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    Hacking Help Error 0xFFFCFFE9 Access Failed No USB storage attached

    Hello, I am trying to install a title to my hard drive and I keep getting the error 0xFFFCFFE9. I've gone through 3 hard drives and have gotten the same error and I am also using a y cable to provide additional power. I have also tried Wup installer gx and wup installer y mod and both gave the...
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    Gaming Question In Regards To Mario Maker

    I'm not sure if I can post this here (can't really get any help anywhere else), but a few members in the community have been scratching their heads over how to do "wall jumps" in Mario Maker consistently. I overheard a conversation that in the original Super Mario World it required x position...
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    Hacking Wii U Help

    Is there a way to mod the wii u without having the internet (besides having the files?) Sorry if this has been asked before
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    Hacking Game Version Update Question

    I am playing super mario maker (digitally) and I want to downgrade my game version to the very first version from when the game came out (1.3). Is there a way to do this through modding or on official firmwire? (I didn't know where to post this)
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    Gaming Is this a possible PSP Go Hack/Exploit? Is it?
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: +2