So, after shelling out an abominably large amount of cash for a bigger memory card, I've backed up my tiny 4 gb memory card onto my back.
Now, I'm trying to restore the backup file onto the Vita, but every time I do so, it reaches 2% and then throws up an error code (which is, surprise surprise, useless to google). Before doing so, however, it wipes the card, as I discovered when trying to restore the back up to the smaller memory card just to make sure it wasn't the file.
What on earth is wrong here?
Now, I'm trying to restore the backup file onto the Vita, but every time I do so, it reaches 2% and then throws up an error code (which is, surprise surprise, useless to google). Before doing so, however, it wipes the card, as I discovered when trying to restore the back up to the smaller memory card just to make sure it wasn't the file.
What on earth is wrong here?