counts.

19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
I would rather travel or be on the move at least but I did quite like the northwest US and Canada.

20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
Usually, no but if you want the buttons to actually work in most elevators I find myself in......

21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
Worried genius.

22) Why are you, you?
Being somewhat carefree means nothing bad has ever actually happened to me; actions have no consequences.

23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
I believe so.

24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
Truth be told I can usually find someone somewhat to have a drink with and going 15 years between seeing someone is nothing drastic in my world.

25) What are you most grateful for?
The ability to do as I wish on a near daily basis.

26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
Lose memories.

27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
Question everything is the more of less the only thing that resembles a piece of simple advice that I follow.

28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?
No and if it did I would no longer be cogent enough to have a fear.

29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
See "nothing bad" answer to 22)

30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
Getting a toolkit one Christmas when I was little; it the start of everything.

31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
My father and I were pinging ideas off each other pulling apart a particularly complex device although many similar instances of that with others have happened.

32) If not now, then when?
If not now then there is probably a law of physics stopping me.

33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
Achievements for me or more or less the same as those on a game; many and individually they are pointless.

34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
You have more or less described the average night out for me.

35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
If religion is the opium of the masses then the leaders are the dealers and we all know how much they hate to lose their status/income/territory.

36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
Existence is anything but a binary decision.

37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
Money is not a motivator in my life but a million would probably sort me for life so the ratio of work to "stuff I really want to do" would probably change.

38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
I enjoy work so null question really.

39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
This day has only just started but yes and I would have it any other way.

40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
See 39)

41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
There is nothing that needs to be said that has not been said so nobody.

42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
I would be willing to reduce my life expectancy by 10 years to avoid becoming extremely attractive or famous.

43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Life= pile of complex chemicals.

44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
I would argue null question for me.

45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
See 2)

46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Probably spend less time performing banal tasks.

47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
Last time I physically exerted myself.

48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
I am going with love is a made up emotion twisting nesting instinct and loneliness into something undesirable.

49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?
Under pressure to recall it I probably could.

50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?
Both and neither more towards "me for me" though.
Those are the shortest answers I've ever seen FAST give to questions.
1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
-if i wouldn't know how old i am i could be 1 til' perhaps 4 years old?
but since in know how old i am (20) i could not be that age
2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?
never try, besides a situation which you obviously couldn't handle
3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
-because its human nature
4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
-no, i just say what i need to say
5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
-i like the idea of an anarchy, would try it out, but as it could lead to total chaos caused by the human nature, it will forever just be possible in an hyper utopian dimension
6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
-that of a housewife which also is mother and is able to spend a lot of time for their children:. comedian or clown is no possibiliy because the luck which is caused by them is just for a short amount of time
7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
-too young to give an answere to that question, live my life as good as i can :-/
8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
- i would be more ambitious to be able to help my siblings when my parents time would come, though i would be lucky if life span would be that short :yay:
9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
-i've finished my 'abitur'(final secondary-school examinations) and will perhaps study next year:.
10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
-worried about doing things right, because i know what i want and do so, so the second is no option:.
11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?
-the only right action
12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
-nothing, as he wouldn't understand:.
13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?
-would depent on the situation
14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
-yes, since there are a lot of things you aren't able to understand in young age
15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
-moving between religion and atheism
16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
-because every human is individual and have faith in his own interests':.
17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
-went to japan
18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
- lived in germany but moved to switzerland where am currently at, but will move again to germany?^°
think other option would be japan, because am interested in that lifestyle and the culture, and because its the origin of consoles :yayds:
20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
-not really, i push once, if the elevator do not come fast enough i use the stairs
21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
genius? cause i should be smart enough to hanlde my probs and and relax
22) Why are you, you?
-because i am not you
23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
-i wonder if i was:. there were some situations which shouldn't be handled as they were
24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
- the friend who moves away, cause it is hard to keep contact; the friend who lives near you, you could contact whenever you want, and if there was a common reason you went different ways, you won't worry no more
25) What are you most grateful for?
-for my family
26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
-its no well-balenced choice, and i wonder how it would be possible to make no memories since there will ever be a memory conacted to each action or experience, though would i choose the first; better question life or death
27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
-no, example: if everyone would tell you from your birth on that all other nations are evil you wouldn't find out the truth if you don't try to find out yourself, blid trust in everything is moronic:.
28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?
-what fear?^^
29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
-if i would live in the past it would be:.
30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
-there is no specific, my chilhood was great
31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
-in my childhood
32) If not now, then when?
33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
-years of preperation
34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
-because they do not accept, that if there would be a omnipotent god whos' actions are unsearchable he would be the only in every faiths
36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
-no, only through education could it be able to fit on the mindset and moral of your current society:.
37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
-no, i would put it aside and live as there would be nothing
38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
-more work i love doing, there is enough time to relax, and having too much time is fucking boring:.
39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
-dejavú? the day just begins^^
40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
-do not remember:.
41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
-my family:.
42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
-yes, the less the better, would do it also for a lolly :yay: lol
43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
-being alive just implicates that you live, only your life, having no fun, no joy, trying to get as good as possible through it, in extreme way perhaps pursuit' by pain and thoughts about suicide:. to really live is to make out everything of any single moment of life, and having fun in doing what you to , trying to make a lot of experiences and memories:.
44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
-whenever coming in that situation, aside from a situation human life is involved
45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
-because we ain't no machines and are afrait of doing the wrong
46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
-do not go to church
47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
-a good friend of mine, i bought her a necklace
49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?
no do'nt think so, don't even remember what i've done last year in detail
50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?
if you want something to be done right, do it yourself XD

1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Old enough to be independent...

2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Never trying - you could at least TRY to fail. Better than wasting your life doing absolutely nothing...

3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

Because that's how we discover things...

4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

I don't speak much, so maybe I'll go for "more action than words"...

5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Keep everything except violence and grudge. Everything's perfect as it is. For example, I'd rather have arguments with that a-hole then be all two-faced and plastic...

6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Happiness does not pay, then again...I'll go for protecting the Great Barrier Reef.

7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

I'm doing what I believe is the best for my future...

8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

Just live life as it is. I don't wanna "timetable" myself...

9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

I' unno...

10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

Although I make sure things so perfect most of the time, I just do things without worrying of what the outcome will be.

11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

Defend the targeted friend obviously...

12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Know your limits.

13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?


14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

Does beating Ripper Roo and seeing a very nice level in Crash Bandicoot 2 count?

15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

Playing a DS and listening to rock music. Because I live in a town where people are brainwashed by nonsensical grime music and their "PSP rules" philosophy. LAWL I USED BIG WORDS!

16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

Because they are stale...

17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

Attending Fresher's Fair earlier this week. After seeing how the Student Union performed in my union (thanks for the 3-hour enrolment guys >_>), I decided not to go.

18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

Nothing really. I'd prefer relaxing then being all raged up.

19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

Philippines...I miss my home country. Why? I can name a lot of reasons. One of them being: it's safe to go out at night.

20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

Only if I'm late/bored.

21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

Joyful simpleton. Worrying makes you mental and very uncomfortable, which I don't really like.

22) Why are you, you?

Because I am me and will always be me [/cheesy].

23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

I'm not really good at judging, especially myself so, you tell me!

24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

Latter one. It's just like being late for school when you actually live across the road. There's no excuses with that one.

25) What are you most grateful for?

For my life. So happy right now! But I'm also prepared for challenges.

26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

Latter. If I choose the second one, it'll mean having new memories will mean losing a previous memory very quickly, right?

27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

No. Experiencing it is the best way.

28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?

Not really and I do not want to come across it ever again...

29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

Hmmm....I was upset at that time because my cable got cut. Doesn't really matter now...

30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

So many! The best one is having that summer holiday back in '01 with my cousins. Very nice holiday. We went to a lot of places (resorts, theme parks) and we also had fun staying at home (early morning DDR "exercise" followed by afternoon PS1 gaming sessions.

31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?


32) If not now, then when?

When what? How when what? I dunno...

33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

Specific please...

34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

Yup but I hardly remember when exactly. I'm not really a talker.

35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

Because they need to know that religion should not take over their lives all the time.

36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

I don't really know, but they make the world perfect.

37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

Don't wanna be a cockhead and burn the bridge.

38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

Latter. I feel rewarded for doing a lot of things.

39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

LOL today, relaxing on the bed, typing on a laptop? More like 200 :P

40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

When I was 7. We had a blackout at home and I strongly believed that if I kept going, I will reach the toilet :P

41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

I'd gather them all in a hall or something. Then say my bye-byes.

42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

No. I'm happy with the way I am.

43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

The spelling :P

I guess the first one is related to how your spirit is alive and the second one pertains to how you live your live...

44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

When you have had enough...

45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

Because you'd expect that you have learned how to tackle those mistakes already, and making another one feels like "I need to improve on that..."

46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

Nothing. I don't care if people judge me, at least I got fans :P

47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

By the time I wrote this. You had to ask!!!

48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?


49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?

Nothing memorable really happened so, no.

50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

Making it for myself. Not a puppet.
1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 6
2) Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never trying
3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Because we are weak and sometimes selfless.
4) When all is said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? Yes.
5) What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Ignorance.
6) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Being in a band again.
7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? I've settled for my family which in a way doing what I believe in.
8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I wouldn't, even all of the shit things that happen have led me to this point.
9) To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Everyone controls every part of their life, we all have a choice.
10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I like to do the right things.
11) You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing they are your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? Tell them to shut the fuck up.
12) If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Be yourself.
13) Would you break the law to save a loved one? I have done many times.
14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Oh yes.
15) What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Speak my mind.
16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Because you can never please everyone.
17) What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
19) If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? No but in my hotel it means it'll start working again...bastard thing keeps stopping.
21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? I am a genius...just need to realise what I am a genius at.
22) Why are you, you? My surroundings and influences.
23) Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Not sure, sometimes I'm selfelss, other times I'm a cunt.
24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Losing touch.
25) What are you most grateful for? The family I have here.
26) Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? Lose old ones. What is life without new experiences?
27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? You never know unless you try.
28) Has your greatest fear ever come true? Nope, no one wants to bugger me.
29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? It always matters, its an experience that has made me grow.
30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? I dont really have just one memory.
31) At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? First night with the Mrs
32) If not now, then when?
33) If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Nothing.
34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Why yes.
35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because we're arguementative fucks who can't just accept that what makes us happy doesn't make others happy. We have to enforce our beliefs for some reason despite the fact that it doesn't really matter.
36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? Yes
37) If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Yes, but I'll start my own business.
38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I enjoy doing.
39) Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Yeah, Fridays are like that.
40) When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? The last time it was dark.
41) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? ...
42) Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? No. I am extremely attractive and I'm too famous as it is. :creep:
43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living? The difference is the person.
44) When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? When it feels right.
45) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? Natural instinct.
46) What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? I just do whatever whenever, fuck what people think.
47) When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? 10 minutes ago when I realised I had more questions than I thought there was.
48) What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? My family and doing stuff I dont want to do to make them happy.
49) In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? I always remember my actions, even when stone drunk.
50) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? I always make my own descisions even if I think I'm only doing something for someone else, it my descision to do that.

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  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Cheap wine or beer?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Anything they had in stock probably she didn't have to pay
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Speaking about covid, back in like March 2020 (so basically super early covid) I was an idiot and accidentally gave myself a really, really fucking deep cut in my left hand by cutting freaking bread. Obviously hospitals were full from covid so I couldn't go there so I had to treat this entirely by myself with some random products. The cut closed obv but now I have this big ass scar in my left hand I gave myself when cutting freaking bread, yaay...
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Well... You can always say it's saving someone from a knife
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Skelletonike, Huh that's pretty cool. I'll use this someday lol
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Great way to pick up someone :tpi:
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Skelletonike, They'd either think I'm a psycho or the coolest person ever lol
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Scars can be great conversation starters.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Just don't include circumcisions, that would be a crime.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I got scars on my face from being bit by a German shepherd when I was a kid
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Skelletonike, Huh, yeah, that's true too
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    So you survived a violent crime and fought against the assailant.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Skelletonike, Im too coward and stupid to fight back if I found myself in a similar situation
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    No one fought anything, I'm just joking about fake excuses for scars.
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, Tbh everyone would be, and who says otherwise is 99% a liar lol
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Anyway pepper spray goes a long way 👍
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    That could work as conversation starters.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Not necessarily. If someone you care about is in danger. You won't think twice. I assure you.
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Skelletonike, Yeah, you're right, hadn't thought about that.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, I dont have pepper spray
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, I assume that's illegal in Venezuela?
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Welp, it's 1.31am and I still need to read a bit before sleeping. G'night everyone
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Skelletonike, Good night!
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, If you're concerned about your safety you should think about carrying one with you, it's pretty dangerous though so I'd only use it as a last resort.
    _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_: @Xdqwerty, If you're concerned about your safety you should think about carrying one with you... +1