Wikileaks reveals shocking documents.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
United States
wyndcrosser said:
I want to throw my two cents in here.

The information on wikileaks isn't even 100% or even 5% correct, or even valuable intelligence. I was a (erased) for 6yrs, both on the infantry and on higher echelons. Intelligence reports and such documents are those written up by CI specialist (Counter Intel), these reports are from local sources, etc. The sources are not always reliable or even 1% accurate and even we in the field take those individuals with a grain of salt. The fact that these got released as well as SIGACT dairies, is nothing big if you understand the material and what goes into it.

QUOTE said:
I assume that, within the coming week.. we will have a finger on who actually launched stuxnet. my guess would probably be that, it was coded by the bush admin, and given to israel shortly before B.O. gained power, That way they knew it would be used if it need to be.

People like you are what cause topics like this to blow up past one page, if you don't understand the world you live in, please don't attempt to document it to the world, and prove to others you are clueless.

It's not funny.


I disagree with your assessment of the evidence. If the information on Wikileaks was not accurate or valuable, why did the US government feel that they had to launch a smear campaign that culminated in fabricated [censored] charges against Assange in Sweden? I argue that the documents are "valuable intelligence" mainly because they reveal the extent of the US state's imperialist foreign policy that include involvement from some of the highest officials in the government. US imperialism, built upon lies, intrigue and subterfuge, has benefited nobody but the US state and their numerous corporate allies.

Vulpes Abnocto

Not Dead Yet
Former Staff
Jun 24, 2008
United States
Are you implying this censoring of the word was put in place due to you?

Of course I'm not referring to you.

It seems to be a habit among many young gamers to use the word to describe their awesome win,
hence why it became a problem in a community mostly made up of young gamers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
United States
Vulpes Abnocto said:
Are you implying this censoring of the word was put in place due to you?

Of course I'm not referring to you.

I apologize. Though it's hardly an excuse, I had some previous experiences on the xkcd forums that colored my judgment when I noticed the censor.


wyndcrosser said:
I want to throw my two cents in here.

The information on wikileaks isn't even 100% or even 5% correct, or even valuable intelligence. I was a (erased) for 6yrs, both on the infantry and on higher echelons. Intelligence reports and such documents are those written up by CI specialist (Counter Intel), these reports are from local sources, etc. The sources are not always reliable or even 1% accurate and even we in the field take those individuals with a grain of salt. The fact that these got released as well as SIGACT dairies, is nothing big if you understand the material and what goes into it.

QUOTE said:
I assume that, within the coming week.. we will have a finger on who actually launched stuxnet. my guess would probably be that, it was coded by the bush admin, and given to israel shortly before B.O. gained power, That way they knew it would be used if it need to be.

People like you are what cause topics like this to blow up past one page, if you don't understand the world you live in, please don't attempt to document it to the world, and prove to others you are clueless.

It's not funny.


When I'm in the field (on gbatemp, lol), I take individuals who claim to be fantastic ex-military intelligence officers with a grain of salt.

Also, your argument is flawed, just because documents MAY come from unreputable sources in SOME circumstances, doesn't actually mean that this document did. And even if it did, does that mean that every word is a lie? If it wasn't true in any way, then why would the government react the way it did? Couldn't the government disprove it in a second if it was all lies?

I mean, I'm also a skeptical person, and this document may very well be fake, but think up a better argument next time.
In the end, the government gets up to naughty things. All governments do. Way more naughty things than we'll ever know about.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
Reading this.. all I could think was, "Well.. yeah.."

Nothing remotely surprising, just not something you like to see confirmed. Just like the last batch of files that included the deaths of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians. We all new, it was just that our media will report the death of 1 us soldier before it reports the deaths of a thousand Iraqi civilians.

If these leaks are anything like the last ones, everyone will purposefully forget that they ever came out in the first place and continue being willfully ignorant so long as we get to live in comfort and not think of all the crimes that are being committed to so that we may do so.

edit: I also wanted to point out that this is really low security stuff. Any kid can get a secret clearance when joining the army. All private Bradley did was copy the files over to a CD and went home to leak them. He literally just told his coworkers he was listening to Lady Gaga so they would let him put the CD in the machine (A huge security breach by the way, Private Bradley shouldn't be put away, his IASO should be). Anyway, If this is the secret stuff, Imagine what the Top and higher reports must be like.


"Dances" with Dragons
Dec 16, 2007
I love them. I absolutely love them like I do few things in life. If I had money I'd donate to them. If they forshamed me someday and I'd still support them. I believe them to be one of the most powerful democratic forces in history! I fully support everything they've done and I do not believe to date ONE person was jeopardized, injured, or killed from the documents they've released. They're as damn close as they can get to being my heroes!

Let me be clear that this isn't about the US alone. The indiscriminate whistleblowing of corrupt, embarassing, and scandalous actions perpetrated by whatever organizations around the world is as noble an ideal and as laudable to stand up to first ammendments in constitutions around the world as possible. It should be universally lauded. They deserve all the recognition and support in the world!

Son of Science

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2007
Sand Iego
United States
Fox News is funding North Korea


Embrace the darkness within
Jan 14, 2009
Visit site
United States
I like Wikileak, because for years governments have been withholding information to people. Our founding father (US) wanted a transparent government, a government that does not withhold information.

Either you don't have such information, don't do misdeed, or release these documents (if existed).

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    first of all, i don't watch those kinds of videos, and if i did i'd pull a verbalase 50k but with wizards and wario
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    mmm, sounds good
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    also i'm sorry your molten lava cakes failed
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    just looked up a pic of texas sheet cake, and it looks delicious
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    🌋 Science Project?
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    i think i might need to try making lava cakes for the 4th of july fr
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    I used butter instead of vegetable oil, and think that's why they squirted out during baking, who knows
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    yeah i think oil is the right call
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    plus if you're making brownies or lava cakes for people with dairy allergies, you should use oil instead of butter anyway
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    @BakerMan Make me a space cake plz
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I make rum cake for 4th July every year, I make it a week prior and then soak it in rum in the fridge all week. I flip the cake each day, and add little more rum, it soaks it up everyday, so good.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    sorry, idk what you mean by a space cake, and even if i did, i'm not really taking requests right now, because otherwise people will get mad at me for taking a request but not making a birthday cake for @Xdqwerty (i'm sorry for that btw bro)
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    @BakerMan lies, you just want to smoke it

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