Recent content by Cammy238

  1. C

    Steam Games (and maybe more) giveaway!

    sign me up too please
  2. C

    Hacking Call of Duty World At War 1:1 Won't work!!!!!

    It couldn't have been a bad burn because i burnt this the same way i have burnt all my iso's and they all worked fine
  3. C

    Hacking Call of Duty World At War 1:1 Won't work!!!!!

    Bump again (OMG Triple Poster!!!)
  4. C

    Hacking Call of Duty World At War 1:1 Won't work!!!!!

    Bump (Sorry For Double Post )
  5. C

    Hacking The System Files are Corrupted

    LOL!!! Your like: it says the sytem files are corrupt. what should I do? so he says: try uncorrupting the sytem files. and then you say: I can't believe i didn't think of that. YOU ARE A RETARD!!!!
  6. C

    Hacking Call of Duty World At War 1:1 Won't work!!!!!

    I cant get CoD: WaW to work. i've re-innstalled 0.3 gamm twice, i am from the UK using a pal rom burnt on a dvd-r at 4x speed. also my firmware is 3.3E. Almost forgot, it loads fine but when it loads it's just a black screen (this both 1:1 and for patched with backup creator)
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