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  1. Nehpets700

    GBAtemp Exclusive GBAtemp Switch OLED and retro handheld giveaway raffle - comment here to enter!

    You guys must be filthy switch to be able to afford putting on contests like this. ...Yeah, I'm sorry for that one.
  2. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack 60 FPS Patches/Cheat Codes Releases and Discussion

    Oh hey, the Bowser's Inside Story remake finally got a speed up code and 60 fps code, nice! US version when?
  3. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack 60 FPS Patches/Cheat Codes Releases and Discussion

    Man, these are great. I would donate an organ for a 60 FPS code for the M&L:BIS remake.
  4. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack [Release] Miitopia Save Editor

    Hey, this is really neat, nice work! I don't suppose there'd be any easy ways to change which Mii plays which role in the story using this editor, correct? Kinda tedious to have to manually edit every little thing about a Mii in your party if you want them to be a different Mii.
  5. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Music Swap Mod

    Hmm, that does sound difficult. Well, if you ever do get back to it, I'd be very much interested in using it.
  6. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Music Swap Mod

    Apologies for another necro, but was the looping music project ever finished?
  7. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Is it possible to change the Pokemon version you're playing?

    I own Pokemon Ultra Sun. Is it possible to turn it into Pokemon Ultra Moon while keeping my data? I believe this was possible in former generations, but I haven't heard about it for this one.
  8. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Web based Fire Emblem Awakening save editor

    Really neat tool so far. Keep up the good work.
  9. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack [Release] ultraSuMoFramework - NTR Plugin for Ultra SuMo

    I cannot thank you enough for your work on this. I had recently lost a large amount of progress on my Ultra Sun and was unable to recover it. However, thanks to the plugin, I was able to get back to where I was in a timely manner. You've saved me a great amount of time, energy, and stress...
  10. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Accidentally saved over my Pokemon Ultra Sun save. Anything I can do to recover my progress?

    Oh, it was complete negligence on my part. I was using Checkpoint. I backed up my file and proceeded to do a new game for reasons I won't go into, and when I attempted to back up this file, I accidentally wrote it over my main file. At least I had another save that wasn't at the very beginning...
  11. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Accidentally saved over my Pokemon Ultra Sun save. Anything I can do to recover my progress?

    I have both and I just happened to be using Checkpoint at the time. Ah well. Thanks for the response!
  12. Nehpets700

    ROM Hack Accidentally saved over my Pokemon Ultra Sun save. Anything I can do to recover my progress?

    Not entirely certain if this is the best place to explain this or not, but I'm in an interesting predicament. I've unintentionally saved over my main Ultra Sun back up and unfortunately, I don't have a back up save, at least none that aren't very far back. I tried looking online for a save that...
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