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Super Bug and Capture EMU v1.3

This is "Super Bug Advance" aka "GBAArcadia": a port of a subset of theAmi/WinArcadia 11.71 emulator to the Nintendo Game Boy Advance platform,for the purpose of emulating the Super Bug 1 & 2 and Capture games. The emulator has been optimized for speed and size. The emulation is notas comprehensive as that provided by Ami/WinArcadia, but everything neededfor adequate emulation of the included games is present. Features could beadded back in from Ami/WinArcadia if desired, to enable support of othergames. The program was written in C using HAM 2.8.0 and Visual HAM 2.4.2.Source code is included.Keys are: START: start SELECT: difficulty A: fire B: autofire on/off (Super Bug)/fire (Capture) D-pad: move L: switch game R: pause/unpause1.3 : Fri 11 Sep 2009. . Added Super Bug 2.

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