Why are imperial mesurements so hard to understand!!!

This is going to be a rant about the imperial measurement system! I don't care you use Fahrenheit, inches, miles, feet's, yards, football fields and whatever......it's those damn fractals that I really can't understand! To be honest I am terrible at math...I hated it! Working on my homebrew game was a challenge as you can imagine since it contains a TON of math! This is probably why the collision detection still sucks after four years! :blush:...but that is a story for another time.

I can write out the calculation and understand it...mostly....but doing it all in my head in a "reasonable" amount of time is impossible! For me anyway! It's things like 1/4 , 3/8,1/2, 5/8, 3/4 etc. that bite me in the butt the most!! I get that what it stands for...divide an inch by the last number and then multiply it with the first. But than I still need to convert THAT into millimeters to actually understand it's size!! But even if it was something like 0.25, 0.38, 0.50, 0.63, 0.75 it would already make much more sense and clear in an instant which one is bigger than the other! Right? Maybe it's just me and my stupid brain that does not understand math as well as it does logic! :rofl2: (I mean this as a joke...being a developer writing programming logic ^_^)

The reason it's been bugging me is because I am doing some electrical conduits through the wall and for some reason here in the Netherlands the imperial measurements are used for those pipes!!!! :wacko: So there is the small standard diameter of 16mm (actually labeled as 5/8) and a slightly bigger one of 19mm (labeled as 3/4). What kind of super human knows in 0.2 seconds that 5/8 is smaller than 3/4????? In metric it's so simple 16mm vs 19mm. Just basic numbers and one is obviously larger! Why is it so hard in imperial numbers????

Btw...I do realize that you guys probably get this drilled into your head at school and that it becomes natural to you. But for someone living and thinking in metric this just makes zero sense! ^_^

Last week I got an air compressor for a bunch of reasons I will probably post about some other time. The hoses, fittings, couplings etc are in this same insane imperial system and it irritates me a lot that I just don't get it. To know in a quick glance....ohh..that one is bigger or smaller! That's how you end up buying the wrong stuff at the hardware store...and no...I did not ask anyone there for help with this. But I might do it today...since I need to go there AGAIN :rofl2::rofl2: (must be the 8th trip there in less than 3 weeks....:blush::blush:)

I think I am good now. Sorry about that. :D:shy:
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I am bad at math too but this not about being bad at math. You are bad at shopping. You gotta get the exact specs. You cant eyeball that stuff unless you are a pro-plumber.
The metric system (SI) is the only thing that makes sense in my opinion. Clinging onto outdated stuff originally based on body parts is nonsense and can get expensive.

Still some things are referred to with nonsensical units due to "historical reasons".

Leave me alone with that. Not only are the SI units well-defined, they are centered around the decimal system making calculations easy.
I am bad at math too but this not about being bad at math. You are bad at shopping. You gotta get the exact specs. You cant eyeball that stuff unless you are a pro-plumber.
Hahaha, yeah I probably might be bad at shopping too. But in this case I had looked up a bunch of stuff...converted the sizes and made a "whishlist" on my PC thinking it would sync to the app of the store. But it turns out that on my PC I was silently logged out of my account so the list was not updated! Then when I was in the store....15 minutes before it closes I just grabbed what I thought I would need! And then took off to the other isle's to get the stuff I needed the most and did remember! :rofl2::rofl2:

I got 80% of it right...if you include the stuff I just did not get because I was not sure of the exact size I needed! ^_^:D

As for these stupid sizes and different units....I better just make a conversion table or something and use that! And make sure when making those "whishlists" on my PC to actually log into my account so it's synced! ^_^
Only drug dealers and gun makers use the metric system here in the U.S. The rest of us use regular measurements, like fractions, feet, miles, yards, etc.
Only drug dealers and gun makers use the metric system here in the U.S. The rest of us use regular measurements, like fractions, feet, miles, yards, etc.
My first thought would have been scientists. Is this a joke? I don't get the drug dealers in this context.
Science can use the imperial system too, it's not any less accurate than metric is.
Yes, just harder to handle and not viable internationally.
I could invent my own units as well and define conversion factors to commonly used units. Then "do science" with my very own units nobody else knows. The question is if this makes any sense… or if missing conversion will make a multi-million $$$ mars orbiter fail.

At some point elementary units had to be defined based on natural constants… and since our everyday math is done in the decimal system, using a decimal pattern is an obvious and sensible choice.
Hummm. And don't make me start to talking on the money denominations. How many divisional types really are needed?
Hummm. And don't make me start to talking on the money denominations. How many divisional types really are needed?
You mean dollars, and cents? Or something different? Like the $1 bill, $5, $10, $20, $50, and the $100 bills?
The metric system (SI) is the only thing that makes sense in my opinion. Clinging onto outdated stuff originally based on body parts is nonsense and can get expensive.

Still some things are referred to with nonsensical units due to "historical reasons".

Leave me alone with that. Not only are the SI units well-defined, they are centered around the decimal system making calculations easy.
Isn't Imperial defined by the metric system these days? Just get rid of this archaic hanger-on.

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