Should i pick a PS4 or a Wii U?


The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
Man, this is a tough question, i'm kinda outdated, by having only my PS3 and Wii, and some other consoles, but the only eight generation console i have is a 3DS, nothing else, so i was thinking in getting one of the eight generation main consoles which is the PS4, the Wii U and the Xbox One.

And no, don't recommend me the Xbox One, i don't like the policy of Microsoft with their games, the Xbox 360 and original were fine, but this Xbox one IMHO is a piece of crap that should be avoided, not because it has bad design or hardware, it's because the games for this console are so little interesting and, well, to resume, i don't care about this console.

And so, my only options left are the Wii U and the PS4, and man, this is one kinda tough to choose, compared to older generations, the Eight generation sure seems disappointing as hell, i am a retro gamer, so, i mostly play with SNES, PS1, PS2, sometimes Sega Saturn games, and man, it is me, or, everytime i see a game released people claim that a lot of new games aren't released fully, like, you buy a game for 50 or 60$, you come home, you play it and you're dissapointed by the little content you bought.

Most of the time, it seems like normal games aren't games anymore, if not, part of a game, and the DLC adds the rest of the story and content of that game, and some extras aswell, call me old fashioned, but i like full games, with no DLC'S, no prepromotion pack, postpromotion pack, super duper hyper ultra mega remix featuring dante from the devil may cry series & knuckles, i like that the games i buy are completed, and if you want some secrets or moves, you must do certain things during the game to unlock them, like, in a fighting game, if you want "x" secret character you must fight Arcade in Very Hard with all the 46 characters or some shit like that, when i see that a game has a lot of DLC's, and some of them completes the main story, i feel like i'm being insulted, a game (for me) should be like a movie in some aspects, when you finish a movie, you don't expect DLC's with that movie because the movie is already completed, and you can't do nothing to avoid that, for me, a game should be like that, you complete the game, you unlock all the secrets, and you have a good quantity of hours, that's the main essence of a videogame, because it's a work of hardware that exists to give a full show, but know how to close it properly.

It's not that DLC's are bad, the problem is that it creates a lot of insecurity, you don't know how the developers are going to make expand the game, or what kind of content they will add them, and that's for me the Eight Generation, for me, the most boring and dissapointing generation of all the videogames i've seen so far, the best selling titles are good, but meh, the good titles are meh, the bad titles are meh, the normal titles are meh, everything has been so meh, nothing really memorable.

Ironically, the best titles that call my atention aren't even made by third or first videogame professional companies, the best games i've played so far during this generation were Indie games, Megaman Unlimited was so kick ass, Rogue Legacy is amazing, Megaman X Corrupted will be the best fan game of any megaman X ever released, and the kickstart projects like Mighty No.9 and Bloodstained, so far, only those titles call a little my atention, and the announcement of Suikoden VI for the PS4, but as the main character of Suikoden Tierkreis would say: "I don't know until i try".

Anyway, with that out of the mind, i only have two choices left, or either pick a Wii U, or a PS4. I like both consoles, but their games are in a mix of meh with good, Splatoon calls a lot of my atention, and Bloodborne seems decent enough to play it, but, as i said before, i'm not really that "wow" with both consoles, the PS4 has a lot of titles that has or could be easily ported to the PS3, and the Wii U has (besides an awful control for videogames, with only 3 frickin hours to use), few titles of interest, outside of Marios, you only have few titles like Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101 or Sonic Lost World, and Smash Bros. One of the games that put my hopes really high was with the announcement of "Smt vs Fe", i knew the kickass style of the main series, especially because those were the only featured on the trailer, and the great story FE has.

But everything changed when the trailer 1 attacked, and my god it put all of my hopes down, like a flush of the friggin toilet, seriously, having an idol happy song for the trailer, the anime design of the game looks like any generic Shounen anime that i've seen, and even though at one point it seems like a Wasteland, that one thing is probably close to the final events of the game, when you defeat the evil final boss, everything will go back to normal and idol happy, and i detest that kind of sh*t.

One game that could have been the best game of all time, Atlus turned into something like "Persona vs FE Awakening" and both fanbases know that those games are the most casual of the casual, anyway, so, speaking directly, even though this Eight Generation looks like a forgettable generation of games, i would like some advice, what should i buy, the PS4 or the Wii U, i'm kinda going with the Wii U even though all of it's shit, because it seems like a decent console, but i still don't know how hard the PS4 can hit, so, i hope your recommendations.


The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
Sounds like you're not ready for either of them.
Actually, i'm ready for any console, but i need to make sure, from what i see, the Wii U seems like the best bet, but everyone bashes the console, but as i said before, i'll wait to see what everyone can say, then talk.

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
It's just that the Wii U is selling really badly and it probably won't last much longer, plus the gamepad, at least imo, is a dumb forced gimmick that inflates the price of the system. the PS4's library really isn't much better than the XB1's though, so as far as games go RIGHT NOW, Wii U but if I were you I'd stick to retro games and wait a few years to see what happens. I feel the same way about DLC scams as you do and I boycott any game with day 1/disc locked DLC or microtrans bullshit because as you said in the OP, I like complete games, not these fucking glorified demos we get today.

I want Xenoblade(if it doesn't have tons of DLC scams) for the Wii U so I'd pick that, but just wait a while and play some old games you haven't experienced yet. This gen has sucked a fat fucking cock so far so I'm waiting for price drops/better games to come out.
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Samurai Cop
Oct 13, 2014
United States
As a Nintendo nerd, owning (not all at once) every Nintendo console except for the NES, Virtual Boy, and Game Boy, I'd go for Wii U. At least for SSB4 and Mario Kart 8. Also Bayonetta 1 & 2 for variety, and especially the future releases coming down the line. Despite playing on Wii U almost everyday recently, I am looking at other options. So much rave reviews for Witcher 3 makes me interested in PS4 for the first time ever, but currently saving up for PC parts makes me rather go for the PC version. Since Wii U's games made me want to expand beyond Pokemon and 3DS, go for the Wii U first. If you can buy PS4 down the line, go ahead with that. If only PS4 and Xbox 1 had backwards compatibility.

Katsumi San

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012

By your description this is the only console that will offer your full experiencie and has managed to survive throughout the years.

Edit: on serious answer, I think WiiU will offer unique experience. But PS4 will offer more diverse titles.

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
Emulation and old consoles should keep you entertained until this generation starts getting interesting, if that ever happens. However, you already have a 3DS which has an awesome library of games and the Wii U has plenty of quality Japanese games which are the games I prefer/grew up with. Down the line however, the PS4 seems to have the most potential because it's pounding the XB1's ass as far as sales go. The XB1 just seems like a dead end to me; no good games like the Wii U and inferior multiplats. No offense to anyone who enjoys the XB1 but it simply doesn't appeal to me at all much like the OP mentioned.

If you're willing to wait, I'd do that but if you insist on buying something right now, get a Wii U even though it's a dying console. It has some cool, unique shit on it now and of course, Xenoblade X is coming soon.(no DLC scams PLEASE; I wanna buy your game Monolith!)
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All my gbatemp friends are now mods, except for me
Sep 19, 2013
IMHO, get a good pc.. you can emulate and if abusive dlc is your concern, you can pirate the shit of games

chossing between a ps4 and a wii u, obviously i would go with a ps4...
you already have a 3ds and a wii..
wii u would be very good if you didnt had a wii...
and a 3ds got a better library.. the wii u is almost dead...

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
IMHO, get a good pc.. you can emulate and if abusive dlc is your concern, you can pirate the shit of games

chossing between a ps4 and a wii u, obviously i would go with a ps4...
you already have a 3ds and a wii..
wii u would be very good if you didnt had a wii...
and a 3ds got a better library.. the wii u is almost dead...

Good call. I didn't say PC simply because he was asking which console to get, but as far as multiplats go, the PC versions are pretty much always superior plus the mod community etc. The Wii U is really the only console that has lots of great exclusives.(plus the 3DS which you already have)

Also yeah, "backup copies" may be needed if I want to play a game that has abusive DLC practices.

EDIT: The Wii U is most definitely a failure, but it has the best exclusives imo. I'd wait for a price drop however, OP.


Apr 10, 2004
I've had a lot of fun with my Wii U, I have plenty of games and I don't find it lacking.
I want to get a PS4, but it's not interesting enough for me at the moment to warrant the price. When Silent Hills come out, then I'll be.... oh wait..


The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
Good call. I didn't say PC simply because he was asking which console to get, but as far as multiplats go, the PC versions are pretty much always superior plus the mod community etc. The Wii U is really the only console that has lots of great exclusives.(plus the 3DS which you already have)

Also yeah, "backup copies" may be needed if I want to play a game that has abusive DLC practices.

EDIT: The Wii U is most definitely a failure, but it has the best exclusives imo. I'd wait for a price drop however, OP.
Seriously, this generation has a predominant amount of incomplete games, unreleased games, and when there is a full game, it is either: 1 - Forgotten as fuck
2 - Bad game
3 - The company behind the game claims that this game is only a part of the game, and the DLC's will cover the true story or some shit like that.

I'm not saying that making games is easy, but most of the time, almost every game out there is easily ported to the PS3, or the PSVita,etc. Like most titles for the PS4, and rehashes, i didn't even talked about them, it's like "Let's go to the past" by putting HD textures, remastered music,etc.

That's not bad at all, but the problem is that we need new and refreshing games, with a good variety of them, and finally, completed, but maybe, what i'm asking is too hard for this generation, i'm going to take your word and play some retro awesome games, because at least they don't have the same amount of bullshit as today.

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
Abusive DLC practices exist because of greed first off, and second because there are tons and tons of people who fall for them and pay for that shit. Naturally we need new, innovative games but I don't care how cool a game is if the company selling it is trying to scam me with fake DLC. There have always been assloads of terrible games but at least back in the 2600-PS2/GC etc days companies couldn't get away with releasing broken, incomplete games without being mocked. Patching wasn't an option adnd imo those were better days for console gaming. Consoles being online is certainly a double-edged sword and we're seeing many of the negative aspects right now.
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The bored one
Mar 20, 2015
Abusive DLC practices exist because of greed first off, and second because there are tons and tons of people who fall for them and pay for that shit. Naturally we need new, innovative games but I don't care how cool a game is if the company selling it is trying to scam me with fake DLC. There have always been assloads of terrible games but at least back in the 2600-PS2/GC etc days companies couldn't get away with releasing broken, incomplete games without being mocked. Patching wasn't an option adnd imo those were better days for console gaming. Consoles being online is certainly a double-edged sword and we're seeing many of the negative aspects right now.
Heck, games were far more polished back then, for example, take a look at Skyrim, many people claims that it's the hot shit, that is one of the longest games of all time,etc. But then, when you play the game, the amount of glitches and broken parts in this game are terrible, they are everywhere during the game, one single fail step and you broke the game, i don't care how long, and how much of a story has a game, if that game it's broken, has glitches and overral isn't that interesting to play, why would i even bother?.

I sound like an old dude, but it's the reality, i can't believe how many people are screaming for DLC's, why would you pay for something that the company itself could've been added to that game before hand!, I would prefer if the DLC was in the game, and that's called Secrets, now, that's something missing A lot.

Back then, when we didn't have DLC's, we had secrets, secrets were like an option that the game gives you only if you manage to find how to unlock it, and there were tons of secrets in videogames back then, and aswell a lot of ways to unlock them, some of them includes pressing a certain pattern of buttons during a section of the game, some others include checking places that no one would ever bother to look, etc.

And they were the shit, almost if not every secret in the game were useful, some of them amusing to watch,etc.

And variety, fuck, almost every game now is a FPS, and when some games were tactical games (like Fallout) they drop that shit and turn itself into a FPS, man, i'm not against this genre, it's kinda cool to pick your own weapon and play like that, but the problem is the abundance of this genre, back then, we have a lot of platformers, there were platformers coming up the ass, but there was variety, not every single game was a platformer, some of them were RPG's, Tactical Games, Puzzle Games, GOOD (Not Activision shit) sports games, war games, space games, beat em up games, graphical adventure games,etc. And most of these platformers were innovative on it's own way, Rocket Knight Adventures, Super Mario Bros 3, Sonic the Hedgehog,etc.

I'm not saying that there aren't interesting good FPS like Bioshock or Team Fortress 2, but those games are forgettable, in fact almost every game that use online now will be forgotten, like dust in the wind, no one will give two shits about them anymore when the online on this games aren't going to work, like the earlier online games, or phantasy star online. The same thing will happen with Splatoon, although an innovative, excellent, and fun title, the problem is that this game is (besides a DLC consumer, and unfinished released game) an online depender, even the game states that it's main attraction it's the online, so, in some years, when the NX is released, Nintendo will shut WFC like they did with the Wii but now with the Wii U, so, a game that lost it's "main attraction" will be forgotten, because the single player campaign lacks of content, and there is no online.

And things got more complex, and complex when time passes, not saying that is a bad thing, but when a game forces you to do some mathematical or complicate shit that you need to unlock (and considering that actual manuals in game doesn't help too much, and a lot of games are released digital) makes thing harder for newcomers who don't know nothing about videogames.

Last to second thing to point is the scenes on a game, look, if you're going to make a game, create a good gameplay, some games released nowadays have a shit-ton of cutscenes, almost like this is a movie, not saying that is bad, but they have almost no gameplay at all, no puzzle, no solving things, nothing, like Visual Novels with scenes included, with some time reaction buttons but nothing else. Games are supposed to be an interaction between the computer and you, not movies, if you want something like that so much, make a damn movie instead.

And finally, the music, the nowadays music videogames are in a state of good and bad, technically, it should be better because new hardware put more possibilities to create music, but it's the contrary, when a new console is created, the music on them are getting more forgettable, not bad, just forgettable, like ambient Music that you could listen to study and that's it, 16 and 32 bit music can kick the ass to almost every single game released nowadays, in both composition and how memorable it is, and take into consideration that 16 and 32 bit music have far less instruments and the sound chips aren't way too potent, like today sound cards.

So, in conclusion, whatever new console i pick, it's just going to be the same as picking a console that you would rather wait to buy and play when the next one comes out, because that's the time when the console has the more quantity of releases, but at the same time it will be bad for the games that depends on Online, i hate those kind of games, because when time passes, and new consoles are out, they shut down their online for the new console instead, that's a little sad.

I'll probably pick the Wii U, or maybe Both, at least the Wii U isn't going to accumulate dust like the PS4 that i think on buying.


Apr 13, 2014
United States
My prefered combination this generation is PC, Wii U, and 3DS. I'd recommend the Wii U. I can't really think of much reason to recommend a PS4 over a midrange PC unless its exclusives are musts for you.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Wait for the NX. I'm afraid they'll be making Zelda for that instead of the Wii U.
Why do people believe this? Nintendo doesn't plan on even talking about the NX until next year, probably not to be release until November 2017, and I'd say it's more likely to be a handheld than a home console given the 3DS is older than the Wii U. The game has been developed with the Wii U Gamepad in mind, and I think Nintendo would have to know it would hurt their reputation to promise people they'd be getting a Zelda game on this console only to pull it away and make them purchase another console before getting Zelda. I guarantee that Zelda is coming to the Wii U.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
I would seriously suggest you to invest your money in a decent gaming PC. Like a Core i5 and a GTX 970 or maybe wait a little for Skylake and AMD's Fury/Fiji video cards. Once they're released, the prices of other components, like GTX 970, should come down.

Get a good gaming PC with a decent graphics card, and it should last you for 3 to 4 years (may be 5) with 1080p gaming and all settings at ULTRA :D

PIRATE the GAME/DLC content of the game you think "cheated" on you and buy it only if you feel it's worth it, like GTA V.

That's actually what I am doing right now. I have given up on consoles, and I am on my way to getting a decent video card. Already own a Core i5 4440 and 8 gigs of 1600 mhz (Kingston), which according to a friend of mine is all I need, apart from a good SMPS like a Corsair RM650 and a GTX 970 or AMD's latest offerings (if good).

Lemme know what you think of my suggestion :)

PS: If PC is not your game, then get the PS4. It's definitely worth it. I think the Wii-U is at it's end, and PS4 has some really good titles already and some really good ones coming up, like Ratchet and Clank :D

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