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  1. Sundree

    ArticBase, a tool to broadcast your 3DS games to an emulator, has been released

    Apologies for necroposting, but I just want to add that this software is the entire reason why I got back into playing games on my 3ds. I've also been wanting to record footage from my 3ds for years too, but haven't been able to due to the current state of 3ds capture stuff. Only downside I've...
  2. Sundree

    Amazon has removed Emulation-Station from its app store because it "facilitates piracy"

    In between this and Nintendo's lawsuit against Yuzu, I highly doubt this little "war on emulation" that corporations are trying to wage is going to net positive results for them, especially if it's going to be anything like the war on drugs. lol In the current year we're in, loading up...
  3. Sundree

    The Ctrl + V Game

  4. Sundree

    [UPDATE] Emulators are back and running in Xbox Series' Retail Mode

    If true, that was quick. Glad I didn't waste my $2. lol
  5. Sundree

    [UPDATE] Emulators are back and running in Xbox Series' Retail Mode

    Yeah that's another thing I didn't even think about. If they're charging money for the usage of these UWP's now, how's that going to make them look when Microsoft inevitably finds out.
  6. Sundree

    [UPDATE] Emulators are back and running in Xbox Series' Retail Mode

    On one hand, I'm pretty happy that they found a workaround; but on the other hand I'm not sure how to feel about the $2 Patreon fee. I mean, some of us are poor and that's why we emulate old games in the first place. lol
  7. Sundree

    [UPDATE] Dolphin's release on Steam indefinitely delayed after Nintendo sends cease & desist order to Valve

    They way I see it, Nintendo and Valve are both companies with an infinite army of attorneys at their disposal and more money than god. That being said however, if Nintendo wins this case (and they very much could); that'll set a very scary president for digital preservation in the future. The...
  8. Sundree

    Nintendo is trying to force Discord to reveal the name of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom artbook leaker

    Nintendo doesn't care about about having a horrible reputation because they know that all of the long-time consumers will do PR and damage control for them. It happens every time.
  9. Sundree

    The Pokemon Company is looking to hire those with NFT, metaverse, and blockchain experience

    Interesting. Figured the entire NFT/Metaverse trend died off a year and a half ago. Guess not?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Sundree

    16-year-old claims to have hacked Nintendo's developer portal, leaks 50GB of files

    If it were any other company maybe I'd feel a bit bad, but it's Nintendo. :rofl2:
  11. Sundree

    Is it possible to extract photos from face raiders?

    Not to necropost, but I wanted to add that I did this last night and managed to get 128x128 pictures of me that date as far back as 2013. Also they save images that you don't even have in your in-game "Face Collection", So I managed to find a couple of images I haven't seen in years.
  12. Sundree

    Lost DS port prototype of De Blob found by YouTuber, RebelTaxi

    the subtle reference he made to his kid :rofl2:
  13. Sundree

    The Meme Box

  14. Sundree

    The Meme Box

  15. Sundree

    Duke Nukem: Endangered Species, a previously unreleased title, has leaked online

    Looks like it could've been a good boomer shooter if it had more development time. I never understood people knocking on the graphics of a game that's in (or was in this case) in it's early stages of development.
  16. Sundree

    The Meme Box

  17. Sundree

    The Meme Box

  18. Sundree

    Microsoft Disabling Dev Mode Access

    Welp, there goes 60% of my motivation to grab an Xbox. lol
  19. Sundree

    A sealed copy of Super Mario 64 managed to sell for a record-breaking $1.56 million dollars

    There's something off about that entire thing. I'd never buy a copy of Mario 64 for 1 and a half million, even if it's sealed.
  20. Sundree

    PS4-exclusive 'Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown' launches next week

    Sucks that it's a PS4 exclusive, as a massive Sega fan; I've always wanted to get into Virtua Fighter, but never really came around to it.
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