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ThemeShooterTk 0.07

ThemeShooterTk is a cross-platform, Python based clone of ThemeShooter made by HoKaze.

It can be run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and most modern Unix-like operating systems so long as the following requirements are met:

Python 2.x (Python 2.6 and 2.7 should work fine)
Tkinter (should come with python)
Python Imaging Library, PIL (Tends to be included with python)
PIL: ImageTk Module (on Linux this tends to be kept separate, look for the "python-imaging-tk" package)
What started off as a quick and dirty clone of the original ThemeShooter has since grown and whilst it may be behind the original and ThemeShooterX, it should hopefully suffice for some basic "themeshots." I do intend on continuing to add to it on the rare occasion I have time. Please check the enclosed readme file for further information, bugs and what to look for in the future.

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