Hells Malice's Blog

After Story, anyway. I've watched Clannad probably 9 times now. But i've only seen After Story about 3 times. I tend to get cold feet and move on to something else before starting AS, because it's so freakin' sad. Despite Misae and Yukine's arcs being two of my favorites. Clannad was the...
So my Dad decided to check for me, and it turns out i'll be getting a rather nice sum back for my first tax refund.... $1400 Hell. Yes. That is all.
So it twas my birthday today. Or, yesterday in temp-future time. Just opened my presents. I got: $25 (grandparents) Soul Calibur 5 New blanket (<3 my old one had almost none of its stuffing left, and was falling apart at both ends...) A bunch of candy and a gigantic chocolate bar Several...
I don't think i've ever bought something so fast in my life. En Masse said IGN would be announcing something about beta access for Tera online, so i've been refreshing IGN several times daily waiting for it. Finally saw it. It said the words "pre-order" and "beta access" and 30 seconds later...
For lack of a better place to put this, I thought, "why not put it where no one will read it?" Been playing Katawa Shoujo lately. It's gaining popularity pretty swiftly by the looks of it. Hell I don't see why not, it looks and feels like a professionally drawn and written visual novel. The...
Just watched the Clannad movie. I knew going into it, it was going to be bad. I had read reviews, and read a summary of it. But i'm honestly SHOCKED at how someone could fuck up literally every single aspect that made Clannad epic. I'm not even kidding. They literally fucked EVERYTHING up...
But, totally worth it. That's the cheap end of my spending. Decembers orders might kill me.
Yeah...i'm actually really, really tempted to import a pal 3DS and Tales of the Abyss. Except it'd cost me like $250 CAD shipped. ;-; I'm on the fence. Dunno if i'd ever use it for anything else. Probably not.
So I just finished watching True Tears. That's why i'm here now, making a blog for the first time in forever to say. That was the worst fucking ending ever. That was the dumbest fucking decision ever. GOD DAMMIT That's it. I'm never watching drama anime ever again.
Slightly obsessed. Hard to find them though, or i'd have more. Slightly chaotic to have so many out. They LOVE moving MSN chat windows around (and will throw it off screen if you let them). They also like cloning themselves. A lot. I need a separate monitor solely for shimejis (if they didn't...
Recently I ordered quite a few things, at different times I might add. They all arrived today. First thing to arrive today was my Clannad: After Story part 2 card box. Sorting through 'em with glee, I was very sad when I put them in order. I was missing 1 card in the normal set. 1. Sooo...
I've gotten addicted to trading cards. Yeah. Not so bad if it's magic, yugioh, or pokemon. But I stumbled upon Tales of card sets. Expensive...Tales of card sets. So far only focusing on the Tales of the Abyss sets. I really, really want the normal* card set, but the full set is incredibly...
I finally got around to pre-ordering Clannad After Story: complete collection, which is released tomorrow. It finally processed and was shipped today... I completely forgot Amazon pretty much always ships things early so you get them by the release date, and often a little early. If I didn't...
Waltzed into Futureshop at 2pm and grabbed one of the many 3DS' still there. Also grabbed super street fighter IV. Unlike everyone else, I didn't videotape me opening the box...because it's just plain pointless to do so. Impressions: 3DS (black) itself looks nice and sleek. Has a decent weight...
What a game. Damn. Can't believe I didn't buy a PS3 specifically for this game a long time ago. Granted, anything i've seen or heard of it has been on the gameplay... Why the fuck wasn't I informed of its damn fine story? It's actually so well done i'm willing to go out and buy it tomorrow if I...
Haven't been on for two or so days, thanks to my router exploding.(EDIT: Not literally!) Annoyingly though, my Dad decided to plug his computer directly into the modem...and then used the internet for about half an hour over those two days. I asked once if I could get hooked up while he isn't...
Quick blog. I just spent a good while laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. It started innocently when I wanted to know if Darksiders for PC was a GFWL game with achievements. The search brought me to the official GFWL forum, and oh my god...so damn funny. There are probably some of...
Back from a short 2 day vacation to my Uncles wedding. The wedding was pretty fun. Though it mostly consisted of me wandering around hugging or shaking the hands of various relatives who i'd never met before, or had met several (10+) years ago. Which isn't terrible, but after like...3 hours of...
Going on 'vacation' from today till late sunday. Goin' to a wedding. My uncles. That'll be fun. The hotel also has internet. God only knows if it actually works. I'll probably just play KH:BBS anyways. Should be a fun little weekend. Kiiiinda nervous about my Dad though, lol. He has never got...
Bored. Decided to blog. Hmm.. where to start. Started playing Metroid: other M, since Arc Rise Fantasia got retardedly difficult and I need to build up some courage to go play it again. I've gotta say, Other M is a hell of a lot better then I ever thought it would be. So far, the fact that it...

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