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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

For whom will/would you vote?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I think you need to talk to your party about social distancing, because he seems because Joe Biden is projected to win now they have all stopped social distancing and their government has stopped enforcing social distancing.

What do you mean by "their government has stopped enforcing social distancing"? What power does the democratic party have to enforce anything?

I would recommend to everyone to maintain social distancing though.

Also, as soon as you reach an event with 1000 attendees, you are at 100% risk pretty much throughout the US. ;)

I was talking about meeting individual Trump supporters. The number of attendees is less relevant than the distance between them (and between them and you), the air flow if it's inside & any other transmission reduction methods in use.
Last edited by smf,


GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
What do you mean by "their government has stopped enforcing social distancing"? They don't have the power to enforce anything.

I would recommend to everyone to maintain social distancing though.
well actually they can, its call public safety, people tend to forget things like seatbelts an dhelmet laws,
Heck the US has also made spreading disease knowingly illegal already, As of 2020, 37 states have laws that criminalize HIV exposure, So people are kidding themselves if they think the Government can not do anything.
The way some people act and think about Covid , we might just need laws like this.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
well actually they can, its call public safety, people tend to forget things like seatbelts an dhelmet laws,
Heck the US has also made spreading disease knowingly illegal already, As of 2020, 37 states have laws that criminalize HIV exposure, So people are kidding themselves if they think the Government can not do anything.
The way some people act and think about Covid , we might just need laws like this.

But the democratic party can't enforce anything, it's up to state and federal government to do so. Fe

So I'm not sure why talking to the democratic party would help. I'm kinda confused about what the post I replied to actually means.

I'm not sure if it would meet mens rea if someone passes covid 19 on but claims that as a Trump supporter they followed the presidents advice.
Last edited by smf,


GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
I know, I know the last 4 year taught everyone that the government does not do anything for any one but..
but a real government does the right thing to save its people from a serious pandemic.. its does not matter what party you are. Saving American lives should be the only thing that matters.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
1. Posting on democrats saying, that they invested no money on reaching black and latino voters (message wise), but that they won because they so efficiently reached black and latino voters at the same time. Which is touted as the "why we won' narrative at the same time (First election result reactions, democratic party)

Well then - lets not examine, that the reason for this was, that the democratic campaign forgot to translate their messaging into spanish, and instead had a big social justice warrior festival, looking like this:

...addressing mostly young white educated voters.

I think thats only fair - as it is exactly what Sanders is pleading right now. Just a bit longer, just a bit longer, until you're desire for change matters.

Just another two years, but then...!

Those apparently easy to acquire (someone just listened to them, and talked to them in their language) latin votes lost over the last months, are far harder to gain back on your side, than to suppress once more. I hope you realize that. NYT spoke about 'non loyal male latin votes' for a reason.

To translate that - thats 'fuck them, they werent supposed to show up'.

Wow, the reality distortion is strong:

So much dumb and not wanting to accept reality, and basking in that the stance in the title of the video is now used to cover up what happened (why Trump came this close, why this wasnt a landslide victory), is... well, something.

People sticking to what they want to believe, even if they say the entire opposite has happened... Not just an exclusive for republicans.

2. Posting on democratic elites trying to frame the results as 'dumb uneducated masses cant be trusted to think' we cant even allow the Sanders wing to speak at all (Democratic party election result reactions a day later.)

Oh, this is sugar as well. :)

Thought the NYT 'not frequently voting, not college educated, latino males' werent supposed to show up - stance is rough? Watch this. :)

3. Posting on how none of the conventional political narratives that were peddled before the election match up with the results. (media reaction)

More sugar. ;)


4. Establishment wing in the democratic party pushing for a different interpretation than the progressive wing, and what this resulted in, in one of the most 'progressive leaning' media outlets out there reporting (media report)

If you want to see Democracy Now saying the opposite of Katie Halper (at least somewhat). Watch this:

God this is kingly. :)

Left doesnt know what to do with the results. And how would they.

5. Personal commentary. Interpretation.

Broken down, this is literally "the left wanted to win, by adhering to college educated voters and wannabes from the people that could get a leg up in the virtue signaling contests (acted like college educated voters), and at least had one racial minority property". ;)

Same as with climate change, btw. :) F*ck all those people that dont have any social mobility perspective - but with much money for the people that let themselves being sold out to pacify the dumb stupid masses. (Those organizers were the people that were allowed to declare themselves the 'true winners' this time.. ;) ) And now part of the DNCs perspective is, to pacify the stupid sell outs, that cant be explained to easily, why in all racial minorities Trump actually gained more voters over the race against Clinton (percentage wise), and why the fault lines are REALLY, do you have a higher education or not - throughout america. :)

Next step - idk, civil war? ;) Oh no - a Biden that says, that he's the president of 'bringing America back together again'. By addressing none of his voters needs, and trying to pacify the uneducated voters instead (which costs money), which will rile up his educated constituency, so civil war.. ;)

I'm only joking of course. War isnt what follows. :) But its a little bit tough to get out of this situation, and its entirely obvious - why most western democracies turn to 'what lessons on 'not to drive democracy into the ground' do we derive from this?'.

I wonder what Putins reaction to this is.. ;)

Bwhahaha, this is good. ;)

edit: Oh, and if Biden actually follows a progressive agenda - he doesnt get senate majorities (presumably), and the stuff that gets through wont be enough to bring the rest of the minority vote around next time, and would minimize support within his 'educated' base. So in four years time, you'd see a likely backlash on this years vote. ;)

6. Trying to find a way that would allow both wings of the democratic party to work together for the next four years, theoretical analysis, commentary (trying to explore concepts I might have missed)

Oddly enough - a way out of this would be to go full in on "climate change prevention". So you do the following:

1. You f*ck over your higher educated constituency and give them nothing but the warm feeling to do something good for their grandchildren (thats free).
2. You put all your investment into domestic infrastructure renewal (make it pro climate change as well). Which would leave poorer constitencies with hope that there is something going on in the economy.
3. This would also allow you to coin 'progressives' as the winners (which is happening right now).

Issue - in four years about every low income person should realize that going all in on renewable energy isnt the growth engine its made out to be. And at the same time everey higher education voter might realize, that they got not much out of it (maybe so, maybe not). So in four years you have the policy reversal? And a stronger republican party for the following 100 years? ;)

Or you make 'climate change prevention' *work* as both a growth engine for college educated folks and non college educated folks. And have it be a success story thats big enough to actually make that 'pact' not look so implausible.

But that would not bring the "country closer together" in a way - because that would deminish republican importance. :) And thats not what Biden has announced. ;) Or is known for.


7. Preliminary summary, commentary

Most likely outcome probably is still 'f*ck over uneducated people'. You do 'climate change prevention stuff' (just as an example, your not in it with your entire heart). You take what little gains you can get from it and distribute it amongst international elites, produce jobs outside of america, and so on. Let AOC run her 'this is the job creation motor of the future' gambit into the ground. Then loose to republicans once the non college educated have realized it. Then let republicans f*ck them over, and the cycle continue...

Issue - this time around, as democrats, you are loosing face. And voters. Probably long term. (Give them health care to mitigate. (Although probably not achievable.))
But its the most stable perspective for industry interests and the donor class. So best growth perspective?

All this is presuming Dems dont get the senate this time around, which is somewhat likely.

If Dems get the senate, they could change policy longterm in favor of progressives, so you could do bigger projects and lets say - have an investment phase, followed by a growth phase, without policy outlook changing in between. Which would potentially align both parties with this. (Could be in the interests of both parties.)

But as it stands currently, the gains are just too high for republicans to f*ck over democrats, to ruin them longterm, by making sure that whatever they try to do in the next four years in terms of significant change, doesnt stick (making _many_ people mad). ;) Imho.

8. News item on top GOP representatives backing Trump for about 2 more months for the looks and populism

Bwahaha! Top republican representatives back Trump to hang himself for as long as possible, to sew chaos. :)

This gets better by the minute. :)

(And is probably to be seen as a move in a fight for the senate majority. ;) )

9. Establishment conclusion and outlook (media report)

The Economist Panel:

"Would be great if you could keep that high voter turnout, without this sense of doom on both sides." Translation: Would be great to suppress the infrequent male, less educated latino vote.

I dont think this is confirmation bias on my part.. ;)

*called it* ;)

edit: Other points in the video:
- probably most likely to have little changes that look ambitioned (and do much alongside the progressives agenda)
- probably something on climate change that would profit international elites only
- healthcare not likely...
- republicans probably following a scorched earth strategy (or at least likely) to cash in on the next elections

Hey, we think along the same lines, I like! ;)

10. Left wing conspiracy theory (investigative reporting on voter suppression by dempgraphic and state) media reporting

If you want to read a few left wing conspiracy theories, Greg Palast delivers. :)

He is one of the main guys behind the 'voter register shenanigans' followups in the past years (get black, latino and asian votes delisted), and a little bit excentric, a little bit strapped for cash (sensationalistic) - but nevertheless, he does ivestigative journalism work.


Did so as well this time around.

Quick summery here (in german use google translate on it or smthg): https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=a153d90b

Or read his current book ("How Trump Stole 2020")
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Based on the poll from 2016, a lot of "other" voters may have changed their mind.
See republican PR (the election followup one). (Watch the following video.)

40 more years of democrats. Not.

Palast was just more an indication of two things.
1. Voter suppression is going on, and a foster childs of elites on both sides.
2. Especially look into this with the successful suppression attempt against Sanders this time around, because that came from the democrats.

Also we have a new term for the 'upstart sellouts' that dont have college education, but they want to act like they do, and they (optionally) have one racial minority background, that dems were banking on to get the minority vote.

"Woke white consultants." "The ascended" ;) (The white doesnt quite fit, but hey, its the classification that counts.. ;) (That we can talk about that group.))

Same as with the establishment highjacking that went on on the left (and cost them this election in terms of meaningful political change possibilities (see the "deplorables" video on this page (the one where its was suggested, that socialism cant even be mentioned, because the election results would show, that voters still took it as "the boogieman" - even though dems didnt even talk to latino voters, and its now indicated, that they might have voted, because of the stimulus checks)), there is now establishment highjacking going on in the GOP as well:

This was an election, that was fought on identity politics, racial devides, high emotional issues - no political issues at all. And as a result - benefited - the (economic, cultural) elites.

Questions? ;)

Have the idiots shout about Trumps chances to become president for three more months. Lets even back that, as the GOP - just to give them the feeling, that they are participating. ;) That Trump was wronged. That the GOP supports them.

Lets let the cultural activists on the left claim, that they were what won the election (even if dems lost in all demographics except white males), so dems lose the senate race for sure... ;) (On this item I'm theorycrafting.. ;) Its probably more likely, that that path of action was promised to them (as making sense), if they'd win the election, but nobody told them, that they'd lost all demographics (see f.e. CNN (https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2020/11/politics/election-analysis-exit-polls-2016-2020/)), and could not enact any meaningful policies because of it -- and so they were still in "narrative takeover mode" - when all was over and lost already. What idiots.)

I just merged *9* double-posts from the usual suspect, this is getting ridiculous. Next one's a warn - either use the Edit function as intended or wait for someone else to post first. Stop bumping, stop double-posting, follow the rules.

Thats just your way of trying to get me perma banned.

Your participation on this election was one populist posting. Thats all.

You literally merged threads where I explained the following, completely separate types of thought strain.

You merged

Instant reactions with
Establishment feedback with
Left fringe with
Conspiracy with
Policy planning with...

for no reason at all.

As a result you produced a wall of text, thats now unparsable.

Any sense of 'time passing' (some statements where policy reactions, that came a day after other statements) - is gone.

The interest on the subject is there (so this is not necrobumping, or pushing something that not many people have interest in), and I would rather focus on policy changes, than on competing in the high frequency thread talking mostly about extremist emotional sensibilities, where you participated as well.

None of this is me trying to promote 'me me me'.

If you think you have editorial capabilities - over what I post, cite something different, than a forum rule on 'not double posting' in a forum thats about 'reporting on news items' most of the time.

What a zealot you are, that you think that you did this forum a favor, by copy/pasting together 9 different text messages on different topics, reporting on different angles of reactions into one mega posting, that now just reads like a confused person with different personalities must have had no clue what was happening.

Round of applause for your strict adherence to the rules.

edit: Took the time to add separators again on 10 (!) newsitems you merged into one unreadable mess.

And let me tell you - before you did 'your work', all of this had higher readability, and more context (in terms of when what response was made (at what time, after the election).
Last edited by Foxi4, , Reason: This is not a debate. You will adhere to the rules. Warn issued


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I just merged *9* double-posts from the usual suspect, this is getting ridiculous. Next one's a warn - either use the Edit function as intended or wait for someone else to post first. Stop bumping, stop double-posting, follow the rules.

EDIT: Make it 10 now.

Last edited by Foxi4,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
You zealot just gave me another warning point, for speaking up. You are the worst. Leave the political subforum, never come back.

You are so vindictive it hurts.

Or - alternatively, speak up and tell us, why your way of handling things, makes any sense.

The rules are laughable, and not fit for this subforum. (To keep up on newsreporting on a topic, you cant and shouldnt be forced to edit the same thread 12 times, because no other user has replied in the meantime.)

You are completely out of line, and mostly sh*t posting in this sub.

When you are not adding populist memes in the other election thread.

Want to make this forum a bureaucratic nightmare, to get rid of a person you are targeting for half a year? Drunk on power and in a headspace that hasnt you learn from you past failures of moderating this community, and instead playing power games?

If you 'person' want to make my life a living hell, looking behind me and adding up warning posts for every response I write, do you really think that I will respect you more? Or anyone in here for that matter?

Also - OF COURSE you demanded, that my response to your moderating action had to be mixed in with a previous posting that was on topic.

Why? So you can hide your actions better?

Or to drive down a principle, which is wrong - for this forum?

Who made you a moderator? Or are you 'inventory'. Simply being awarded the badge, because of legacy rights? Can you think? Can you argue? Or can you just make peoples lives around here hell, throwing the book at them?

Jury and executioner in one. Other people too afraid to stir up the moderating team structures to speak up.

Here is another thread, where you could merge together 20 different posting into one, making it completely unreadable:
here is another one

Hey its well within the rules.

Give me warning for every one of them and have me permabanned for good.

But dont use your executive powers to hide your actions. And intentions.
Last edited by notimp,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
We make concessions for long-form writing such as tutorials and guides, mostly due to character and attachment limits making them unfeasible otherwise. You were reminded about the rule, both by myself and by the site bot, and immediately chose to defy both. My arsenal is limited - the only corrective actions available to me are speech and warning points - you don't listen to the former, so you receive the latter. Asking you to follow the rules is not an unreasonable request. You having a conversation with yourself is not conducive to maintaining the discussion and is immediately alienating to any user entering the thread and wanting to participate. No content was lost, I don't see the issue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Give me a reasoning aside from 'the book says so'.

Also - 'you were reminded and then immediately...." is the same kind of arguing you gave me the last time, when I stopped engaging with you, once the discussion erupted, and was punished for it, by you, because 'i aught to have read the messages, and therefore lied, because we have the time logs' (Other moderators arguing - I dont want to pin that on you.)

You have no idea, what my headspace on this things is at the time I'm posting. The idea in here was certainly not to 'defy' or to rile someone up.

As you can see from my reaction, I immediately assumed, it was you going by hurt ego.

And now on the issue again, I'm not a spring chicken, you lecture on how this forum works after eleven years of participation. I've seen the bot message probably several thousands of times by now. They idea, that this would lead to any immediate reaction is simply unbelievable.

Also you have dodged all questions.

Why is this rule enforced in here, for people that post updates on news items? I had the same moment in here today once more, where I literally wanted to update a broader topic, with a current development, but then immediately was confronted with - wait, maybe I cant - because that might get me banned.

The whole idea about masspostings in a political section is, that they can be kept updated. Which helps this community to provide something 'news sites' cant. Context on a topic - over time.

Now - what you essentially are saying is -- this would only be possible in this forum, on often highly divisive, popular threads, otherwise - please resort to long walls of edited previous postings, that lead to absolute unparsability - and missing context over time.

Thats wrong.

If you make exceptions for tutorials (mainly because of attachments) - make an exception here also.

I submit, that the three postings containing personal reflection could have been merged into one - but it is absolutely impossible, to merge


in one topic. Stuff becomes completely unparseable.

I'm not saying this to put up an antagonizing stance for anything - I literally have about 10-15 threads in here (some of which I've fallen off), that I regularly update with recent developments.

If you stick to your stance, I cant do that anymore.

Plain and simple.

So you wont have current updates on procedural stuff with brexit, you wont have a collection thread on 'political corruption', you wont have a thread on developments in Venezuela - all those topics are not popular or divisive enough, that people will comment on them all the time.

But if I cant explore more complicated issues over a longer period of time, this forum quite literally looses all pull it has for me.

I mean correcting your (and others) populist postings all the time, is only so fun - and actually feels mostly like empty soulless work. Because the adherence to partisan believes, memes, and partially fake news is strong in this community.

I havent seen you correcting those inputs once. But if someone posts multiple postings in a row, by god - have you no idea how to handle that, and throw the term rules, around as if they had a purpose in itself.

What good did you on behalf of this thread. What became better, because of your intervention?
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
So it seems Biden is projected to be the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election, but it isn't sealed in stone just yet. The electoral college still has to cast their vote. Trump is suing over fraud allegations so if there ends up being massive fraud there could be recounts and he could still possibly win. However, it is unlikely there was massive fraud regardless of what the lying left wing media claims.

For the record the left wing fake news sites aren't reporting there was massive fraud, but these are the same sights that haven't posted 1 single positive story about Trump in the last 4 years that didn't contain some sort of attack since before he took office. The same leftist media that supported impeaching Trump before his inauguration took place. The the same media that changed their wording from "projected President elect" to "President elect" before the actual vote that makes Biden the actual President elect has taken place.

Biden is not currently the President Elect, he's only "projected" (by the media) to become it. The way voting works isn't that the media gets to decide who wins or who loses, but it's the electoral college vote that does. I'm already displeased that the media took sides in the election and I've had it up to here with reading fabricated attacks on Trump for the last 4 years.

What's even more hilarious is the left suddenly says they want peace and unity and are blaming Trump for their actions against our Constitutional Republic. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I intend to treat the left exactly how they treated my side for the last 4 years. They've earned that as there will be "no peace" when the people saying they want it are holding out their right hand claiming tolerance when hiding a noose behind their back in their left hand.

It also would seem that the same leftist media that has been attacking conservatives for congregating together in large numbers had zero issues with the lack of social distancing happening during their fabricated "Biden has won" mumbo jumbo. Biden hasn't won just yet and it's hypocritical to allow for people to not social distance regardless if it's because they are celebrating something that hasn't happened yet or not. Churches still can't have service for hundreds of members, but hundreds of thousands of Biden supporters don't have to social distance? That's pretty fucked up, but it just shows what sort of time we're living in. You know, when the liquor store and abortion clinics are open, but you can't go to Church. The devil is at work and if he had a candidate to support it would be Biden.

Biden's proposed policies are the same ones that have destroyed once great cities and countries around the world so I'm praying that won't happen here in the USA, but there's a big chance it will now. Allowing people to come and go as they please and giving them free health care while on our soil while getting rid of the police and legalizing deadly drugs isn't going to have the outcome these progressives who claim they care about peace and unity are expecting. If Biden gets his way the entire country will reflect Los Angeles with homeless drug addicts and human feces littering the streets and Chicago that is more deadly than Iraq is. I pray we don't fall further into perversions, but it looks like the devil is winning the hearts and minds of the people.

So now it's time to act just like the Liberals did and claim Biden isn't my President and we should start calling to impeach him as soon as possible. The Liberals still haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election so why should I accept the results of this one? Impeach Biden now!
Last edited by gregory-samba,


GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
So it seems Biden is projected to be the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election, but it isn't sealed in stone just yet. The electoral college still has to cast their vote. Trump is suing over fraud allegations so if there ends up being massive fraud there could be recounts and he could still possibly win. However, it is unlikely there was massive fraud regardless of what the lying left wing media claims.

For the record the left wing fake news sites aren't reporting there was massive fraud, but these are the same sights that haven't posted 1 single positive story about Trump in the last 4 years that didn't contain some sort of attack since before he took office. The same leftist media that supported impeaching Trump before his inauguration took place. The the same media that changed their wording from "projected President elect" to "President elect" before the actual vote that makes Biden the actual President elect has taken place.

Biden is not currently the President Elect, he's only "projected" (by the media) to become it. The way voting works isn't that the media gets to decide who wins or who loses, but it's the electoral college vote that does. I'm already displeased that the media took sides in the election and I've had it up to here with reading fabricated attacks on Trump for the last 4 years.

What's even more hilarious is the left suddenly says they want peace and unity and are blaming Trump for their actions against our Constitutional Republic. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I intend to treat the left exactly how they treated my side for the last 4 years. They've earned that as there will be "no peace" when the people saying they want it are holding out their right hand claiming tolerance when hiding a noose behind their back in their left hand.

It also would seem that the same leftist media that has been attacking conservatives for congregating together in large numbers had zero issues with the lack of social distancing happening during their fabricated "Biden has won" mumbo jumbo. Biden hasn't won just yet and it's hypocritical to allow for people to not social distance regardless if it's because they are celebrating something that hasn't happened yet or not. Churches still can't have service for hundreds of members, but hundreds of thousands of Biden supporters don't have to social distance? That's pretty fucked up, but it just shows what sort of time we're living in. You know, when the liquor store and abortion clinics are open, but you can't go to Church. The devil is at work and if he had a candidate to support it would be Biden.

Biden's proposed policies are the same ones that have destroyed once great cities and countries around the world so I'm praying that won't happen here in the USA, but there's a big chance it will now. Allowing people to come and go as they please and giving them free health care while on our soil while getting rid of the police and legalizing deadly drugs isn't going to have the outcome these progressives who claim they care about peace and unity are expecting. If Biden gets his way the entire country will reflect Los Angeles with homeless drug addicts and human feces littering the streets and Chicago that is more deadly than Iraq is. I pray we don't fall further into perversions, but it looks like the devil is winning the hearts and minds of the people.

So now it's time to act just like the Liberals did and claim Biden isn't my President and we should start calling to impeach him as soon as possible. The Liberals still haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election so why should I accept the results of this one? Impeach Biden now!
ur sad... and you should feel bad..


Jan 8, 2016
United States
(narrow left wing win, that means prolonging inaction).
Narrow? Hardly. Biden's win was unprecedented. Left wing? Not when Biden's a right leaning centrist. Prolonging inaction? Sure, but what president hasn't done this over the past 50 years? Biden hasn't even taken office yet, so we have no idea how he's going to do, and I'm not one to ascribe to conjecture.
It would have been better if Trump won
Sorry, Yanis, but Trump had 4 years to do something good with this country. This is weird coming from a leftist, too.
Last edited by Joom,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Narrow? Hardly. Biden's win was unprecedented. Left wing? Not when Biden's a right leaning centrist. Prolonging inaction? Sure, but what president hasn't done this over the past 50 years?
Context. This is not me spitting fighting words. ;)

First - you are looking at the wrong stuff. ;) On the popular vote front the dems did well. On the 'power to enact stuff' front, all high profile sources (Economist, FT, The Agenda Panel, NYT, ...) are doing obituaries, that they lost the senate, and (seats in the) the house _bad_, and that in 2021 gerrymandering might get worse - and they have no power to stop it. The progressive left is either in denial, or in shock right now. And the party will swing to centrist politics. (So far you are correct. :) ) (Left wing - sure, as opposed to right wing, I didnt mean more than that.)

Inaction means 'more of the same' which means, no higher wages, no social mobility, no universal healthcare (at least unlikely), not a huge overhaul on education spending, internationally still slow retraction (? not entirely sure, but likely) and thats it. (Apart from stuff Biden can sign into action via executive orders, which is limited.) In an economy that currently benefits upper income brackets, where middleclasses are reduced by 10% per generation, where Covid is ramrodding the US economy (just wait and see.. ;) ) - inaction, is 'not great'. Especially not, if the entire democratic electorate notices, that the flipping identity politics 'ascended' are in it for themselves and no one else. :)

Bigger institutions (FED and so on..) will still steer, but thats not ideal. (Not very 'efficient'.)

On the other hand. Varoufakis is a highly ideological person, cobbling together an international progressive movement, so he is bound to see the outcome a little more extreme than democratic centrists.

That said. DONT believe the progressive wing one word currently, when they are lying to you about social mobility. Growth. Job perspectives. And probably even healthcare. They couldnt mobilize the people they said they would bring to the polls. At least not under Biden. That realization will sink in.

That said, we are still unsure, if Biden will start an infrastructure spending plan in the US. If the republicans are clever, they will not let him. Neither will they let him start any domestic policy programs that people might like. And dont forget, they control the senate. (House is just 'implementation' - so trying to lower impact of laws, and even that could become republican by the end of the Biden administration.)

Sorry, Yanis, but Trump had 4 years to do something good with this country. This is weird coming from a leftist, too.
He was outplayed by EU finance ministers, and then ousted. :) (There was a coup. :) ) He released tapes. Listen to them some time.. ;)

Greece is currently 3rd world status (according to Varoufacis), with western media not reporting on it. Which is probably correct. Its a way to reduce the migration crisis.
Last edited by notimp,

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    @K3Nv2, cancel your subscription
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I gotta call 1800genxyzwoke if I want to cancel anything
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Why's everyone on a creatine craze I keep randomly hearing about it
    hello! Has anyone tried to move Pokemon save files played in CFW/Emulator to OFW successfully?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You will get banned.
    @BigOnYa Did it happen to you or someone you know? Which is the dangerous part in this procedure?
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @ATEMVEGETA no, i just traded my pokemon over by trading it to a friend locally on cfw and trading it back on ofw
    @The Real Jdbye, You traded just a Pokemon or transfered the save data?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Gotta transfer them all!
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @ATEMVEGETA i traded all the pokemon
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    On the Switch forums I've seen people claim they were banned for using saves from emulator, on Ofw. But I don't play that ****
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I sold all my Pokémon to Arabic princes
    @BigOnYa, Interesting! Can you show me some of those posts plz?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    No you go find them, use the search, or ask in the Switch noob forums.
  • Larsenv @ Larsenv:
    @Xdqwerty I'm not sure if there was a 13 or over rule back in 2013
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @ATEMVEGETA here's a few comments, but know ive seen more in the threads. Post in thread 'Pokemon Scarlet save file' https://gbatemp.net/threads/pokemon-scarlet-save-file.646217/post-10403348
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, im still afraid of coming out irl tho
    Well, I had read that thread already, it does not mention moving saves from Emulator to OFW. Also I am not planning to edit/modify a save file. Just play a save file on an emulator, and then move it to OFW and play it on my switch.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I wouldn't risk it, but do what you want. A console ban is loss of all online play, of any games.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I wouldn't risk it, but do what you want. A console ban is loss of all online play, of any games.