Spaghetti DSDevJust another GREAT DSDev weblog--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SnailRaceHere we are, another NEO Compo and another DS Game: SnailRaceDownload link at end of the page.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------SNAIL RACE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here we are, another game from Samel [aka Luca Giacometti].-------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTACTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------E-Mail: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: 273419562-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game details-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Type: can be played on the ds but it's also a good card game.Player: 0-6.Age: 5+ and don't think it's for kid, it's easy but NOT ONLY FOR KID!!!! 8p.CPU: play with your friends or versus the AI on your ds. Or even watch the AI play by itself.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTALLATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extract the archive [may be you already done this]Patch the nds file with dldiPut the obtained directory in the root of your cardENJOY!That's all.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE DECK-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following the cards list.-BLUE CARD 5 card with a value of 1 4 card with a value of 2 2 card with a value of 3 2 card with a value of 4 2 card with a value of 5 1 card with a value of 7-GREEN CARD 5 card with a value of 1 4 card with a value of 2 2 card with a value of 3 2 card with a value of 4 2 card with a value of 5 1 card with a value of 7-RED CARD 5 card with a value of 1 4 card with a value of 2 2 card with a value of 3 2 card with a value of 4 2 card with a value of 5 1 card with a value of 7-BLACK CARD 12 card with a value of -4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RULEZ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The goal of the game it's to make snails complete some races.Snails starts at 0 and end a race at 14+.If a snails reach 14+ with your card, then you get one "Finish" point and X"Speed" point where X is the final value of the snail [let's say you play acard and a snail reach 16, then you get one "Finish" point and 16 "Speed"point].Each players start with eight card and draw a card at the end of each of histurns [if the deck is not exausted].On each turn players must play one and only one card.Colored card can only be played on the snail of the same color.Black card can be played on whatever snail you like.When a player plays a card on a snail it moves forward [or backward in thecase of black card] of a number equals to the card value [let's say that the redsnail is at 4 and you play a red 2, then the snail runs at 6].The winner is the player with most "Finish" point, on draw the winner is theplayer with most "Speed" point, on draw ... the game is a DRAW! 8)) .Enjoy!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT DETAILS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design of the card game: samelCode for the ds version: samelGfx for the ds version: samel [with help from the net]Sound for the ds version: from the net []-------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTROLS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the game use just the stylo, i'll make a newer version with full keysupport as soon as possible.During the game there are some waiting moments [when a snail runs, when youhear the victory sound etc.]. You can skip them with any key [stylus orbuttons, also the d-pad]. Also the splash screen, the credits and the resultsmay be skipped with any key [stylus or button, also the d-pad].-------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXTRA-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok, now that you know all the good thing about the game let me tell you asecret.If you like to change the theme of the game you can modify the image in theSnailRace directory.Just select a new theme [let's say ... ROBORACE] and redraw all the image inthe files.Be aware to not modify the name or the location of the file or the game willfreeze!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------COPYRIGHT AND LEGALS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This program is free for personal use, if you want to make money with itcontact me [See CONTACTS].This card game is free for personal use, if you want to make money with itcontact me [See CONTACTS].Image and sound are property of the respective owner [with the exception of theone I made].If you see some of your material in the game and you want credits, justcontact me [See CONTACTS].If you see some of your material in the game and tou want I remove them, justcontact me [See CONTACTS].If you just like to talk or to get in contact with me take a look at theCONTACTS.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------WAIT WAIT THERE IS ANOTHER INTERESTING THING!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the game there is a cheat ... find it and you will become the master ! Giacometti Luca alias Samel @ 13/03/2009