Hacking Language files for Usb Loader GX


Oct 19, 2008
akex said:
@ikya :

- I would rather put "Chinois trad." instead of "Chinois tradition."
- Instead of "Extinction" would use "Arrêt".

Well, for french translators, better to user another thread for this (at gx)

Yes, by the way, when I put Chinois traditionnel, only one char is missing and there is enough place for 1-2 chars more so I was wondering whether dimok could add 1 or 2 chars to this field

QUOTE(Sazzles @ May 17 2009, 02:57 AM) Am I the only one that thinks translating the language options is a bad idea? What if you accidentally click japanese or something? Good luck finding your original language again!

Isn't it a better idea to put each language ... in it's own language?

English => English (duh)
Dutch => Nederlands

And keep the settings on the right (english, nederlands, ...) no matter what language you picked out so you can easily find the language you want, no matter what the current setting is? Cause, let's be honest, this is most likely going to be used by people that aren't too fluent in english.. or just might not recognize the translated name of their language

I totally agree with this, I think the languages' translations should be deleted from the file and be hardcoded in its own language (maybe bad idea).


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Translation to Portuguese...(if you tought about us)


Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos Especiais a
t3Covers = Capas 3D
AppLanguage = Idioma da Aplicação
Areyousure = Tem certeza?
AutoPatch = Patch automático
Back = Voltar
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Voltar para o HBC ou menu Wii
BacktoLoader = Voltar para o Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Voltar para o menu Wii
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = Erro criação directorio
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = Erro na formatação
Cantdelete = Erro a Apagar
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Selecionar para download de Capas
Clock = Relógio
Continueinstallgame = Continuar a instalar jogo?
ConsoleDefault = Default da Consola
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Consola deve estar desbloqueada para modificação.
ConsoleLocked = Consola bloqueada
CorrectPassword = Password Correcta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Insucesso na inicialização rede!
CouldnotopenDisc = Erro na inicialização disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Erro na inicialização do módulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Download de Capas
CoverPath = Localização Capas
CoverpathChanged = Localização Capas Alterado
Coverpathchange = Alterar Localização Capas
Credits = Créditos
DiscImages = Imagens dos discos
DiscimagePath = Localização das Imagens dos Discos
DiscpathChanged = Localização das Imagens Discos Alterada
Discpathchange = Alterar localização das Imagens Discos
DiscDefault = Defaults dos Discos
Display = Mostrar
Doyouwanttoformat = Quer formatar:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Quer Apagar:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Quer continuar a tentar por 30 segs?
Downloadingfile = Download de ficheiro:
DownloadBoxartimage = Download de Capas?
Downloadfinished = Download Completo
Error = Erro !
ErrorreadingDisc = Erro a ler Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Sair USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Inicialização Rede
InsertDisk = Inserir Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = Inserir um Disco wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Inserir um cartão SD para download de imagens.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Inserir um Cartão SD para gravar.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas as caracteristicas do USB Loader GX estão Desbloqueadas.
Installerror = Erro na Instalação!
Installagame = Instalação de Jogo
Installinggame = A Instalar Jogo:
Failedtoboot = Erro no Boot:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Erro a inicializar Cartão SD
FailedtosetUSB = Erro a inicializar USB:
Failedformating = Erro na formatação
filesnotfoundontheserver = Ficheiros não disponíveis no Servidor!
filesleft = ficheiro(s) restantes
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Forçar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Precisa formatar uma partição.
Format = Formatar
Formattingpleasewait = A formatar, espere...
formated = formatado!
free = livre
FreeSpace = Espaço livre
FullShutdown = Desligar Completamente
GameID = ID do jogo
Games = Jogos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Jogo já instalado:
GameRegion = Região
GameSize = Tamanho do Jogo
GoBack = Voltar
//GotoPage = Voltar à Página
HowtoShutdown = Como Desligar?
Language = Idioma
Langchange = Escolha de Idioma
Left = Esquerda
LikeSysMenu = Como o Menu Sistema
LoadingincIOS = Carregar em cIOS249
Lock = Bloquear
LockConsole = Bloquear Consola
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Missingfiles = Ficheiros em Falta
Networkiniterror = Erro na inicialização Rede
Neither = Nenhum
Next = Seguinte
No = Não
Nofilemissing = Sem ficheiros em Falta!
NoHDDfound = Não encontrou HDD!
NoSDcardinserted = Não há Cartão SD inserido!
Nopartitionsfound = Nenhuma Partição encontrada.
NoUSBDevice = Nenhum dispositivo USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Nenhuma partição WBFS encontrada
NormalCovers = Capas Normais
Normal = Normais
NotaWiiDisc = Não é um Disco wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Nenhum dispositivo USB encontrado
Notenoughfreespace = Espaço livre insuficiente!
notset = Não preparado
of = de
OfficialSite = website oficial
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = controlo Parental
Partition = Partição
Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password Alterada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Password foi alterada
Passwordchange = Alterar Password
PowerofftheWii = Desligar wii
Prev = Anterior
PromptsButtons = Botões de Prompt
ReloadSD = Recarregar SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renomear jogo no WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Return = Voltar
ReturntoWii = Voltar ao Menu wii
Right = Direita
Rumble = Vibração
QuickBoot = Boot rápido
Save = Gravar
SaveFailed = Falha na Gravação
Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos Especiais a
For = para
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = e disponibilização do Código fonte
secondsleft = segundos restantes
SelectthePartition = Selecionar Partição
youwanttoformat = Quer Formatar
settings = Definições
ShutdowntoIdle = Desligar para Idle
ShutdownSystem = Delsigar Sistema
Success = Sucesso:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado com Sucesso:
Successfullydeleted = Apagado com Sucesso:
SuccessfullySaved = Gravado com Sucesso:
SystemDefault = Defaults de Sistema
ThemePath = Localização Temas
ThemepathChanged = Localização Temas Alterado
Themepathchange = Localização Temas Alterado
Try = Tentar
Tooltips = Tooltips
Timeleft = Tempo restante:
Unlock = Desbloquear
Uninstall = Desinstalar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está protegido
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB não encontrado.
VideoMode = Modo de Video
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
Volume = Volume
Waiting = Esperar...
WaitingforUSBDevice = A esperar pelo dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Fix Widescreen
WiiMenu = Menu Wii
WrongPassword = Password Errada
Yes = Sim
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 não instalado
Japanese = Japonês
German = Alemão
English = Inglês
French = Francês
Spanish = Espanhol
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandês
SChinese = SChinês
TChinese = TChinês
Korean = Coreano
Portuguese = Portugues

Any revisions appreciated


Jan 27, 2009

This is the last spanish translation. I think it works fine. I tested it and changed some text by lenght problems, so i have return to "muchas gracias a" fron "agradecimientos especiales a" because it it too large to fit in display.

This is the file:

Specialthanksto = Muchas gracias a
t3Covers = Carátulas 3D
AppLanguage = Idioma de la aplicación
Areyousure = ¿Estás Seguro?
AutoPatch = Auto-Parcheo
Back = Atrás
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Volver al HBC o Menú Wii
BacktoLoader = Volver al Cargador
BacktoWiiMenu = Volver al menú de wii
BootStandard = Inicio/Estándar
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = No puedo crear el directorio
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = No se puede formatear
Cantdelete = No se puede borrar:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Click para descargar carátulas
Clock = Reloj
Continueinstallgame = ¿Continuo instalando el juego?
ConsoleDefault = Predeterm. consola
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = La consola debería estar desbloqueada
para modificarlo.
ConsoleLocked = Consola bloqueada
CorrectPassword = Contraseña Correcta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = ¡No puedo iniciar la red!
CouldnotopenDisc = No se puede abrir el disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = ¡No se puede inicializar modulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Descarga de carátulas
CoverPath = Ruta a Carátulas
CoverpathChanged = Ruta a carátulas cambiada
Coverpathchange = Cambiar ruta a carátulas
Credits = Créditos
DiscImages = Imágen Discos
DiscimagePath = Ruta imágen discos
DiscpathChanged = Ruta de discos cambiada
Discpathchange = Cambiar ruta a imágenes de disco
DiscDefault = Disco por defecto
Display = Pantalla
Doyouwanttoformat = ¿Quieres formatear?:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = ¿Realmente quieres borrar?:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = ¿Quieres intentarlo otros 30 segundos?
Downloadingfile = Descargando fichero:
DownloadBoxartimage = ¿Descargar imagen de caja?
Downloadfinished = Descarga finalizada
Error = ¡Error !
BOOTERROR = ¡Error de arranque !
ErrorreadingDisc = Error leyendo disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Salir del USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Inicializando red
InsertDisk = Introduzca el disco
InsertaWiiDisc = ¡Ponga un disco de wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Introduzca una tarjeta SD para descargar imágenes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Introduzca una tarjeta SD para guardar.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas las opciones de USB Loader GX desbloqueadas.
Installerror = ¡Error de instalación!
Installagame = Instalar un juego
Installinggame = Instalando juego:
Failedtoboot = Fallo en el inicio:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fallo al montar la tarjeta SD
FailedtosetUSB = Fallo al usar el USB:
Failedformating = Fallo al dar formato
filesnotfoundontheserver = ¡ Fichero(s) no encontrado(s) en el servidor !
filesleft = Ficheros(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Desplazamiento X
Force = Forzar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Necesitas formatear una partición
Format = Formatear
Formattingpleasewait = Dando formato. por favor, espere...
formated = ¡Formateado !
free = Libre
FreeSpace = Espacio libre
FullShutdown = Apagado total
GameID = ID de juego
Games = Juegos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = El Juego ya estaba instalado:
GameRegion = Región
GameSize = Tamaño del juego
GoBack = Volver
//GotoPage = Ir a página
HowtoShutdown = ¿Cómo apago?
Language = Idioma
Langchange = Cambio de idioma
Left = Izquierda
LikeSysMenu = Cómo menú de sistema
LoadingincIOS = Cargando en cIOS249
Lock = Bloqueo
LockConsole = Bloquear consola
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Missingfiles = Fichero(s) no encontrado(s)
Networkiniterror = Error de inicio de red
Neither = Ninguno
Next = Siguiente
No = No
Nofilemissing = ¡No faltan ficheros!
NoHDDfound = ¡No encuentro HD!
NoSDcardinserted = ¡No hay insertada tarjeta SD!
Nopartitionsfound = ¡No encuentro particiónes!
NoUSBDevice = No hay dispositivo USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = No encuentro partición WBFS
NormalCovers = Carátulas normales
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = No es un disco de wii
NoUSBDevicefound = No encuentro dispositivo USB.
Notenoughfreespace = ¡No hay suficiente espacio libre!
notset = Sin poner
of = de
OFF = Apagado
OfficialSite = Sitio Oficial
ok = OK
ON = Encendido
Parentalcontrol = Control Parental
Partition = Partición
Password = Contraseña
PasswordChanged = Contraseña Cambiada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = La contraseña se ha cambiado
Passwordchange = Cambio de contraseña
PowerofftheWii = Apague la Wii
Prev = Anterior
PromptsButtons = Botones de consulta
ReloadSD = Recargar SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renombrar juego en WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Return = Volver
ReturntoWii = Volver al menú de Wii
Right = Derecha
Rumble = Vibración
QuickBoot = Inicio rápido
Save = Guardar
SaveFailed = Fallo al guardar
Specialthanksto = Muchas gracias a
For = por
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = y liberar el código fuente
secondsleft = Segundos que faltan
SelectthePartition = Selecciona la partición
youwanttoformat = Quieres formatear
settings = Ajustes
ShutdowntoIdle = Apagar a Stand-By
ShutdownSystem = Sistema de apagado
Success = Conseguido:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado con exito:
Successfullydeleted = Borrado con exito:
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado
SystemDefault = Predeterm. consola
ThemePath = Ruta a Temas
ThemepathChanged = Ruta a temas cambiada
Themepathchange = Cambio de ruta a temas
Try = Intentar
Tooltips = Herramientas
Timeleft = Tiempo pendiente:
Unlock = Desbloqueo
Uninstall = Desinstalar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX está protegido
USBDevicenotfound = Dispositivo USB no encontrado
VideoMode = Modo de video
VIDTVPatch = Parcheo VIDTV
Volume = Volumen
Waiting = Esperando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Esperando al dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Ajuste panorámico
WiiMenu = Menú Wii
WrongPassword = Contraseña errónea
Yes = Si
YoudonthavecIOS = No tienes cIOS 222
Japanese = Japonés
German = Alemán
English = Inglés
French = Francés
Spanish = Español
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandés
SChinese = Chino Simplificado
TChinese = Chino Tradicional
Korean = Coreano
keyboard = Teclado
Unicodefix = Párche Unicode
Filenotfound = Fichero no encontrado.
Loadingstandardlanguage = Cargando idioma predeterminado.
Titlestxtpath = Ruta a Titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Ruta a titles.txt cambiada.
Titlestxtpathchange = Cambiar ruta a titles.txt

ok. You can change anything you want ;-). Any revisions will be appreciated


May 16, 2009
ikya said:
Just found a strange "bug" : look at the picture

17 letters/spaces/dots are missing, but this is a large popup, enough to display 3 lines of text.
Here is a patch for that:

Index: source/language.h
- char CoverDownload[25];
+ char CoverDownload[30];

- char InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked[50];
+ char InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked[80];

- char SChinese[20];
- char TChinese[20];
+ char SChinese[30];
+ char TChinese[30];

It is unfortunate that all language strings have a max hardcoded length defined in language.h.
If there is other strings that need to be made longer, language.h is the place.


May 3, 2009
Italian Final V2 (including latest description added in the wiki page) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5WU1PTVV

I found 2 bugs (on r250):
- instead of "BothBoth= Both" we should use "Both=Both" (fixed in this translation file)
- "keyboard= keyboard" is not translated

Did you find the same? Are they maybe fixed on a new revision?



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
Cote d'Ivoire
Again, the "final" translation to spanish.
Thanks to kedest for the updated dol he sent to me.

I was able to full test this language file. Done from scratch again, even from my old version.
This is a complete translation IN CONTEXT for spanish-talkers people, neutral spanish, using abbreviations, and doublechecked the translation file using it in the loader to don't have any long string.

Consider this as "final"; if new phrases (lines) comes in new loader revision, just let me know; i will be glad to add it to this translation

Here it is as a spoiler:
Specialthanksto = Agradecimientos
t3Covers = 3D Covers
t3Covers = Caratulas 3D
AppLanguage = Idioma Aplic.
Areyousure = Estas seguro?
AutoPatch = AutoParchar
Back = Volver
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Volver a HBC o Menu Wii
BacktoLoader = Volver al HBC
BacktoWiiMenu = Volver a Menu Wii
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BootStandard = Inicio/Estandar
Both = Ambos
Cantcreatedirectory = No se creo directorio
Cancel = Cancelar
Cantbeformated = No se pudo formatear
Cantdelete = No se elimino:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Click para bajar Caratulas
Clock = Reloj
Continueinstallgame = Continuar instalando juego?
ConsoleDefault = Pred. Consola
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Consola debe desbloquearse para modificarla.
ConsoleLocked = Consola Bloqueada
CorrectPassword = Contraseña Correcta
Couldnotinitializenetwork = No se pudo iniciar la Conexion!
CouldnotopenDisc = No se pudo abrir Disco
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = No se pudo iniciar modulo DIP!
CoverDownload = Descarga de Caratulas
CoverPath = Ruta Caratulas
CoverpathChanged = Ruta de Caratulas cambiada
Coverpathchange = Cambio ruta Caratulas
Credits = Creditos
DiscImages = Img. de Disco
DiscimagePath = Ruta Img. Disco
DiscpathChanged = Ruta Img. Disco cambiada
Discpathchange = Cambio ruta Img. Disco
DiscDefault = Pred. Disco
Display = Mostrar
Doyouwanttoformat = Quieres formatear:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Realmente quieres eliminar:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Quieres reintentar por 30 segs?
Downloadingfile = Descargando archivo:
DownloadBoxartimage = Download Boxart image?
DownloadBoxartimage = Descarga img. caratula?
Downloadfinished = Descarga completa
Error = Error !
ErrorreadingDisc = Error leyendo Disco
ExitUSBISOLoader = Salir de USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Iniciando Conexion
InsertDisk = Inserta el Disco
InsertaWiiDisc = Inserta un Disco Wii!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insertar SD para bajar imagenes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insertar SD para guardar.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Todas las caracteristicas del USB Loader GX desbloqueadas.
Installerror = Error de Instalacion!
Installagame = Instalar un juego
Installinggame = Instalando juego:
Failedtoboot = Fallo al iniciar:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fallo al montar SD
FailedtosetUSB = Fallo al iniciar USB:
Failedformating = Fallo al formatear
Filenotfound = Archivo no encontrado.
filesnotfoundontheserver = archivos no encontrados en el servidor!
filesleft = archivo(s) restante(s)
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Forzar
Youneedtoformatapartition = Necesitas formatear una particion
Format = Formateo
Formattingpleasewait = Formateando, por favor espera...
formated = formateado!
free = libres
FreeSpace = Espacio Libre
FullShutdown = Apagado Total
GameID = ID de Juego
Games = Juegos
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Juego ya estaba instalado:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Tamaño del Juego
GoBack = Volver
//GotoPage = Ir a Pagina
HowtoShutdown = Como Apagar?
keyboard = teclado
Language = Idioma
Langchange = Cambio de Idioma
Left = Izquierda
LikeSysMenu = Como Menu Sist.
LoadingincIOS = Cargando en cIOS249
Loadingstandardlanguage = Cargando idioma estandar.
Lock = Bloquear
LockConsole = Bloquear consola
MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Missingfiles = Archivos faltantes
Networkiniterror = Error inicio conexion
Neither = Ninguno
Next = Siguiente
No = No
Nofilemissing = No hay archivos faltantes!
NoHDDfound = HDD no encontrado!
NoSDcardinserted = SD no insertada!
Nopartitionsfound = Particiones no encontradas
NoUSBDevice = USB no encontrado
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Particion WBFS no encontrada
NormalCovers = Caratulas Norm.
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = No es un Disco Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = USB no encontrado.
Notenoughfreespace = No hay suficiente espacio libre!
notset = no puesto
of = de
OfficialSite = Sitio Oficial
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Control Parental
Partition = Particion
Password = Contraseña
PasswordChanged = Contraseña cambiada
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Contraseña ha sido cambiada
Passwordchange = Cambio Contraseña
PowerofftheWii = Apagar la Wii
Prev = Ant.
PromptsButtons = Botones
ReloadSD = Recargar SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renombrar juego en WBFS
Restart = Reiniciar
Return = Volver
ReturntoWii = Volver a Menu Wii
Right = Derecha
Rumble = Vibracion
QuickBoot = Inicio Rapido
Save = Guardar
SaveFailed = Guardado fallido
Specialthanksto = Agradecimientos
Titlestxtpath = Ruta Titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Ruta a titles.txt cambiada.
Titlestxtpathchange = Cambio ruta titles.txt
For = por
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = y liberar el codigo fuente
secondsleft = segundos restantes
SelectthePartition = Seleccion particion
youwanttoformat = quieres formatear
settings = Configuracion
ShutdowntoIdle = Apagar a Idle
ShutdownSystem = Apagar Sistema
Success = Exito:
Successfullyinstalled = Instalado exitosamente:
Successfullydeleted = Borrado exitosamente:
SuccessfullySaved = Guardado exitosamente
SystemDefault = Pred. Sistema
ThemePath = Ruta del Tema
ThemepathChanged = Ruta de Tema cambiada
Themepathchange = Cambio Ruta de Tema
Try = Intentar
Tooltips = InfoBurbujas
Timeleft = Tiempo restante:
Unlock = Desbloquear
Unicodefix = Arreg. Unicode
Uninstall = Desinstalar
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX esta protegido
USBDevicenotfound = USB no encontrado
VideoMode = Modo Video
VIDTVPatch = Parche VIDTV
Volume = Volumen
Waiting = Esperando...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Esperando por Dispositivo USB
WidescreenFix = Arreg. Widescreen
WiiMenu = Menu de Wii
WrongPassword = Contraseña incorrecta
Yes = Si
YoudonthavecIOS = No tienes un cIOS222
Japanese = Japones
German = Aleman
English = Ingles
French = Frances
Spanish = Español
Italian = Italiano
Dutch = Holandes
SChinese = Chino Simplif.
TChinese = Chino Tradic.
Korean = Coreano

And here it is as a txt file uploaded to mediafire:



May 17, 2009
Visit site
kedest said:
tlozano said:
HOW can whe change the language in the loader???
I don't known how to test this file :-(
I tried to put the file here: SD:/config/language/Spanish.txt but I can't do it to work.

Get the latest build. Then go to the settings menu in the loader and set the path to the language file


I'm using this great loader, but I can't use a translation file for it. I've done what Kedest told, downloaded latest build (340), put it on my SD card, but I have no option to change language...

Can someone tell us how to do it ?? Am I missing something ??

Thanks !!



Oct 19, 2008
The language files are supported since r341 and you have r340.

The latest version is rev352 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KW9CKFVQ

Then you need to set the path and the filename in the App Language setting, for example if my translation file is french.txt, I set SD:/config/language/french.txt


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2009
United States
OK Guys i increased for all characters the limit and also fixed variable Keyboard not showing.

Here is Rev353 to test for you:


Please test your files with it and if your files are GOOD than post them here as final AGAIN please. I dont wanna search for the files on the preview posts now lol. You can also contact me on IRC.

This is what i got now:

Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik) UPLOADED
Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990) UPLOADED
Spanish (final v3 tlozano) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)
French (final v1.2 by Badablek, Amour, ikya) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)
T.Chinese (final v1.1 by kyogc) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)
Danish (final v1 by david432111) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)
Italian (final v2 by foxejoe) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)
Portuguese (final v1 by Artidoro) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)
Turkish (final v1 by aHMET-) NOT UPLOADED YET (SOON)

German (Beta, by Amarabha)

EDIT: I am editing this post with the Versions i found ahead of it. So check if yours is on it


New Member
May 17, 2009
Y'arr! Turkish final version arrived

Every string is translated by me (aHMET)

QUOTE said:
Specialthanksto = Özel te?ekkürler :
t3Covers = 3B Kapaklar
AppLanguage = Program Lisan?
Areyousure = Emin misiniz?
AutoPatch = OtoYama
Back = Geri
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = HBC veya Wii Menüye dönü?
BacktoLoader = Yükleyiciye dönü?
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii Menüye dönü?
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
BothBoth = ?kisi de
Cantcreatedirectory = Klasör olu?turulam?yorF
Cancel = ?ptal
Cantbeformated = Biçimlendirilemiyor
Cantdelete = Silinemiyor
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Kapaklar? ?ndirmek için T?klay?n
Clock = Saat
Continueinstallgame = Oyunu kurmaya devam et?
ConsoleDefault = Konsol Ayar?
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = De?i?tirmek için konsolun kilidini açmal?s?n.
ConsoleLocked = Konsol Kilitli
CorrectPassword = Do?ru ?ifre
Couldnotinitializenetwork = A?a ba?lan?lam?yor!
CouldnotopenDisc = Disk aç?lam?yor
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP modülü ba?lat?lam?yor!
CoverDownload = Kapak ?ndirme
CoverPath = Kapak Yolu
CoverpathChanged = Kapak Yolu De?i?tir
Coverpathchange = Kapak Yolunu De?i?tir
Credits = Eme?i Geçenler
DiscImages = Disk Resimleri
DiscimagePath = Disk Resimleri Yolu
DiscpathChanged = Disk Resimleri Yolu De?i?tirildi
Discpathchange = Disk Resimleri Yolunu De?i?tir
DiscDefault = Disk Ayar?
Display = Görüntü
Doyouwanttoformat = Formatlamak istiyor musunuz:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Gerçekten silmek istiyor musunuz:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = 30 saniye sonra denemek ister misiniz?
Downloadingfile = ?ndirilen dosya:
DownloadBoxartimage = Kutu resmini indirmek ister misiniz?
Downloadfinished = ?ndirme tamamland?
Error = Hata !
ErrorreadingDisc = Disk Okuma Hatas?
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX'dan ç?k?
InitializingNetwork = A?a Ba?lan?l?yor
InsertDisk = Diski Tak?n
InsertaWiiDisc = Wii Diski Tak?n!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Resimleri indirebilmek için SD-Card tak?n.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Kaydedebilmek için SD-Card tak?n.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = USB Loader GX'?n tüm özellikleri kilitli.
Installerror = Yükleme Hatas?!
Installagame = Oyun yükle
Installinggame = Yüklenen oyun:
Failedtoboot = Aç?lamad?:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = SD-card monte edilemedi
FailedtosetUSB = USB ayarlamas? ba?ar?s?z oldu:
Failedformating = Biçimlendirme ba?ar?s?z oldu
filesnotfoundontheserver = dosyalar sunucuda bulunamad?!
filesleft = dosya kald?
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Zorla
Youneedtoformatapartition = Bir bölüm biçimlendirmeniz gerekiyor
Format = Biçimlendir
Formattingpleasewait = Biçimlendiriliyor, bekleyiniz...
formated = biçimlendirildi!
free = bo?
FreeSpace = Bo? Yer
FullShutdown = Tam Kapama
GameID = Oyun ID
Games = Oyunlar
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Oyun zaten yüklü:
GameRegion = Bölge
GameSize = Oyun Boyutu
GoBack = Geri Dön
//GotoPage = Sayfaya Git
HowtoShutdown = Nas?l Kapans?n?
Language = Lisan
Langchange = Lisan de?i?tirme
Left = Sol
LikeSysMenu = Sistem Menüsü Gibi
LoadingincIOS = cIOS249'dan yükleme
Lock = Kilitle
LockConsole = Konsolu Kilitle
MP3Menu = MP3 Menüsü
Missingfiles = Kay?p dosyalar
Networkiniterror = A? ba?latma hatas?
Neither = Hiçbiri
Next = ?leri
No = Hay?r
Nofilemissing = Kay?p dosya yok!
NoHDDfound = HDD bulunamad?!
NoSDcardinserted = SD-Card tak?l? de?il!
Nopartitionsfound = Bölüm bulunamad?
NoUSBDevice = USB Ayg?t? bulunamad?
NoWBFSpartitionfound = WBFS bölümü bulunamad?
NormalCovers = Normal Kapaklar
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Wii Diski De?il
NoUSBDevicefound = USB Ayg?t? bulunamad?
Notenoughfreespace = Gerekli bo? yer yok!
notset = ayarlanmad?
of = /
OfficialSite = Resmi Site
ok = OK
Parentalcontrol = Ebeveyn kontrolü
Partition = Bölüm
Password = Parola
PasswordChanged = Parola de?i?tirildi
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Password has been changed
Passwordchange = Password change
PowerofftheWii = Wii'yi kapat
Prev = Önceki
PromptsButtons = H?z ve Butonlar
ReloadSD = SD-Card'? yeniden oku
RenameGameonWBFS = WBFS'deki oyunu yeniden isimlendir
Restart = Yeniden Ba?lat
Return = Dönü?
ReturntoWii = Wii Menü'ye Dönü?
Right = Sa?
Rumble = Titre?im
QuickBoot = H?zl? Aç?l??
Save = Kaydet
SaveFailed = Kaydetme Ba?ar?s?z
Specialthanksto = Özel te?ekkürler
For = ,
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = kaynak kodunu açt??? için
secondsleft = saniye kald?
SelectthePartition = Bölümü Seçin
youwanttoformat = biçimlendirmek istiyorsunuz
settings = Ayarlar
ShutdowntoIdle = Yar? Kapat
ShutdownSystem = Tam Kapat
Success = Ba?ar?l?:
Successfullyinstalled = Ba?ar?yla yüklendi:
Successfullydeleted = Ba?ar?yla silindi:
SuccessfullySaved = Ba?ar?yla Kaydedildi
SystemDefault = Sistem Ayar?
ThemePath = Tema Yolu
ThemepathChanged = Tema Yolu De?i?ti
Themepathchange = Tema yolunu de?i?tir
Try = Dene
Tooltips = Yard?mlar
Timeleft = Kalan zaman:
Unlock = Kilidi Kald?r
Uninstall = Sil
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX koruma alt?nda
USBDevicenotfound = USB Ayg?t? bulunamad?
VideoMode = Video Modu
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Yamas?
Volume = Ses
Waiting = Bekliyor...
WaitingforUSBDevice = USB Ayg?t? için Bekleniyor
WidescreenFix = Geni?ekran Çözümü
WiiMenu = Wii Menü
WrongPassword = Yanl?? Parola
Yes = Evet
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222'ye sahip de?ilsiniz
Japanese = Japonca
German = Almanca
English = ?ngilizce
French = Frans?zca
Spanish = ?spanyolca
Italian = ?talyanca
Dutch = Hollandaca
SChinese = Basitle?tirilmi? Çince
TChinese = Geleneksel Çince
Korean = Korece
Turkish = Türkçe


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2009
United States
OK Guys since i am going to bed now i upload all the files i got until now

These are what i got:

Finnish (final v2 by JussiPik) UPLOADED
Dutch (final v2 by kedest, Adr990) UPLOADED
Spanish (final v3 tlozano) UPLOADED
French (final v1.2 by Badablek, Amour, ikya) UPLOADED
T.Chinese (final v1.1 by kyogc) UPLOADED
Danish (final v1 by david432111) UPLOADED
Italian (final v2 by foxejoe) UPLOADED
Portuguese (final v1 by Artidoro) UPLOADED
Turkish (final v1 by aHMET-) UPLOADED
German (final v1 by Amarabha) NOT UPLOADED YET


Active Member
May 16, 2009
Gambia, The
I finally managed to get home

I'll review the german version right now.

Give me somewhat 30 minutes to have my final version ready and uploaded.



Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
david432111 said:

This is most likely final unless someone else finds something that they think should be changed.

Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9OT1PSYX

Thx for the danish version david

Edit: Just a little note, cover download doesnt work in the newest rev353, i cant seem to get it working although that i've allready unlocked the loader.


Active Member
May 16, 2009
Gambia, The
As promised, here is the German Language File Final Version (v05-18-09)


I'll also update my post on the first page

QUOTE said:
Edit: Just a little note, cover download doesnt work in the newest rev353, i cant seem to get it working although that i've allready unlocked the loader.

EDIT: Boxart and Disc-Image download works fine for me


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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh yeah it's in September
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BakerMan, yea i think its different
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    ok, because here it's in september, right before the fuckin school year starts
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    as to you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    How do you know if the night will be good when you're asleep
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    because i didn't say i was asleep
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i said i was sleeping...
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    sleeping with uremum
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    Even my mum slept on that uremum
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    yall im torn... ive been hacking away at tales of phantasia GBA (the USA version) and have so many documents of reverse engineering i've done
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    I just found out that the EU version is better in literally every way, better sound quality, better lighting, and there's even a patch someone made to make the text look nicer
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    Do I restart now using what i've learned on the EU version since it's a better overall experience? or do I continue with the US version since that is what ive been using, and if someone decides to play my hack, it would most likely be that version?
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    @TwoSpikedHands, I'll preface this with the fact that I know nothing about the game, but, I think it depends on what your goals are. Are you trying to make a definitive version of the game? You may want to refocus your efforts on the EU version then. Or, are you trying to make a better US version? In which case, the only way to make a better US version is to keep on plugging away at that one ;)
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I'm not familiar with the technicalities of the differences between the two versions, but I'm wondering if at least some of those differences are things that you could port over to the US version in your patch without having to include copyrighted assets from the EU version
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    @Sicklyboy I am wanting to fully change the game and bend it to my will lol. I would like to eventually have the ability to add more characters, enemies, even have a completely different story if i wanted. I already have the ability to change the tilemaps in the US version, so I can basically make my own map and warp to it in game - so I'm pretty far into it!
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    I really would like to make a hack that I would enjoy playing, and maybe other people would too. swapping to the EU version would also mean my US friends could not legally play it
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    I am definitely considering porting over some of the EU features without using the actual ROM itself, tbh that would probably be the best way to go about it... but i'm sad that the voice acting is so.... not good on the US version. May not be a way around that though
  • TwoSpikedHands @ TwoSpikedHands:
    I appreciate the insight!
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @TwoSpikedHands just switch, all the knowledge you learned still applies and most of the code and assets should be the same anyway
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    and realistically they wouldn't

    be able to play it legally anyway since they need a ROM and they probably don't have the means to dump it themselves
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    why the shit does the shitbox randomly insert newlines in my messages
    The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye: why the shit does the shitbox randomly insert newlines in my messages