"Pizza Boy A Basic" emulator back into Google Play Store free and without ads


2024 has been a hard year for emulator and homebrew enthusiasts, with many websites and projects being taken down, like some GitHub homebrew projects, and others have been sued, as was the case with Yuzu, which sadly took Citra down as collateral damage as well.

Given the whole ordeal that occurred with the Yuzu situation, many emulator developers started to take defensive stances to avoid any kind of legal action by big corporations, with some even claiming to abandon their projects altogether. One such case was that of Pizza Boy, which got removed from the Google Play Store back in March after the resolution of Yuzu's case was made public.

After almost two months from the whole ordeal, just a couple of days ago italian developer Davide Berra announced that, after a lot of consideration and talking with several people both out and in the field of emulation, he has decided to revisit and bring back some applications into the Play Store, with the one to start off would be the Pizza Boy emulator, and the application this time would be free and also advertiser-free as well.

With Apple's recent changes in policy to allow emulator applications into their App Store, we can only hope that both developers and their emulator continue to thrive and grow without fear or worries, and that emulators see more and more platforms to flourish in.

:arrow: Pizza Boy page at Google Play Store

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I tried that too, I was hoping for a mushroom pizza but to my surprise they asked me for ROMs. :c
Payment method of roms? Economy so bad I can't use paper money anymore I guess. Time to disassemble my cartridges, small price to pay for pizza I guess. But if it ask me for a bios, I'm screwed, unless it accepts phone bios. :ninja:


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
But the touch controls in retroarch are worse
Touchscreen controls are horrible. I couldn't imagine playing a full game pressing inexistent buttons on a screen.

I'll use a physical controller, thanks.
does anyone really uses android to play emulators?
Obviously, it's awesome.

Got PS1, N64, Saturn, PS2, GCN/Wii, GBA, PSP, NES, SNES, Genesis, etc, all set up and ready to play.

Also added Sonic Mania Plus and TMNT Shredder's Revenge APKs.

When I play, I always connect this controller to my phone:


Who needs a new Vita!

I prefer my 2DS but this is cool.
I had a 2DS back in the day, it was cool and all, but after a while my hands felt cramped. Didn't happen with the DSL/3DS.

Yes. I literally bought an Android phone for emulation before Delta was released on iOS
iOS users finally get to enjoy what Android users had for years. :P

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