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GBA Notepad 2019-11-14

Instead of a videogame, this is a useful NOTEBOOK for Gameboy Advance.You can type notes in 59-pages, choose 30 or 60-characters across, and can change thebackground picture for each page.Visual Gameboy, an excellent GBA emulator is included in this package.VISUAL GAMEBOY KEY CONFIGURATION:Arrow Keys ....... (from number keypad) (A) ............ Key "D" (B) ............ Key "C"(Start) .......... (Number Keypad's "Enter")(Select) ......... Key "Q"(Left-Trigger) ... Key "W"(Right-Trigger) .. Key "E"Speedup Toggle ... (Number Keypad's "+")Backwards a bit .. Key (Backspace)RESET ............ Key "F1"(You can reconfigure VB's Keys by selecting from the menu: "Options," "Joypad," and "1")There are 3 MODES in GBA-Notepad.You can press two arrow keys at the same time so diagonal movements are possible.This will speedup message entry.POSITION MODE:Arrow Keys ....... Move cursor, hold for faster movement, cursor wraps around page (A) ............ Enter TYPING MODE (B) ............ Enter a space(Start) .......... Change this line from 30-60 characters across(Select) ......... Enter OPTION MODE(Left-Trigger) ... Tap to decrease page #, hold to scoot text left (delete)(Right-Trigger) .. Tap to increase page #, hold to scoot text right (insert)TYPING MODE:Arrow Keys ....... Select letter (cursor does not wrap) (A) ............ Type letter, hold for repeat, hold longer for faster repeat (B) ............ Return to POSITION mode, hit TWICE to add a space returning HERE(Start) .......... Quick swap between Upper/Lowercase letters(Select) ......... Also return to POSITION mode(Left-Trigger) ... Select Prior Characters(Right-Trigger) .. Select Next CharactersOPTION MODE:Arrow keys ....... Left & Right select menu option, Up & Down select line to affect (A) ............ Select this option, if single line, go down one step (B) ............ Return to POSITION mode(Start) .......... Change this line from 30-60 characters across(Select) ......... Also return to POSITION mode(Left-Trigger) ... Select 1st Option (Line width 30-60 characters)(Right-Trigger) .. Select Last Option (Goodbye)In Option Mode, the following are available:WIDTH ............ Same as pressing (Start) to swap 30-60 characters acrossWALLPAPER ........ Change the background Wallpaper for this single pagePAGE # ........... Change to a new page # (you have 59 pages altogether)UPPERCASE ........ Change this line to all UPPERCASEFIRSTCAPS ........ Change this line to first letter UPPERCASE following lowercaseLOWERCASE ........ Change this line to all lowercaseLEFT ............. Left-justify this text-lineCENTER ........... Center this text-line based upon chars acrossRIGHT ............ Right-justify this text-linePULLUP ........... Erase this line and scoot text underneath up one linePUSHDOWN ......... Insert a BLANK line HERE and scoot the remaining text down one lineCut, Copy, Paste, Xerox, Erase, Speed, Sound, Reset, and Authorare not yet available (I am working on these !) :)GOODBYE .......... All your typing is already saved, return to PogoSHELLHappy Halloween Worldbuilders, and enjoy the GBA Notepad !


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