Philippine 2010 Aumated election 101


Im Chris and Im a son of a COMELEC OFFICER in Pangasinan.

This is a ON THE SPOT video so errors are welcome.

I have access to a PCOS Machine (Precint Count Optical Scan) and I will make more videos for Voters' Education.

Today, I'll be showing how to vote on the new ballot.

Please dont hesitate to ask questions for anything you do not understand.

The one Im holding is a sample ballot containing FICTIONAL names to avoid cheating in the election ballots.

My Comelec Uniform is in the laundry so I wasnt able to use that in my video to make it more presentable.
Errors in my video:

Dagupan City cannot vote for Governor and Vice Governor and Board members. I made a mistake about Congressman. Dagupan City CAN vote in Congressman.

The Governor I read is for Pangasinan.


The Youtube tags should only have the video ID code in them, like so:
I know that but the video is not appearing to me. Thanks for the reminders. I just got the code from fellow topic just below my topic. Didnt knew someone replied to mine so fast

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