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TI83 Emulator 01/22/2009

Here is a Multiboot version of the TI83 emulator.If you trim the TI83 rom, the file size of the rom is about 215900 bytes large.You can also attach a .83G file up to about 14000 bytes large, and use L+R to send it.* First append a TI83 rom image to the end of the .gba file, using something like copy /b ti83emu.gba + ti83.rom ti83emu_rom.gbaKeys:SELECT: Toggle keyboard overlayKeys (keyboard visible)* Arrows: Move cursor* (right now cursor is not displayed over arrow keys, just move it away a few times)* A: Press that key* B: Quick Keys* Start: ENTER* L: Alpha* R: 2ndQuick Keys: (Hold down B while keyboard visible)* A: ENTER* Arrow Keys: Arrow Keys* (other keys same as keyboard visible)Fullscreen Keys:* Arrows: Arrows* A: 2nd* B: Alpha
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