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  1. jonakeloh

    Region Unlocking vWii on Wii U

    Well if need be, I have a hacked Wii I can try Priiloader on. I'll try that right now and let you know 1679236452 Priiloader did not work, although I have my Wii hooked up to a small CRT and the text on Priiloader was hard to read. I may have missed something but I don't think I did. But since...
  2. jonakeloh

    Region Unlocking vWii on Wii U

    Just tried GeckoOS, but it only loads from the disc drive. I'm trying to run a Wiiware game. Gecko does function though, I'll keep it for future use.
  3. jonakeloh

    Region Unlocking vWii on Wii U

    I'm trying to run the Japanese-exclusive Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games on my hacked Wii U, but its region locked and can't get it to run. I tried Priiloader but got a message saying not to run it on Wii-U. I tried a custom firmware on the Wii U, but it didn't work either. Basically, how do...
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