@Xdqwerty, Anyway, even if you have to depend on others is pretty normal for your age, you're still 15 so you have a lot of time ahead. I'm 20 and I'm learning to do things by myself at this age lmao. There are people who are more indipendent earlier and there are people who become more indipendent later, and there's nothing bad in it tbh
@K3Nv3, Yeah, crime is risky. Worst thing about it is that even if you end up regretting it and putting in effort to become a better person it's still something that'll follow you for the rest of your life.
@_Ruri_, speaking of petty for some reason a user i'm not gonna name says i'm seeking for petty (whatever tf it means) when I'm talking about my issues and all that
@Xdqwerty, Same thing a lot of people always told me lol. Ignore them, your problems are serious stuff and they matter, people shouldn't really be gaslighting other people into thinking they're fine imho