ROM Hack Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver translation

Which patch will you play?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
United States
wow, that sux.
i was really looking forward to v5.
oh well, im sure you have your reasons for stopping.
thanks for all your work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
United States
This is apparently the same thing that happened with Rykin's Platinum translation a while back. Sorry for any anguish you were put through. Hopefully we can prevent the same from happening to Kazo. Translators deserve more respect.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
United States
I'm really sorry that the project had to end so abruptly, but I would have done the exact same thing had I been hounded so consistently by the noobs galore on this board.

Raqib12, just know that I appreciate all of the hard work that you're put into your patch thus far. As far as I'm concerned, your patch is complete enough as it is and makes the game very playable, which I know was your original intention.

For all of you people who caused this, including the one who attempted to merge the two patches, let me just say that I am disgusted with you, as I'm sure everyone else in the thread is.

I, like many, was also looking forward to the new logos. Despite this, I will appreciate Raqib's dedication in this project. Thank you.

Big Kong Boss

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2008
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Let this little fiasco be a lesson to those who constantly begged for a "beta" or another updated release. Let it be known that translation projects DO TAKE TIME. Pestering one who is working on this for a release date can somewhat bother him/her.


Fat D

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2006
Too sad that you stopped that, really. I loved your translation - as I did Kazo's. Both have their ups and downs, both achieved very much in very little time. Your translation has done a good job at making the japanese versions of Pokémon more playable - and more enjoyable - than the unmodified original, at least for those of us who do not fluently understand japanese writing. Sure, without a story translation we cannot perfectly understand things like the meaning of the Kimono Girl accompanying us on our journey or minor deviations from the original storyline, like dressing up as a Rocket Grunt to infiltrate the Radio Tower or the simple fact that the Togepi Egg is handed out in the store and not in the Pokémon Center. But things like that will be for the day Nintendo publish their official translation. While Magnius is working on his, it is unlikely there will be a translation as faithful, interesting and complete as the official one before the international release.

As I have said before, both translations have had their ups and downs, so I was glad that Insider92 created merged versions of it, offering us the best of both worlds to play. While it might have offended you to have your versions modified without notification or permission, you cannot deny that it was good for us users. Especially with your translations being a non-profit effort, there is no need for competition and fight. And as others have pointed out, everything you have taken from Nintendo's games, be it translation or source material, is just as much of IP violation as taking your translations and merging them. And due to the commercial nature of Nintendo's material, it might even be worse ethically.

That does not mean I am opposed to using such material in a translation - quite on the contrary, the recognizability of Nintendo translations and the whole fact that this translation could not exist if not for Nintendo source material makes this type of content copying beneficial to the common good. But it is still hypocritical to call the merge a form of theft. With all due respect to you for the work you have done to create this translation, this translation fell not to theft, but to your pride.

All in all, thank you for what you have done, but why did it have to end like this?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
United States
Fat D said:
Too sad that you stopped that, really. I loved your translation - as I did Kazo's. Both have their ups and downs, both achieved very much in very little time. Your translation has done a good job at making the japanese versions of Pokémon more playable - and more enjoyable - than the unmodified original, at least for those of us who do not fluently understand japanese writing. Sure, without a story translation we cannot perfectly understand things like the meaning of the Kimono Girl accompanying us on our journey or minor deviations from the original storyline, like dressing up as a Rocket Grunt to infiltrate the Radio Tower or the simple fact that the Togepi Egg is handed out in the store and not in the Pokémon Center. But things like that will be for the day Nintendo publish their official translation. While Magnius is working on his, it is unlikely there will be a translation as faithful, interesting and complete as the official one before the international release.

As I have said before, both translations have had their ups and downs, so I was glad that Insider92 created merged versions of it, offering us the best of both worlds to play. While it might have offended you to have your versions modified without notification or permission, you cannot deny that it was good for us users. Especially with your translations being a non-profit effort, there is no need for competition and fight. And as others have pointed out, everything you have taken from Nintendo's games, be it translation or source material, is just as much of IP violation as taking your translations and merging them. And due to the commercial nature of Nintendo's material, it might even be worse ethically.

That does not mean I am opposed to using such material in a translation - quite on the contrary, the recognizability of Nintendo translations and the whole fact that this translation could not exist if not for Nintendo source material makes this type of content copying beneficial to the common good. But it is still hypocritical to call the merge a form of theft. With all due respect to you for the work you have done to create this translation, this translation fell not to theft, but to your pride.

All in all, thank you for what you have done, but why did it have to end like this?
Very well said.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
The Vualt
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I only know the japanese for yes and no so I found this patch incredibly's a shame pokemon obsessed noobs had to ruin it for everyone else. I wasn't even going to play the japanese HG/SS, I was going to wait untill the US version but I saw this patch and thought "I wan't summa that!!". Anyway...thanks for making the game more playable!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
saganj001 said:
Guild McCommunist said:
Sheesh, people get overprotective about their translations. It's not your child or your coveted Majora's Mask fishbone guitar, it's a patch. And seeing as you can't copyright a patch there's nothing you can do about it, sorry.

In the end, I thought the translation thing was to benefit the public. Combining both patches and adding the good aspects of both of them together seems logical. Maybe you didn't allow it, yes, but still, what's the big deal? Apparently game translating, especially Pokemon, seems to be a big pissing contest on seeing who can get the longest stream instead of working together as a whole so everyone can benefit. If you don't want to work together, fine, I couldn't care less (although I think having 3 different translations is fucking pointless when you could instead have 1 grand translation), but I wouldn't get all up in arms over one guy throwing together your patch with another guy's.

That's just me.
I made an account just because of your ignorance. What the user who is merging the patches without consent is doing is theft. I know Raqib and his team put a hell of a lot of time into this. To have somebody steal things from his patch is like a slap in the face. Think about how you would feel if something you created that wasn't copyrighted just got taken by somebody else, it would suck. Iono why there are 3 different translations as I know this thread was the only one up days before the release of the game. And will all the people complaining and asking for extra things just stop. Raqib's team has lives. It just seems you are being very ungrateful. I really hope this patch doesn't get cut short like Rykin's Platinum one because of stupid people.

It would probably feel kind of like if you spent the last several years working on a video game, and then someone stole it, tinkered with as they saw fit, and then gave it away for free to millions of people.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
I never understood why there are 2 people translating gameplay elements, 1 translating story elements, and noone wanted to work together.

Was it pride? Do they want it to be THEIR patch? Do they like the competition? Isnt what they are doing to help people play the game? Wouldnt they help faster by working together? Wouldnt they make it a private project if this wasnt the purpose?

I dont know the answer to any of those questions, but I have one thing to say about you quitting the translation because someone wanted to take what you have done for the people and put it into an even more helpfull package:

Mega lame.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
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Fat D said:
As I have said before, both translations have had their ups and downs, so I was glad that Insider92 created merged versions of it, offering us the best of both worlds to play. While it might have offended you to have your versions modified without notification or permission, you cannot deny that it was good for us users. Especially with your translations being a non-profit effort, there is no need for competition and fight. And as others have pointed out, everything you have taken from Nintendo's games, be it translation or source material, is just as much of IP violation as taking your translations and merging them. And due to the commercial nature of Nintendo's material, it might even be worse ethically.

That does not mean I am opposed to using such material in a translation - quite on the contrary, the recognizability of Nintendo translations and the whole fact that this translation could not exist if not for Nintendo source material makes this type of content copying beneficial to the common good. But it is still hypocritical to call the merge a form of theft. With all due respect to you for the work you have done to create this translation, this translation fell not to theft, but to your pride.

All in all, thank you for what you have done, but why did it have to end like this?

THIS. It's sad to see this translation end, but calling Insider92's merged patch theft was just wrong.

QUOTE(Wallydraigle @ Sep 20 2009, 02:29 PM) It would probably feel kind of like if you spent the last several years working on a video game, and then someone stole it, tinkered with as they saw fit, and then gave it away for free to millions of people.
Well said. The concept of a translator accusing someone of theft because they're merging two translations without taking credit for himself isn't right.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
saganj001 said:
Guild McCommunist said:
Sheesh, people get overprotective about their translations. It's not your child or your coveted Majora's Mask fishbone guitar, it's a patch. And seeing as you can't copyright a patch there's nothing you can do about it, sorry.

In the end, I thought the translation thing was to benefit the public. Combining both patches and adding the good aspects of both of them together seems logical. Maybe you didn't allow it, yes, but still, what's the big deal? Apparently game translating, especially Pokemon, seems to be a big pissing contest on seeing who can get the longest stream instead of working together as a whole so everyone can benefit. If you don't want to work together, fine, I couldn't care less (although I think having 3 different translations is fucking pointless when you could instead have 1 grand translation), but I wouldn't get all up in arms over one guy throwing together your patch with another guy's.

That's just me.
I made an account just because of your ignorance. What the user who is merging the patches without consent is doing is theft. I know Raqib and his team put a hell of a lot of time into this. To have somebody steal things from his patch is like a slap in the face. Think about how you would feel if something you created that wasn't copyrighted just got taken by somebody else, it would suck. Iono why there are 3 different translations as I know this thread was the only one up days before the release of the game. And will all the people complaining and asking for extra things just stop. Raqib's team has lives. It just seems you are being very ungrateful. I really hope this patch doesn't get cut short like Rykin's Platinum one because of stupid people.

First off, it's not theft. If it was theft, you'd wake up one morning without the translation in your hands and someone else running around with it. What you're saying is "theft" is like saying I stole iTunes. You can't. You're letting anyone download the patch for free, no strings attatched. They can do anything with it. It's not in your hands, it's in our hands. Not to mention accusing someone of "theft" is pretty hypocritical for someone who pirated the game. Not that I don't like piracy, I'm pretty sure a lot of people do it (including myself), but I don't run around being Captain America and stopping piracy when I do it myself.

They didn't steal your patch. You still have the patch. You distributed the patch freely. It's a reality you have to face, that someone may do something with your patch. That's like me handing out flyers and asking people to not make it into a paper airplane. I have no power to stop it, and it's something that is completely possible.

Last time I checked, as I stated, translations were to help the community. You're acting awfully selfish with this additude. I doubt the user who merged the translations was thinking "Yes! I can mess up everybody's plans! Let the villians unite, muahahahaha!" He was probably thinking "Hey, what if I got the good stuff from 2 patches and made them one. Genius!" Taking an additude saying that your translation was the first and the most dedicated makes it seem this translation is obviously more about self gratification and narcicism than helping the community.

Y'know, maybe these translations have gone far enough. When we had 3 translations floating around, it wasn't about purely translating for the joy of it or to help others, it was to be able to see who can beat who. Translations aren't about that. Translations are about helping people who don't understand the language be able to play games they want to play. These have gone to the point where people are making claims to a full game translation, and that's just foolish and only fuel for the impatient kiddies who can't wait for the actual game. And when you finally state you're going for a full game translation, all that impatience and demands coming your way is going to ten-fold, because people want the entire game done as fast as possible. Practically all the translations get to the vitals of the game: Menus, Pokemon, moves, etc. I think they need to stay at this place. Any farther is obviously just proving my point.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
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Guild McCommunist said:
saganj001 said:
Guild McCommunist said:
Sheesh, people get overprotective about their translations. It's not your child or your coveted Majora's Mask fishbone guitar, it's a patch. And seeing as you can't copyright a patch there's nothing you can do about it, sorry.

In the end, I thought the translation thing was to benefit the public. Combining both patches and adding the good aspects of both of them together seems logical. Maybe you didn't allow it, yes, but still, what's the big deal? Apparently game translating, especially Pokemon, seems to be a big pissing contest on seeing who can get the longest stream instead of working together as a whole so everyone can benefit. If you don't want to work together, fine, I couldn't care less (although I think having 3 different translations is fucking pointless when you could instead have 1 grand translation), but I wouldn't get all up in arms over one guy throwing together your patch with another guy's.

That's just me.
I made an account just because of your ignorance. What the user who is merging the patches without consent is doing is theft. I know Raqib and his team put a hell of a lot of time into this. To have somebody steal things from his patch is like a slap in the face. Think about how you would feel if something you created that wasn't copyrighted just got taken by somebody else, it would suck. Iono why there are 3 different translations as I know this thread was the only one up days before the release of the game. And will all the people complaining and asking for extra things just stop. Raqib's team has lives. It just seems you are being very ungrateful. I really hope this patch doesn't get cut short like Rykin's Platinum one because of stupid people.

First off, it's not theft. If it was theft, you'd wake up one morning without the translation in your hands and someone else running around with it. What you're saying is "theft" is like saying I stole iTunes. You can't. You're letting anyone download the patch for free, no strings attatched. They can do anything with it. It's not in your hands, it's in our hands. Not to mention accusing someone of "theft" is pretty hypocritical for someone who pirated the game. Not that I don't like piracy, I'm pretty sure a lot of people do it (including myself), but I don't run around being Captain America and stopping piracy when I do it myself.

They didn't steal your patch. You still have the patch. You distributed the patch freely. It's a reality you have to face, that someone may do something with your patch. That's like me handing out flyers and asking people to not make it into a paper airplane. I have no power to stop it, and it's something that is completely possible.

Last time I checked, as I stated, translations were to help the community. You're acting awfully selfish with this additude. I doubt the user who merged the translations was thinking "Yes! I can mess up everybody's plans! Let the villians unite, muahahahaha!" He was probably thinking "Hey, what if I got the good stuff from 2 patches and made them one. Genius!" Taking an additude saying that your translation was the first and the most dedicated makes it seem this translation is obviously more about self gratification and narcicism than helping the community.

Y'know, maybe these translations have gone far enough. When we had 3 translations floating around, it wasn't about purely translating for the joy of it or to help others, it was to be able to see who can beat who. Translations aren't about that. Translations are about helping people who don't understand the language be able to play games they want to play. These have gone to the point where people are making claims to a full game translation, and that's just foolish and only fuel for the impatient kiddies who can't wait for the actual game. And when you finally state you're going for a full game translation, all that impatience and demands coming your way is going to ten-fold, because people want the entire game done as fast as possible. Practically all the translations get to the vitals of the game: Menus, Pokemon, moves, etc. I think they need to stay at this place. Any farther is obviously just proving my point.
What's even better is that he gave Raqib and Kazo credit for making the patches and didn't take any for himself if his posts are anything to go by.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Fat D said:
Too sad that you stopped that, really. I loved your translation - as I did Kazo's. Both have their ups and downs, both achieved very much in very little time. Your translation has done a good job at making the japanese versions of Pokémon more playable - and more enjoyable - than the unmodified original, at least for those of us who do not fluently understand japanese writing. Sure, without a story translation we cannot perfectly understand things like the meaning of the Kimono Girl accompanying us on our journey or minor deviations from the original storyline, like dressing up as a Rocket Grunt to infiltrate the Radio Tower or the simple fact that the Togepi Egg is handed out in the store and not in the Pokémon Center. But things like that will be for the day Nintendo publish their official translation. While Magnius is working on his, it is unlikely there will be a translation as faithful, interesting and complete as the official one before the international release.

As I have said before, both translations have had their ups and downs, so I was glad that Insider92 created merged versions of it, offering us the best of both worlds to play. While it might have offended you to have your versions modified without notification or permission, you cannot deny that it was good for us users. Especially with your translations being a non-profit effort, there is no need for competition and fight. And as others have pointed out, everything you have taken from Nintendo's games, be it translation or source material, is just as much of IP violation as taking your translations and merging them. And due to the commercial nature of Nintendo's material, it might even be worse ethically.

That does not mean I am opposed to using such material in a translation - quite on the contrary, the recognizability of Nintendo translations and the whole fact that this translation could not exist if not for Nintendo source material makes this type of content copying beneficial to the common good. But it is still hypocritical to call the merge a form of theft. With all due respect to you for the work you have done to create this translation, this translation fell not to theft, but to your pride.

All in all, thank you for what you have done, but why did it have to end like this?
There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your own work.
And there is nothing wrong with competition. Kazo and Raqib both seem to be nice guys. They have their own views on how the patches should be completed and they went their separate ways. At the same time, if this competition didn't exist nether one of them would be where they are now. Raqib wouldn't have had his graphic edits if he didn't want to one-up Kazo, and Kazo probably wouldn't have started on the dialogue if it weren't for Magnius' potential patch.

For the impatient, having a merged patch seems better. To the two individual translators working on unique projects it's a slap in the face. You didn't ask them, and they didn't want it.

When the project leaders are offended, progress stops. Telling them to STFU because you think that you know better is not a productive way to encourage them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
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Rykin said:
Fat D said:
Too sad that you stopped that, really. I loved your translation - as I did Kazo's. Both have their ups and downs, both achieved very much in very little time. Your translation has done a good job at making the japanese versions of Pokémon more playable - and more enjoyable - than the unmodified original, at least for those of us who do not fluently understand japanese writing. Sure, without a story translation we cannot perfectly understand things like the meaning of the Kimono Girl accompanying us on our journey or minor deviations from the original storyline, like dressing up as a Rocket Grunt to infiltrate the Radio Tower or the simple fact that the Togepi Egg is handed out in the store and not in the Pokémon Center. But things like that will be for the day Nintendo publish their official translation. While Magnius is working on his, it is unlikely there will be a translation as faithful, interesting and complete as the official one before the international release.

As I have said before, both translations have had their ups and downs, so I was glad that Insider92 created merged versions of it, offering us the best of both worlds to play. While it might have offended you to have your versions modified without notification or permission, you cannot deny that it was good for us users. Especially with your translations being a non-profit effort, there is no need for competition and fight. And as others have pointed out, everything you have taken from Nintendo's games, be it translation or source material, is just as much of IP violation as taking your translations and merging them. And due to the commercial nature of Nintendo's material, it might even be worse ethically.

That does not mean I am opposed to using such material in a translation - quite on the contrary, the recognizability of Nintendo translations and the whole fact that this translation could not exist if not for Nintendo source material makes this type of content copying beneficial to the common good. But it is still hypocritical to call the merge a form of theft. With all due respect to you for the work you have done to create this translation, this translation fell not to theft, but to your pride.

All in all, thank you for what you have done, but why did it have to end like this?
There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your own work.
And there is nothing wrong with competition. Kazo and Raqib both seem to be nice guys. They have their own views on how the patches should be completed and they went their separate ways. At the same time, if this competition didn't exist nether one of them would be where they are now. Raqib wouldn't have had his graphic edits if he didn't want to one-up Kazo, and Kazo probably wouldn't have started on the dialogue if it weren't for Magnius' potential patch.

For the impatient, having a merged patch seems better. To the two individual translators working on unique projects it's a slap in the face. You didn't ask them, and they didn't want it.

When the project leaders are offended, progress stops. Telling them to STFU because you think that you know better is not a productive way to encourage them.
Calling the person that merges them a theif is both hypocritical and asinine though. I can also understand why they wouldn't want it posted in their threads, but it's a slap in the face of the community when they demand someone stop posting the merged patch for everyone to enjoy, especially since he didn't take credit for it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
Rykin said:
There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your own work.
And there is nothing wrong with competition. Kazo and Raqib both seem to be nice guys. They have their own views on how the patches should be completed and they went their separate ways. At the same time, if this competition didn't exist nether one of them would be where they are now. Raqib wouldn't have had his graphic edits if he didn't want to one-up Kazo, and Kazo probably wouldn't have started on the dialogue if it weren't for Magnius' potential patch.

For the impatient, having a merged patch seems better. To the two individual translators working on unique projects it's a slap in the face. You didn't ask them, and they didn't want it.

When the project leaders are offended, progress stops. Telling them to STFU because you think that you know better is not a productive way to encourage them.

What you say makes sense. But only if pride and stubbornness have become more important than helping the community play the game.

This is, in my opinion, what differentiates both translations.


Active Member
Sep 19, 2009
Fucking n00bs. All they had to do was wait for each release and play it. Not Fucking whine and go fuck things up.
THEY MAKE ME SICK.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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