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Rominator 5.0

- Complete Code Overhaul! Rominator is now better than ever! Much faster, more compact, more features, just overall pure awesomeness - Rominator now has a sporty new icon - Data is now stored in a folder called Rominator Data, which resides in the SAME FOLDER as Rominator -- This means you can put it on a USB stick and take it with you, preserving your settings. It also means you must start your library FRESH, so don't try and copy your old one over--It WILL crash!- Main window is more compact, details has been placed in a separate optional window. Details window will hug main window though when moved or resized.- Flash cards auto-mount, no more scanning for them- Space available on library/card is now shown in the games list- Action buttons have been removed, replaced by a Actions Button with a dropdown menu.- Message Bar is a lot more robust now, and easier seen. Plus, when you select a list, it'll show how many games are in the list, as well as how much space they used. When you highlight games, it will show the total amount selected.- Game Saves are now separate files, with a new save manager.- Box Art is now separate as well (not in a database), so you can choose your own box arts if wanted.- Find field now hidden, and activated through Edit -> Find.- Biggest new feature: Rominator Toolbox! The toolbox features multiple Rom Utilities, and can be expanded to as many tools as needed! The following tools are available in the toolbox to start:- Save Manager- Game Reviews- Box Art Manager- Statistics- Rom Queue- Rom Validator- And by popular request, Rom Trimmer- As a result of the Rom Trimmer being in Rominator now, DSClippers has been discontinued.- More bug fixes!

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