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Parents Refuse To Feed Their Own Children, Why Should I Have To Foot Their Bill?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
You are ridiculous. Here's my life, get it right, I grew up in a poor family, I had to wonder if I was going to have food the next day as my mother busted her ass off. She didn't smoke, she didn't drink, she bought me little things here and there, but that was it, and those little things was the occasional candy bar, because my school life was crap and she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't go out buying TVs or the next new iphone because it didn't even exist, we stuck with what little we had. She spent every single dollar on either getting to work, or picking me up from school and buying with the little money she had for food and utlites at the apartment. So how was she expected to pay 4 dollars every day in lunches, or nearly 60 dollars per month. I dare you to call her lazy.

Sounds like she was raising you by herself. That's rough, but her choice.


There's hope for a Xenosaga port.
Jun 29, 2007
Sounds like she was raising you by herself. That's rough, but her choice.
I do not agree with this comment and what it implies to a big extent.
As there is no dislike button I need to write it down.
It is quite bad.
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2018
United States
You do realize that some countries already provide free lunch right? It could be done easily in the US as well.
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Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
Yet you pay for roads for others to drive on, the military you seem to proudly proclaim support for is massively overfunded for what you get in return (if you want to talk about pork barrels...) , you pay for healthcare for others, you pay for education for said kids and that list goes on an on.

If you want to try to advocate for some minimalist approach to tax and government spending then so be it but acting like it is not a fairly radical position to take in the modern world is odd.

As far as parents should be taking responsibility then sure. Highly encourage that one. Do we not want to be there for those that fall through the cracks though? Also why do you imagine they are all sitting there with luxury goods while their kids starve (or at least go malnourished)?
He doesnt support the military. If he did, he wouldnt say much of the things he does. He (along with every other idiot trump supporter) "claim" to support the military and "claim" to be patriotic, but those repiblican Americans are the absolute LEAST patriotic or supportive of their military. They blindly believe they support them, while in actuality, they pick and choose. Disregard much of what it means to be "patriotic". Its a false and childish "patriotism", which is more than half-ass'd


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
This thread is making me fucking livid.

How selfish and inconsiderate are you to let children starve because "it's not your problem"?

Irresponsible parents should not allow you to punish children in return, even less forget those who are working hard and are struggling to meet ends.

I personally lived through poverty during most of my childhood, because I did have really shitty parents who were drug addicts and took a full meal as something optional for themselves, and school lunches were life saving (literally) for myself and my sister.

I can afford my life well now without hesitation I want to have my taxes go to the people in need, children don't deserve to starve, even less be dismissed by some grown up adults who couldn't see further than their own, fatty, egocentric belly, because "fuck they aren't mine, let them suck it while I point and laugh to liberals".


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
This thread is making me fucking livid.

How selfish and inconsiderate are you to let children starve because "it's not your problem"?

Irresponsible parents should not allow you to punish children in return, even less forget those who are working hard and are struggling to meet ends.

I personally lived through poverty during most of my childhood, because I did have really shitty parents who were drug addicts and took a full meal as something optional for themselves, and school lunches were life saving (literally) for myself and my sister.

I can afford my life well now without hesitation I want to have my taxes go to the people in need, children don't deserve to starve, even less be dismissed by some grown up adults who couldn't see further than their own, fatty, egocentric belly, because "fuck they aren't mine, let them suck it while I point and laugh to liberals".
Bloody well said Vins.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
This thread is making me fucking livid.

How selfish and inconsiderate are you to let children starve because "it's not your problem"?

Irresponsible parents should not allow you to punish children in return, even less forget those who are working hard and are struggling to meet ends.

I personally lived through poverty during most of my childhood, because I did have really shitty parents who were drug addicts and took a full meal as something optional for themselves, and school lunches were life saving (literally) for myself and my sister.

I can afford my life well now without hesitation I want to have my taxes go to the people in need, children don't deserve to starve, even less be dismissed by some grown up adults who couldn't see further than their own, fatty, egocentric belly, because "fuck they aren't mine, let them suck it while I point and laugh to liberals".

I never said "let the children starve". I said feed them and then make their parents pay, which is what they should be doing to begin with.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

You are ridiculous. Here's my life, get it right, I grew up in a poor family, I had to wonder if I was going to have food the next day as my mother busted her ass off. She didn't smoke, she didn't drink, she bought me little things here and there, but that was it, and those little things was the occasional candy bar, because my school life was crap and she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't go out buying TVs or the next new iphone because it didn't even exist, we stuck with what little we had. She spent every single dollar on either getting to work, or picking me up from school and buying with the little money she had for food and utlites at the apartment. So how was she expected to pay 4 dollars every day in lunches, or nearly 60 dollars per month. I dare you to call her lazy.

Then your mother needed to apply for reduced lunches. Currently, reduced lunches in 2019 cost an average of $0.40. That's 40 cents and that's way too much for some parents to pay, not because they can't afford to do so, but because they refuse to. (and before you say, "we'll it's only 40 cents, why don't you pay it"?) THEY AREN'T MY KIDS THEY ARE NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.

Back in the 1970's reduced lunches were around 10 cents with the entire meal costing 90 cents. School lunches are really inexpensive, which is another reason why I think it's horrible for the parents to not be taking responsibility and caring for their own children.

Deleted User

Sounds like she was raising you by herself. That's rough, but her choice.
It wasn't her choice, the admins are going to kill me, if I get banned, that's fine. I took the risk and understood the consequence of making a dupe so I can through to billpong.
My biological father and her were married. She didn't want children, so she used birth control, however at the time, something went wrong, I don't understand the full details. But her leaving, going on her own. It wasn't a choice, Shortly after, she discovered that my biological father was a child molester. Prompting a divorce. And for a while, we were on our own, parts of my school life occurred, then well stepfather happened. After another set of experiences with my stepfather. Another divorce. And right now we do struggle. She doesn't smoke, already explained that, even in the past she didn't, and well, lets say at the time of 16 I had too much emotional trauma. Watching my grandfather die, my grandmother turning her backs on my mom and him,her (grandmother) being greedy, my stepbrothers turning into people I didn't wish to see... I wasn't mentally able for a part time job as I was barely keeping myself away from suicide, and was previously suicidal even before then. And even then Tucson job market is shit. We stretch food a lot. Make little with what we do have. A lot of it is canned food. We don't go out to eat. Only maybe once every 2 months? if at that? (aka not very often at all) She works minimum wage for her job. And for three years, she was unable to pay my high school lunch because we were that strapped for cash. Even though the bill was half the price of my old school. We don't buy iphones, or phones or new tvs every year, or any electronics. Only buying things when it's reached a unusable point or if it's a necessity. We need our phones because my mom is terminally ill, but for while used our old phones from the previous household. One day the stepfather just cut us off the phone plan, and due to for some dumb reason, we had to ditch our old. So we got android phones, cheaper on the wallet anyways. So also had to get a new phone plan, and pay that ourselves. It wasn't a choice, because the thing is, if something happens to her, I need to know, she at that time, was/is my only care taker. Now she has connections incase that does happen, and I'm looking for a job. But if she went, and my future was completely unknown. The new computer I run today, was only because she saw it as a investment into my future. Because I am learning how to program, and try to manage a YouTube channel which video rendering was to say the least too time consuming. One day I'd like to be able to make a small game, still learning. Started with python. But most game engines don't support python so eventually learn c and c++. My old laptop was 11 years old. The screen was cracked due to a accident while moving. and it was a rather cheap laptop, and working on it was becoming a bit of a task. So again, more of a necessity to keep up with the changing world. As for rent of the apartment we live in, which is not as crap as the previous (but for well. safety reasons. Old place, before this had drug addicts and other unwanted things) the thing is though, we still live off the alimony check for paying for rent. And we don't eat like hogs either. My point is, we were fucked by the situations we were in, not by choice. So you saying that free lunches is only for those that abuse it, is wrong. And it's not the majority either, or drug attics, because even then empathy still applies, not to all addictions, and some are stronger than others. But even then, there is a larger amount of people who actually need it, than those who gain the system.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States
I think there should still be free lunches but there should be stricter about who they give them to. Giving them to children whose parents can't afford to feed them instead of people who blow their money on flat screen tellys and iphones or people who just want to save a buck.
I never said "let the children starve". I said feed them and then make their parents pay, which is what they should be doing to begin with.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Then your mother needed to apply for reduced lunches. Currently, reduced lunches in 2019 cost an average of $0.40. That's 40 cents and that's way too much for some parents to pay, not because they can't afford to do so, but because they refuse to. (and before you say, "we'll it's only 40 cents, why don't you pay it"?) THEY AREN'T MY KIDS THEY ARE NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.

Back in the 1970's reduced lunches were around 10 cents with the entire meal costing 90 cents. School lunches are really inexpensive, which is another reason why I think it's horrible for the parents to not be taking responsibility and caring for their own children.

Objectively I agree, I don't know how much reduced lunches cost, but I get a 120 dollar bill a month for school lunches where I live (Suburbs in the Philadelphia area in PA) and thats 30 dollars a month for 4 of my kids in school. That works out to a dollar a day per child, and thats breakfast and lunch. My High Schooler has a job and pays for his own lunch. I feel those parents who CAN should, and I see your point as well, feed them then make parents pay. I may be ok with my tax dollars going to feed hungry kids, but I cannot get mad at other's point of view with not wanting their tax dollars go to paying for schools. I think a real argument should be had for people/homeowners who get school tax bills with no children/school age children to not have to pay taxes on schools.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Objectively I agree, I don't know how much reduced lunches cost, but I get a 120 dollar bill a month for school lunches where I live (Suburbs in the Philadelphia area in PA) and thats 30 dollars a month for 4 of my kids in school. That works out to a dollar a day per child, and thats breakfast and lunch. My High Schooler has a job and pays for his own lunch. I feel those parents who CAN should, and I see your point as well, feed them then make parents pay. I may be ok with my tax dollars going to feed hungry kids, but I cannot get mad at other's point of view with not wanting their tax dollars go to paying for schools. I think a real argument should be had for people/homeowners who get school tax bills with no children/school age children to not have to pay taxes on schools.
So basically he's fine with paying taxes to feed kids, but wants to force irresponsible parents wasting gov money on drugs to use it for their kids lunches.
Isn't that hard? Tracking parents who don't use gov money as intended. How would someone do that? And create some kind of penalty for parents that are lazy and avoid working.

Again how can you separate parents that abuse the gov system and don't? You can't, so what most people do is pay taxes anyway, its the safer option so that people that are actually struggling and not from their own fault are able to feed their babies. Its a matter of, should those people be screwed over because some people abuse the gov system? We can't get people to act always perfectly, someone is always going to take advantage of something.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
we were fucked by the situations we were in, not by choice

I feel for you because all/most of what you described there happened when you were a kid. But your mom wasn't a kid. What you say there (quoted above) may be true, but excluding natural disasters and genetics, as far as adults are concerned we get ourselves into the situations we're in. Mostly with bad choices. Choices have consequences. I'm sorry, that's blunt. I don't want to be, there is no hurtful intent in what I'm saying. But seems like you're old enough to hear it and you need to let it sink in if you want to rise above the situation you're in over the next decade or so, because you definitely can. I can tell you're plenty smart and assertive enough to do that.

Also, there's nothing you need to defend, explain, justify. There's nothing wrong with growing up poor - the world is completely out of your control when you're a kid. My dad committed armed robbery when he was young, did time in jail, couldn't get good jobs because of the criminal record. No point trying to compare our experiences, suffice to say in my house growing up we were poor enough. He worked the night shift in a canning factory from before I could remember until after I went to college, because that was the only type job he could get that could pay the bills. I hardly ever saw the guy. My mom was a bank teller. I went to college on a scholarship, or I wouldn't have gone at all. But my dad's crime, and my mother's decision to marry him in spite of it, affected my life. Can you relate?

You're passing the age soon where you have an excuse to be someone's dependent. It's your life, take charge. Make good decisions, especially where choosing to take on major responsibilities in your life is concerned. Spouse, family, mortgage can all be worth it if undertaken when you're ready. Or severely handicap your future (and theirs) if you jump in unwisely.
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Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Theres a difference between "wont" and "cant". If kids are required to spend 8+ hours a day in school then meals should be provided. Education funding comes from taxes, that's all there is to it.

This "starving children shouldnt be my problem" attitude is quite disturbing to me. There was a time that malice, greed, and total lack of empathy and social responsibility was condemned, even by the most extreme of either political wings.

As far as people that abuse the system, you'll find that to be an almost exclusive quality of the rich. How many poor people do you think are guilty of embezzlement, tax evasion, outsourcing labor, or denying quality healthcare/welfare. The single mother that cant afford to feed her children isn't the enemy guys.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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tc, people never ever should feed other people's kids, instead you shall call Social assistance (dunno how to say it properly, maybe)?? and let them handle it.
Yeah exactly, let's not feed children, let's call up the GOVERNMENT in order to yell at parents ROFLMAO hey buddy, I'd actually rather feed kids than pay the GOVERNMENT to teach families how to raise a kid, or hell were you thinking we'd somehow be better off with GOVERNMENT re-educating parents???? Seriously, you guys don't think things through. I wish I could respond to the original post instead of you, but the original poster put me on ignore because I spanked him around too much ROFLMAO
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
There was a time that malice, greed, and total lack of empathy and social responsibility was condemned, even by the most extreme of either political wings.

But lunch wasn't free then either.

(Relax, I explained earlier I'm ok with free school lunch.)
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