Hi i got my customer's wii u that has a hacked but messed vwii (he hacked the console himself).
i cannot run hbc on his vwii (black screen) cannot reinstall hackmii (freeze at warning screen) and syscheck freezes on ios223.
I think he installed the wii cios 223,. How can i fix this? Can i remove that cios using mmm?
Edit : solved by reinstalling ios58 vwii version..his vwii is using ios58 wii version.
i cannot run hbc on his vwii (black screen) cannot reinstall hackmii (freeze at warning screen) and syscheck freezes on ios223.
I think he installed the wii cios 223,. How can i fix this? Can i remove that cios using mmm?
Edit : solved by reinstalling ios58 vwii version..his vwii is using ios58 wii version.
Last edited by sthetix,