Useful website for those who have/use Wii Fit.

This site has lots of info and routines for those who want to use wii fit to lose some serious weight. Personally, I have never used Wii Fit in losing weight, since in-game there are no made routines for that. This site does that. The best feature (and the only reason people should visit it) imo is the workout routine generator. You can input many options you want (or do not want) and it will create a routine for you based to your liking.

I sound like an ad, jesus!


As someone who has lost 90 lbs with videogames, my balance board played no role. Wii Fit is nothing but a joke, a few exercises might get you going but of course there are huge blocks of rest between workouts which makes it impossible to get any cardio advantage. But as your search tags suggest, old people would probably have more benefit.

If you want to lose weight playing videogames, play Dance Dance Revolution or it's PC clone Stepmania.
[quote name='yuyuyup' timestamp='1339050236'] As someone who has lost 90 lbs with videogames, my balance board played no role. Wii Fit is nothing but a joke, a few exercises might get you going but of course there are huge blocks of rest between workouts which makes it impossible to get any cardio advantage. But as your search tags suggest, old people would probably have more benefit. If you want to lose weight playing videogames, play Dance Dance Revolution or it's PC clone Stepmania. [/quote]Hmm this Stepmania, is it any good? I have DDR for the Gamecube, Wii, and 360, but I seem to dislike those games. I would like a game to show me step by step how to lose weight.
[quote name='triassic911' timestamp='1339050626'] [quote name='yuyuyup' timestamp='1339050236'] As someone who has lost 90 lbs with videogames, my balance board played no role. Wii Fit is nothing but a joke, a few exercises might get you going but of course there are huge blocks of rest between workouts which makes it impossible to get any cardio advantage. But as your search tags suggest, old people would probably have more benefit. If you want to lose weight playing videogames, play Dance Dance Revolution or it's PC clone Stepmania. [/quote]Hmm this Stepmania, is it any good? I have DDR for the Gamecube, Wii, and 360, but I seem to dislike those games. I would like a game to show me step by step how to lose weight. [/quote]
The trick to cardio exercise is to keep your heart beating for 20+ minutes. Of course you don't want to overdo it, and you might work your way up to that. Stepmania is great because it throws song after song at you with little rest, and I think it's really fun exercise. Stepmania and hackey sack were the two primary exercises I used to lose all 90 lbs.

EDIT: of course I would have never been able to drop the weight without first getting surgery to fix a lifelong nasal blockage. That surgery truly changed my life forever.

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