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Joe Biden Wins - Becomes 46th president of the United States

  • Thread starter yusuo
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GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
Yeah, I bet you can't wait for Joe's "2021 Crime Bill" which will make his 1994 crime bill look like BLM wrote it. Other than locking up more underprivileged black citizens than were enslaved due to his bills and not much else, what do you think he will do better than Trump? I bet you won't come up with anything. Brainlet Simp

Oh, yeah, what does McConnell, Zuckerburg, Swallwell, and Biden all have in common? They all get pegged hard by their Chinese wives/girlfriends/handlers. With all this CCP nonsense going on, you still don't suspect that these guys have Chinese partners for a reason. Try removing that DNC blindfold before you get pegged yourself (unless you look forward to it).
Remember when Trump lost the 2020 Election ... You should remember he keeps losing it .. it’s already the 60th time .. maybe the 101th times the charm.... when does it start looking like a Road Runner looney tunes cartoon to all of you ... That pesky Coyote (Trump ) is not going to beat the Road Running (Biden).. no matter how much you donate for Acme gadgets.
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h, yeah, what does McConnell
So your angry at Mitch McConnell?
I mean, he is bad
They all get pegged hard by their Chinese wives/girlfriends/handlers. With all this CCP nonsense going on,
that is the wrong reason to think he is bad.
Same with Zuckerberg.
Tl;dr the reason Mconnel is bad is because he is intentionally breaking democracy. Bills that get introduced in the senate that he doesn't like, due to being leader of the senate, and due to how the senate works. He can just, not let bills reach the floor. There's a lot of stuff that even you would likely get behind. I think we both agree gerrymandering is bad. there's a bill in there that would prevent that. McConnell hasn't let it reach the floor.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
I love how suddenly the chineses are the scapegoat for everything and everyone with a different world view/political party is somehow connected with them. Cope harder my dudes.
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Deleted User

Oh, yeah, what does McConnell, Zuckerburg
Zuckerrberg is disgusting since he intentionally attacked the free press.
People found documents and evidence that he was intentionally telling people to have the algorithm to suppress left leaning content and bring out right ones more.
But that's not the only reason he's disgusting.
It's him collecting data and creating shadow profiles. Essentially profiles of people that haven't even signed up for a facebook account. From phone number, to email address, who you know. and then selling that data, I would agree it violates a right to privacy.
I think we can both agree that collecting data without peoples consent is gross.

Deleted User

Oh, yeah, what does McConnell, Zuckerburg, Swallwell, and Biden
Swallwell I don't honestly know enough, other than him being from califorina.
However I have many words about Biden, though really I have words about both candidates.
Biden and Trump are both cooperate sludge.
Both are mentally horrible.
Trump has forced many of his staff to change data because his words fought against the actual information collected by agencies. When he get's mad, he throws a fit. I mean littearly in the middle of a top secret briefing, he just outright asked for some fast food restaurant. Let alone him claiming he won prematurely. And the fact that I mean, if you look at how often he tweets. It's waaay too much for a sitting president who has a job. Trump has also funneled money, tax payer money, money theft as I believe you called it once, into his businesses. He also acted as a charity at one point, and said charity had to be shutdown, because it essentially scammed people. Trump also was waaaay past friendly with Putin. Russia is not to be trusted.
Also he increased I believe it was dronestrikes/actually had more casualties than Obama did.
Biden is also bad, now I'm not certain about what specific war. But I think he was a supporter of the Vietnam war when he was a senator. As many of us know, we had no place being there. And Biden could of maaaybe done something as vice president to maybe get Obama to step down from the drone strikes instead of killing innocents. To my knowledge however, Biden hadn't. Biden also told that effectively nothing is going to change to his donors. Along with well, his deteriorating memory.
I've had a conversation with someone who was on the right, who shifted on the left.
And... I think I understand to some extent where you guys are coming from.
Since really, when you guys argue, there is coded words or phrases being used, that to a left leaning individual, can't tell.

For example @tabzer
I found out why you where pointing out WAPO. and I really couldn't figure exactly why.
It wasn't until that person explained to me.
See with a lot of right wing arguments, it comes with baggage. Unstated baggage. and without properly dealing with it, arguments don't move on.
And the reason you were going after the WAPO. was because Jeff Bazo's owns it right?
Commonly with right leaning thought. It often comes to the right conclusion.... for the wrong reasons.

However, I want you to acknowledge something, the republican party has been using you. Democratic party as well. They are both cooperate scum parties that don't care about us.
The republican party is a party of fear. Vague terms and ideas to scare you all into doing something they want.
So I'm going to attempt to pivot this, and try to talk on your level.
For most of the arguments I've had, I was more worried about the people watching the argument, since I've deemed it as a lost cause.
Well, I'll try and see and hopefully maybe it's not. So I'm going to try to be more aware and try to deconstruct your points step by step.
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Niche List Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2015
With the Electoral College having cast their votes, there is no legal pathway for Trump to steal this election. The votes of the Electoral College cannot be successfully challenged without, among other things, majority support in the Democratically-controlled House, there's nothing about appointing a special counsel or instituting martial law that legally could or would overturn the election results, and Trump himself has pushed back against these options.

We can say with 100% confidence that, unless Joe Biden dies or is incapacitated between now and January 20, he will be sworn in as president on January 20. There is zero ambiguity. Anybody saying otherwise is delusional or trolling.

Okay good to know, I was of the understanding that there were still ongoing challenges.

Deleted User

This sounds like chinese disinformation. Say hi to Xi for me, comrad.
he's not wrong actually.
Republican's are using the CCP as a boogieman.
CCP is bad, no doubt, mostly since it's single party and poorly treats it people.

However... The republican party is using it as a boogieman.Essentially, they intentionally try tying together two things that have no correlation, in attempts to get you to act out, and take issue with it.
For example, while communism is in the name, china is actually authoritarian capitalist.
And this comes with the second layer.
I'm going to genuinely ask you this question, in hopes you can follow my thinking.
What is communism?
as in what is it's meaning to you?
Your going to have a hard time describing it likely, since your more thinking of imaginary no doubt, and I want you to note that.
But no doubt it's bad in your mind right?
Communism=bad in your head right?
If it does, explain why to the best you possibly can.
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
You're essentially suggesting a highly unlikely scenario, and getting frustrated with someone who disagrees with that scenario's chance...
Yeah that seems pretty dumb

I'm not frustrated. I'm just pointing out that he is making definite claims and generally lacks imagination.

There are still legal pathways for Trump to be declared the winner of the election, which Biden concedes. But I suppose that it would require Biden having done something very illegal or some type of over-ruling on certification.

That's just a way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
You think YOU were cheated... lol. Just mad you couldn't cheat enough THIS TIME.. Daddy Putin didn't get you the election this year?? Boo Hoo You think you are oppressed. Lol.
What a joke.

Nazi propaganda. Point proven. And ... Ahem ... you misspelt Moron... Morvoron

Race only matters if you are a democrat. Interesting. Maybe I don't want race to be the thing that matters about people?

The primary difference I see in racial disparity between the two extremes: On one side, you have one "PoC" getting accolades, money and other kinds of rewards (financial and otherwise) just for saying "I'm oppressed." Ironic, considering that they are the person being rewarded, not being oppressed.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have a "PoC" (what a shitty term) fighting for the republic and they are called an "Uncle Tom" or "Nazi" as "mike420" has astutely demonstrated.

People have not evolved. They've gotten lazier.

We call them Nazis because they are. Now stand by and stand down. The difference is that on the Democratic side has some semblance of decency. Although its MOSTLY lip service. Mostly.... At least they don't work to undermine Democracy as much.. Trump is open with his Bullshit, as much as he can be.. I'll give him that. But he stands for everything wrong with the world. Not just the USA. Unapologetically. To support Trump is to support greed, theft, dishonesty, arrogance and racism.. You all should be ashamed. I love democracy and freedom. Capitalism is not the most important thing. And capitalism the only core value that Trump truly supports. Except his own ego. Not the country he is sworn to protect. He's trying to incite a coup instead of trying to vaccinate his citizens. What a selfish fuck. Just like his supporters.

I'm not frustrated. I'm just pointing out that he is making definite claims and generally lacks imagination.

There are still legal pathways for Trump to be declared the winner of the election, which Biden concedes. But I suppose that it would require Biden having done something very illegal or some type of over-ruling on certification.

That's just a way.

That sounds more like IF Trump succeeded in cheating the election. More Jokes... You are HILARIOUS.. Bunch of criminals... or stooges. Trump deserves to be put to death for his crimes against the country. Treason carries the death penalty.

I voted for Biden and I can prove it.

BOTH SIDES SUCK. BUT THE RIGHT SUCKS A LOT MORE. (Unless you are a rich or a Nazi... As you all have astutely demonstrated.) Stand by and Stand down...


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
At least they don't work to undermine Democracy as much.

Lol, electronic voting machines hidden behind closed-source, shutting down audits, redacting logs of flipped votes because "source code". Ok.

To support Trump is to support greed, theft, dishonesty, arrogance and racism..

And supporting a free and fair election is supporting Trump. I get it. You project a lot of mean words but you don't actually make an argument. Biden is not any of those, are you saying?

I voted for Biden and I can prove it.

No you can't.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
Lol, electronic voting machines hidden behind closed-source, shutting down audits, redacting logs of flipped votes because "source code". Ok.

And supporting a free and fair election is supporting Trump. I get it. You project a lot of mean words but you don't actually make an argument. Biden is not any of those, are you saying?

No you can't.

Your injustice collection is ENORMOUS!! Voting machines, yeah yeah yeah..There the same voting machines that were fine last time around when the Democrats were complaining about fraud. Iron clad according to Trump. Same voting machines that your Daddy Putin handled for you last time. What? They are too secure now and you want the code to exploit it? Give me a break.

Nothing about Trump is free and fair... Unless you are a GIANT corporation and or a billionaire!

But then is it really fair or is it just favorable to you? Do you truly believe your statement? I feel sorry for you. Biden is not perfect but at least he's not a dictator and Putin's bitch. Fuck Putin. Trump is too busy having his nervous breakdown and throwing tantrums to plan the virus response or run the country. Pansy assed Cheeto demon bastard. Biden at least will respond to an imminent threat. And he might... I don't know... RUN THE FUCKING COUNTRY? He also will shut down all the Looney Tunes antics, actually denounce the KKK, make a POSITIVE change. It's like everything Trump did was paid off under the table by some conglomerate. HE PUT EXXON IN CHARGE OF THE EPA!!! FUCK! WTF.And FYI I in fact have a copy of the ballot and my Wife took pictures of her dropping them in the slot in the polls. Got yelled at for it to by the poll worker. LOL

I'll tell you what the Trump supporters said four years ago. "You lost! stop whining and live with it!" :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: And grow up, anyone who supports Trump or Qanon or any of that shit is either on the spectrum or a greedy childish selfish turd. And all that "They stole it from us " sounds so much like the confederacy. They lost too. And there are no lizard people either. lol.

Trump has committed MANY crimes while in office. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! Treasonous traitor! Give him the CHAIR!! or a Firing Squad! You should be enraged at what YOUR PRESIDENT has done. That's why Biden will be the 47th President after Trump resigns so Pence can pardon him. Mark my words.

Here's some food for thought. It explains your psychological makeup and the reasons for your cognitive difficulties. Trump supporters tend to share in your .. condition.
Last edited by mikefor20,


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Far out story! Biden is going to aid you in your quest to eat the rich, and you have a wife.

That's why Biden will be the 47th President after Trump resigns so Pence can pardon him. Mark my words.


Enjoyed reading about "moral superiority" and "the real political conspiracy" from the prose of a rabid dog btw. That was unexpected. Do you have any more material?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2020
United States
The use of fact-checking websites to validate personal bias is evidently already problematic.

There used to be fact checkers--it was called the free press. Now that news has become "media" and has been monopolized by oligarchical groups of people, it's safe to say that there is no free press; only a competition in controlling narrative. These fact checking websites are just another superficial layer of "the news", created only for leveraging the image of credibility under false pretenses. They have already become meme-ish in the prevalent use of infographics without citing sources (as your post is doing). They hide bias by using unverifiable and arbitrary scales of honesty and validate them with anecdotes. It is intellectually dishonest to be complacent in the reliance on fact-checking websites.

There is no clear governing model to determine the scale of honesty of news organizations as many undefined variables exist. Is one media source, that regularly and unfairly criticizes a political party, more dishonest than a mega-news corp that publishes a single grand hoax that, perhaps intentionally, crashes the economy? Also, how is it that some things are "debunked" because of witness testimony, while witness testimony is considered hearsay in debunking others? If there isn't consistency in fact check to fact check--it's unreliable and evidently biased.
In the words of the Bloodhound Gang, "I appreciate your input..." Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for so eloquently formulating these paragraphs.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
he's not wrong actually.
Republican's are using the CCP as a boogieman.
CCP is bad, no doubt, mostly since it's single party and poorly treats it people.

However... The republican party is using it as a boogieman.Essentially, they intentionally try tying together two things that have no correlation, in attempts to get you to act out, and take issue with it.
For example, while communism is in the name, china is actually authoritarian capitalist.
And this comes with the second layer.
I'm going to genuinely ask you this question, in hopes you can follow my thinking.
What is communism?
as in what is it's meaning to you?
Your going to have a hard time describing it likely, since your more thinking of imaginary no doubt, and I want you to note that.
But no doubt it's bad in your mind right?
Communism=bad in your head right?
If it does, explain why to the best you possibly can.
Exactly. There is a lot of very justified shit you can accuse china of. It becomes ridiculous when you try and blame them for things they have nothing to do with. Same goes for russia which has been the favourite enemy since forever (Trump is Putins little doggo though).


Sep 13, 2009
United States
I feel this post should be closed, it is getting pretty toxic and this is a gaming community and an international one. Can we talk about how bad Kingdom Hearts 3 was?
Putting toxicity aside, why are you even in this forum, let alone thread, if you only care about gaming? lol
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