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  • Poking around found loads of new stuff & pondering to updating a old full save file links broked I guess or just make a new thread o.O
    Back online fully happily got my New 2DS XL modded ! Found a easy to Follow video on youtube.
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    Reactions: Arecaidian Fox
    apparantly the guide I was following decided on missing a step or just assuming it wasn't needed -_-
    It tells you right in the guide to leave the existing luma 7.1 boot.firm on the sd card as it is, and you update it later. Redownloading the same file and replacing it with itself does literally nothing.
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    Reactions: Damon_girl
    I can understand you making an honest mistake understanding the guide, but to call plailect a "STUBBORN brat" like that.... you don't deserve this guide with that attitude. Plailect isn't being paid for doing this, the least you could do is not insult him / her...
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    Reactions: Damon_girl
    If you were getting an error that was fixed by replacing the boot.firm with a fresh 7.1 one, then you either weren't on 7.1 when you started like you should have been, or something was wrong with your boot.firm file. This is in no way the guide's fault and it is not missing a step.
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    Reactions: Damon_girl
    Lumas new features dont justify the amount of frustration to update both boot9 and luma plus have to VC guide a friend yea NOPE
    While I agree to an extent about Luma 8.0's features, it's always a good idea to upgrade to the latest hax methods. In addition, upgrading b9s shouldn't be frustrating. If anything, it should take about 5 minutes and only really doing one thing on your 3DS.
    Updating Luma has got to be the most frustrating CFW I have ever dealt with I am not guiding my freind through this mess we shall stay back
    >download Luma
    >copy boot.firm to root of SD card
    is there no saving a dead micro sd card o.o even one that does show up still wont format..
    I had this issue a while back. Had to clear the partition and create a new primary before formatting.
    Try a low-level format.
    I have tried everything x.x my nextbook overheated 2 out of 3 of my micros they state in magic partion program black BAD CHCKDISK ...
    I even di what you did no luck ..
    still holding out on hope that we get a WiiU usb loader that doesnt require a SD card.. Like the Wii has just drag and drop games ..
    Wiiu has a update if you have Haxchi DS version is it safe to update? 3DS Luma safe to updat on that as well..
    On iPad browsin, first time seeing this new style ... too much white x.x not a fan it's flat style is weird ..
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