Yeah I saw you were doing that the other day. It TANKED when it came out, loaded with bugs and glitches. I'm assuming they have addressed that issue, is it a good game?
@BigOnYa, if I were to get a new/current-gen console it would definitely be the Series X. Do you, in your opinon and experience,, do you think that the Series S was a bad idea for MS, becuase between the Series X and S, the developers are building games to the lowest common denominator (the Series S), so you never really get to see what the X can do???
@Everybody, while I have a computer that can run plenty of games (inc ray-tracing, big FPS, etc), I am at heart a console gamer. I work in front of a computer 8 hours a day for 5days a week. Trust me, when I get home from work and want to play a game, it sure as hell won't be on my PC. I don't want to sit in front of a dual monitor setup (and yes I know I can hook my PC up to my TV but that would be missing the point), I like the simplicity and the informality of a gaming console. But I read all your responses and appreciate what you have to say about the Series S/X. Biggy menitoned that Series S runs games @ 30fps, not all games I'm sure, but I'd seriously be missing out on that 60 FPS. Once you go 60, 30 FPS is way down the ladder...
@Everybody, while I have a computer that can run plenty of games (inc ray-tracing, big FPS...