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PIG (Atari 2600) 0.90

I've been working on an Atari 2600 version of the Jeopardy dice game Pig. It's a simple game with the goal being the first player to reach 100 points. Pig is a game of luck and some strategy. I've included the full and short rules from Wikipedia at the bottom of this post.

This version is one player vs the computer with five different levels of computer opponent available. Level 1 is plays very conservatively to it's own detriment while Level 5 plays quite strongly within a couple of percent of optimal Pig strategy.

Hopefully the UI is self explanatory but if there are any issues please let me know.

I'd welcome any feedback on the game, particularly on the chosen color schemes and whether the dice rolling sound effect is annoying.

Known Issues
No PAL Version
ROM space is wasted in several areas particularly the title screen.
Sound Effects and Music are quite sparse.

Rules From Wikipedia said:

Each turn, a player repeatedly rolls a die until either a 1 is rolled or the player holds and scores the sum of the rolls (i.e. the turn total). At any time during a player's turn, the player is faced with two options:

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