Tutorial [HOW-TO] Have a homemade Streetpass Relay

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Jul 31, 2015
I can't seem to get this to work with nzone.exe or NbaHomePass.exe. Both of them rotate MACs as they should, both of them cause the 3DS to display an Internet connection when all the connection settings are deleted (though trying to use it - with the browser, e.g. - makes it drop), and my computer says that ConsoleNintendo3DS has an Internet connection (though I had to rename the connection itself to match the SSID for this to work), but I haven't gotten any StreetPasses in days with either one despite others saying it still works for them (suggesting the problem isn't lack of traffic). What else can I try? (My antivirus and firewall are both off when I run either program.)

EDIT: For some reason, changing the connection name to "ConsoleNintendo3D" and then back to "ConsoleNintendo3DS" fixed it, despite my laptop still saying the network's not connected to the Internet...

EDIT 2: Disregard the first edit. Found the real problem - it's a combination of "not enough traffic" and "the Wi-Fi connection gets disconnected from the ConsoleNintendo3DS network every time the MAC address shifts." How do I fix the second one?
Last edited by Just Another Random Lad,


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
EDIT 2: Disregard the first edit. Found the real problem - it's a combination of "not enough traffic" and "the Wi-Fi connection gets disconnected from the ConsoleNintendo3DS network every time the MAC address shifts." How do I fix the second one?
Is the adaptor connected to internet sharing its connection with the virtual wifi adaptador?
Jul 31, 2015
Is the adaptor connected to internet sharing its connection with the virtual wifi adaptador?
That's what I meant - this connection sharing (between the virtual Wi-Fi adapter and the one connected to the Internet) is severed each time the MAC changes. As it is now, I can get plenty of StreetPasses, but only if I'm there to manually reconnect those two adapters after each MAC shift.

I've been told elsewhere that this means I have to disable my Ethernet (which isn't plugged in); I'll try that when I get the chance.

EDIT: Didn't work. Disabled Ethernet from Network Connections (which also disabled it in the Device Manager), and it's still not automatically sharing after each shift.
Last edited by Just Another Random Lad,


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
Sorry, I didn't correctly understand. On my windows 7 setup with nbahomepass I have the ethernet adaptor enabled and I don't run into that problem, but it might be the adaptor's fault. By the way check if the virtual network has the correct 4e:xx:xx:xx:xx bssid or you will get passes, but a very low amount of people in comparision.
Jul 31, 2015
Sorry, I didn't correctly understand. On my windows 7 setup with nbahomepass I have the ethernet adaptor enabled and I don't run into that problem, but it might be the adaptor's fault. By the way check if the virtual network has the correct 4e:xx:xx:xx:xx bssid or you will get passes, but a very low amount of people in comparision.

Windows 8.1 here. I'm getting 5 or 6 per MAC address each time I re-enable the shared connection. I don't know what you mean by BSSID, but the virtual network's physical address is 6E-53-50-4F-4F-00 - a quick Google suggests that they're the same thing, but is that correct? If not, how do I find the BSSID?

EDIT: It's working now. No idea what I did - perhaps resetting NbaHomePass.exe a few times. Either way, it's doing what it's supposed to now. (Still, can I get more by changing something else, as you said before?)
Last edited by Just Another Random Lad,


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
Yes, they are the same thing. I've found myself stuck at 2e adresses for some reason (except if I intend to use 2e adress instead of any other). When I searched this topic some people where having that same problem. nbahomepass assigns the 4e adress to the real adapter, then the virtual one gets another (2e in my case, 6e in yours). There's people streetpassing in those macs, but because they have the same "problem". I've been using a openWRT router for the last 3 days with the 4e adresses and there's many more people streetpassing there, on the 2e and 3e addresses there's always the same few people.

I wrote a program that can randomize and change the macs used by nbahomepass (it just directly edits the exe file) and has been working well, I haven't uploaded it yet because I wanted to add a couple more features for full customization of nbahomepass.

Also, I've read somewhere that windows 7 virtual hotspot limits the mac addresses when spoofing, I can't find it now but the first pair of the bssid had to end in "e" and a couple more letters.
EDIT: here's the info, aparently windows 7 can only start with x2, x6, xA or xE addresses, this limits homepassing, but at least the main macs are 4e.

EDIT: maybe there's a way to share the connection trough command prompt? this way you could make a paralel scheduled batch file that enables the shared connection every 5 minutes

UPDATE: I was looking for a solution to the BSSID problem and found this: http://superuser.com/questions/470319/how-to-enable-internet-connection-sharing-using-command-line
With this tool you could workaround your problem by automating the network sharing
Last edited by suloku,
Jul 31, 2015
The connection sharing thing isn't an issue anymore, but thanks - if it ever craps out on me again, I'll just use that.

Did you find a way to change the virtual address to 4e, or will I have to wait until your program is finished?


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
Alright, so not sure if anyone else has yet or not, but I upgraded to Win10 and now my 3DS won't connect to internet anymore through the PC Homepass. It connects to Nintendozone just fine so nzone.exe is working as intended, but no internet flowing through. I added to the firewall inbound/outbound bypass and tried disabling firewall all together and still a no-go.

Everything was working without a hitch on Win 8.1. Not a huge deal, but wanted to know if anyone else has run into the same or similar issues after upgrading to Win10.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
new york
United States
I can't do that with my Windows 8.1's laptop. When I check status of Local Area Connection *3, ipv4 is: no internet access (or: no network access). Wi-Fi is shared connection to that Local Area Connection *3
When I did linux instruction in Fedora, after run "wget -O /tmp/nzone.sh http://nintendozone.no-ip.org/install; chmod +x /tmp/nzone.sh; /tmp/nzone.sh BASE16,GBATEMP" with root access, it said "System not supported".
Homepass no longer works with windows if you are on the latest firmware, but do you have 2 wifi cards? if you don't then sharing 'Wi-fi' to LAC3 would do nothing. you have to share your active internet connection to LAC3.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
Well, here's my "promised" randomizer for nba_homepass. I did it for myself, so if it's useful for you, there you have it.

I also made it so it can be used to randomize any mac list, in any format (at least of the ones I've seen that are used by scripts and others), It's limited to 2048 macs, but source is included if you want to change that or compile for linux or OS/X.

The readme:
: NbaHomepass Randomizer v0.1 by suloku :
: for NbaHomePass version 0.3 developed by Nba_Yoh :

¿What is this? I started this program as a way to randomize and change the mac list used by the only homepass solution that worked for me: nba_homepass 0.3 by nba_yoh. Then I found other ways to homepass and different mac lists, in differet formats, so I tweaked the app so it could use those different formatted mac lists and also to generate randomized mac lists from those different formats, so basically this can be used as a randomizer for ani homepass solution that uses a mac list. And open source.

NbaHomepass limitations (all solved with this app):
- Fixed time between mac cycling
- Fixed mac order
- Limted amount of macs (tecnically still limited to 256, but the randomizer accepts lists with up to 2048 macs and creates a nba_homepass.exe with 256 of those macs

Not solved limitations:
- Same SSID for all macs

How it works: my app directly edits the nba_homepass.exe file. The included PARTA and PARTC files are just the splitted exe file, what should be PARTB are the mac addresses. When run my app will generate a file called NbaHomepass-randomized.exe with the specified settings.

Usage: NBAhomepassRand.exe -t [time] -r [0,1,2] -f <file> -ssid <ssid> -s [:, -]
-ds -o <file>
-t (time): time lapse between mac changes in milliseconds or minutes
value is interpreted as minutes if it is < 2000
(5 minutes = 300000 milliseconds, default)
(30 minutes = 1800000 milliseconds)
-r (randomize): 0 = don't randomize mac order, default
1 = randomize BASE16 mac order (prime macs)
2 = randomize BASE256 mac order
-f (file): mac file to use (default is "macs.txt")
-ssid (optional): SSID name, maximum 18 characters.
-s (style) (optional): mac address separator (: or -)
-ds (delete ssid) (optional): if specified, output mac files
will only have the mac addresses, no SSID associated
-o (output): mac list output filename (default "macs-rand.txt").

note: randomizing all macs and using BASE16 option in NbaHomepass will use 16 ra
ndom macs, wich might or might not be prime macs

Recommended SSID names: "ConsoleNintendo3DS" (NbaHomepass default), "attwifi", "

The best way to use this program with nba_homepass.exe would be to create a batch file that runs under admin rights with something like the following:

NBAhomepassRand.exe -t 5 -r 2
NbaHomepass-randomized.exe BASE256

This way every time you run the batch file macs will be random, if the database has a lot of macs repeating is unlikely.

: Features :

- Accepts files with up to 2048 mac addresses (can be easily modified in source code, just change MAXMACS value)
- Accepts macs.txt list in three different styles: 4E53504F4F46, 4E:53:50:4F:4F:46, 4E-53-50-4F-4F-46
- Macs.txt files can include SSID information ("4E53504F4F46 attwifi" style), anything after the mac address is ignored for Nba_homepass
- Mac list randomization
- Can output in any of the three different styles, stripping or not the SSID

: Aditional notes :

The purpose of the macs-rand256.txt file is to continue cycling if you need to stop the program, for example:

You have cycled 5 macs on BASE16 and for some reason you need to stop Nba_homepass and then want to return cycling with the next mac (this feature isn't supported by nba_homepass), you just need to do the following:
- Use command line "ipconfig /all" to check the last mac used (i.e. 4E:53:50:4F:4F:44
- Look for that mac on macs-rand256.txt. Everything above it are the macs that haven't been cycled yet, so you can edit the file and use it to generate a nba_homepass.exe (without randomizing the list) that will continue where you left.

Note that nba_homepass uses the mac list in the following way:

MAC1 --> the first MAC in the file is the last mac used, both for BASE16 and BASE256
MAC16 --> the 16th MAC in the file is the first mac used for BASE16
MAC17 --> from here, the macs are only used on BASE256
MAC256 --> the 256th MAC in the file is the first mac used for BASE256

also note that -r 1 will only randomize the first 16 mac addresses in the file.

About Microssoft Virtual Miniport adapter BSSID:

You can check the virtual network the 3DS is using for homepass with the following command in the command prompt:
netsh wlan show hostednetwork

You should (when it is running) check the BSSID value and see if it is using the correct mac address. For example my wifi card gets 4e:53:50:4f:4f:46 and my virtual network gets 2e:53:50:4f:4f:46, which isn't the correct one. There's people homepassing there, but not as many as in the correct macs. You could get 3e, 6e, 0e... any possibility. I don't know any way to fix this, some people solved it by using 2e:53:50:4f:4f:46 mac addresses (edit the mac file and use the replace function of any text editor) and then they got the correct mac, but in my case I only changed from 2e to 3e address.

Windows 7 mac address limitations

You can't use any mac address in windows7, the first pair of numbers (4e in 4e:53:50:4f:4f:46) is restricted to x2, x6, xA or xE. Shame on them.




  • NBAhomepassRand_0.1.rar
    31.4 KB · Views: 151

Deleted User

Well, here's my "promised" randomizer for nba_homepass. I did it for myself, so if it's useful for you, there you have it.

I also made it so it can be used to randomize any mac list, in any format (at least of the ones I've seen that are used by scripts and others), It's limited to 2048 macs, but source is included if you want to change that or compile for linux or OS/X.

The readme:
: NbaHomepass Randomizer v0.1 by suloku :
: for NbaHomePass version 0.3 developed by Nba_Yoh :

¿What is this? I started this program as a way to randomize and change the mac list used by the only homepass solution that worked for me: nba_homepass 0.3 by nba_yoh. Then I found other ways to homepass and different mac lists, in differet formats, so I tweaked the app so it could use those different formatted mac lists and also to generate randomized mac lists from those different formats, so basically this can be used as a randomizer for ani homepass solution that uses a mac list. And open source.

NbaHomepass limitations (all solved with this app):
- Fixed time between mac cycling
- Fixed mac order
- Limted amount of macs (tecnically still limited to 256, but the randomizer accepts lists with up to 2048 macs and creates a nba_homepass.exe with 256 of those macs

Not solved limitations:
- Same SSID for all macs

How it works: my app directly edits the nba_homepass.exe file. The included PARTA and PARTC files are just the splitted exe file, what should be PARTB are the mac addresses. When run my app will generate a file called NbaHomepass-randomized.exe with the specified settings.

Usage: NBAhomepassRand.exe -t [time] -r [0,1,2] -f <file> -ssid <ssid> -s [:, -]
-ds -o <file>
-t (time): time lapse between mac changes in milliseconds or minutes
value is interpreted as minutes if it is < 2000
(5 minutes = 300000 milliseconds, default)
(30 minutes = 1800000 milliseconds)
-r (randomize): 0 = don't randomize mac order, default
1 = randomize BASE16 mac order (prime macs)
2 = randomize BASE256 mac order
-f (file): mac file to use (default is "macs.txt")
-ssid (optional): SSID name, maximum 18 characters.
-s (style) (optional): mac address separator (: or -)
-ds (delete ssid) (optional): if specified, output mac files
will only have the mac addresses, no SSID associated
-o (output): mac list output filename (default "macs-rand.txt").

note: randomizing all macs and using BASE16 option in NbaHomepass will use 16 ra
ndom macs, wich might or might not be prime macs

Recommended SSID names: "ConsoleNintendo3DS" (NbaHomepass default), "attwifi", "

The best way to use this program with nba_homepass.exe would be to create a batch file that runs under admin rights with something like the following:

NBAhomepassRand.exe -t 5 -r 2
NbaHomepass-randomized.exe BASE256

This way every time you run the batch file macs will be random, if the database has a lot of macs repeating is unlikely.

: Features :

- Accepts files with up to 2048 mac addresses (can be easily modified in source code, just change MAXMACS value)
- Accepts macs.txt list in three different styles: 4E53504F4F46, 4E:53:50:4F:4F:46, 4E-53-50-4F-4F-46
- Macs.txt files can include SSID information ("4E53504F4F46 attwifi" style), anything after the mac address is ignored for Nba_homepass
- Mac list randomization
- Can output in any of the three different styles, stripping or not the SSID

: Aditional notes :

The purpose of the macs-rand256.txt file is to continue cycling if you need to stop the program, for example:

You have cycled 5 macs on BASE16 and for some reason you need to stop Nba_homepass and then want to return cycling with the next mac (this feature isn't supported by nba_homepass), you just need to do the following:
- Use command line "ipconfig /all" to check the last mac used (i.e. 4E:53:50:4F:4F:44
- Look for that mac on macs-rand256.txt. Everything above it are the macs that haven't been cycled yet, so you can edit the file and use it to generate a nba_homepass.exe (without randomizing the list) that will continue where you left.

Note that nba_homepass uses the mac list in the following way:

MAC1 --> the first MAC in the file is the last mac used, both for BASE16 and BASE256
MAC16 --> the 16th MAC in the file is the first mac used for BASE16
MAC17 --> from here, the macs are only used on BASE256
MAC256 --> the 256th MAC in the file is the first mac used for BASE256

also note that -r 1 will only randomize the first 16 mac addresses in the file.

About Microssoft Virtual Miniport adapter BSSID:

You can check the virtual network the 3DS is using for homepass with the following command in the command prompt:
netsh wlan show hostednetwork

You should (when it is running) check the BSSID value and see if it is using the correct mac address. For example my wifi card gets 4e:53:50:4f:4f:46 and my virtual network gets 2e:53:50:4f:4f:46, which isn't the correct one. There's people homepassing there, but not as many as in the correct macs. You could get 3e, 6e, 0e... any possibility. I don't know any way to fix this, some people solved it by using 2e:53:50:4f:4f:46 mac addresses (edit the mac file and use the replace function of any text editor) and then they got the correct mac, but in my case I only changed from 2e to 3e address.

Windows 7 mac address limitations

You can't use any mac address in windows7, the first pair of numbers (4e in 4e:53:50:4f:4f:46) is restricted to x2, x6, xA or xE. Shame on them.



Wow, nice work. Change the SSID is hopeless, ConsoleNintendo3DS does not work like the others.
If you have some questions about that, ask me.


May 17, 2015
I think the word you are looking is more "pointless" rather than "hopeless". Well, it is also hopeless trying to make NZ@McD1 and attwifi work with Windows, but suloku also thought about Linux users wrote his program.

Tested the program. It's working fine for me. Well, since it is based on NbaHomePass.exe, there is still a minor issue that some people have already noticed. With BASE256, the 3DS would not connect to the hosted network after 1 hour or 2. To be more precise, the program would work correctly for the first 19 MAC addresses only (from 00 to 12). I consider it minor, because it was good enough for me the way it is. So it didn't really bother me. With suloku's add-on, we have a workaround solution which is to kill the program and change the list of adresses for it to start again from where it stopped. Then, we can go for 19 more addresses and so on.

Anyway, thanks a lot to both of you. You did a great job.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2015
Homepass no longer works with windows if you are on the latest firmware, but do you have 2 wifi cards? if you don't then sharing 'Wi-fi' to LAC3 would do nothing. you have to share your active internet connection to LAC3.
I did it. Still works.

Deleted User

I think the word you are looking is more "pointless" rather than "hopeless". Well, it is also hopeless trying to make NZ@McD1 and attwifi work with Windows, but suloku also thought about Linux users wrote his program.

Tested the program. It's working fine for me. Well, since it is based on NbaHomePass.exe, there is still a minor issue that some people have already noticed. With BASE256, the 3DS would not connect to the hosted network after 1 hour or 2. To be more precise, the program would work correctly for the first 19 MAC addresses only (from 00 to 12). I consider it minor, because it was good enough for me the way it is. So it didn't really bother me. With suloku's add-on, we have a workaround solution which is to kill the program and change the list of adresses for it to start again from where it stopped. Then, we can go for 19 more addresses and so on.

Anyway, thanks a lot to both of you. You did a great job.

I go back to home in few days, I will continue working on the new features and take a look about this kind of bug.


May 17, 2015
If you are going to work on your problem, I'd better tell you about the other unimportant bug. BASE16 loops from addresses 40 to 4E. After 4E if goes back to 40, instead of switching to 4F. So, it is actually a BASE15 ;)

Deleted User

If you are going to work on your problem, I'd better tell you about the other unimportant bug. BASE16 loops from addresses 40 to 4E. After 4E if goes back to 40, instead of switching to 4F. So, it is actually a BASE15 ;)

Probably a small mistake ^^.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
I go back to home in few days, I will continue working on the new features and take a look about this kind of bug.
Great news, also, if you could make it (or add an option) to not "press enter key" it would be great, because for total automatization even with the randomizer, and scheduled tasks and such, one has to use something like autoit to simulate that enter keypress.
I haven't done the setup myself since for the momento I'm using a openwrt router, but at somepoint I will only have my laptop and nbahomepass is my only solution (looking at a virtual machine setup since I have a compatible dongle that for some reason isn't detected either by nzone or nbahomepass).

ps: also, there's a typo, it says Cconnect :P

UPDATE: if anyone is wondering, for the autoit setup the only needed is AutoIt3_x64.exe (or 32 bit version) and a script (.au3) with the following content:

;Can be BASE16 of course
Run("NbaHomepass-randomized.exe BASE256")
;Wait 5 seconds, just to let it boot

Then a batch file like this for example:

NBAhomepassRand.exe -t 5 -r0 -f mac1.txt
AutoIt3_x64.exe autoenter.au3
sleep (6000)
taskkill /im NbaHomepass-randomized.ex

NBAhomepassRand.exe -t 5 -r0 -f mac2.txt
AutoIt3_x64.exe autoenter.au3
sleep (6000)
taskkill /im NbaHomepass-randomized.ex


NBAhomepassRand.exe -t 5 -r0 -f mac13.txt
AutoIt3_x64.exe autoenter.au3
sleep (6000)
taskkill /im NbaHomepass-randomized.exe

GOTO repeat

This would, with 13 prepared macX.txt files, get nbahomepass cycling trough the 256 mac adresses, killing and restarting the program every 19 mac addresses (the point at which it stops working, 6000 seconds as each mac stays 5 minutes). This takes like 21 hours to cycle, after that it just repeats from list 1

Well, you could write the thing 13 times or could write it to be automated, but 13 copy paste isn't that much.

Anyway, everything much easier when nba_yo solves the proble :P
Last edited by suloku,


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
United States
Okay, scratch that, I was able to get my wifi dongle to stop making the computer bluescreen. However, when I ran maccheck.cmd it just gave me a row of zeroes which would seem to indicate it cannot work with changing mac addresses.

However, I know I've seen reference to finding a way to make these atheros cards work with homepass. Can someone point me in the direction of that? Do I need a specific driver? I have the latest 'official' driver for my dongle. (It's a TP-Link TL WN722N)
Last edited by Dalrint,
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