new toys

Hate to mention it, by now I am into week 2 of my cigarette free life style and have been having the ups and downs about it. While my body no longer has a twitch for nicotine every once and a while I find myself thinking "time for a fag" which yet again seems odd as I don't really have a craving for one, but it is like someone said to me, if I clicked my fingers after every drink I finished then suddenly stopped of course things would seem weird to me and I would feel compelled to click my fingers at certain times. Anywho, to sell treat myself I have bought myself a few treats which would have covered the price of cigarettes had I kept smoking, these include...

Gamecube - Rouge Leader , Agent Under Fire, Star Fox Adventures
PSP - Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles
N64- Shadows of the Empire, Golden Eye 007, Diddy Kong Racing, Wave Race 64, Rouge Squadron
Mega Drive-Castle of Illusion, Quack Shot, World of Illusion
Nes-Turtles 2-Arcade Game, Turtles 3-Manhattan Project
Snes-Star Fox
Mega CD-Mickey Mania
PC-Full Throttle

lot of stuff I have had in the past which either got lost due to the trappings of time or the house fire back in 2005, but it has been nice to see I can build up a small collection like this in such a little time. Besides that lady fortune has smiled on me and blessed me with an Acer Iconia W500 tablet. My father bought it around a year ago with the notion of using it on his holidays but found that having Windows 7 on it didn't agree with him, he did put on the consumer preview of Windows 8 and it ran a lot better but over the past few months he has ended up buying a new Ipad and didn't know what to do with the Acer tablet which he has given to me, all i have done with it so far is load up the Release Candidate of Windows 8 which is nice yet not without its faults and have thought about upgrading the SSD in it from a 32 gbto a 64gb as well as getting a legit version of Windows 8 on it when it comes out, but that is ways off yet, still something more interesting happens...


If you like Agent Under Fire then I'd suggest Nighfire. I really feel like it's a better game although Agent Under Fire is a bit "sillier" (with jetpacks and grappling claws and stuff). Both are still top-notch FPS games and great for parties.
Oh man I recommend Nightfire as well. Great game, used to love playing as Oddjob and chucking his hat at people.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' timestamp='1341784719'] If you like Agent Under Fire then I'd suggest Nighfire. I really feel like it's a better game although Agent Under Fire is a bit "sillier" (with jetpacks and grappling claws and stuff). Both are still top-notch FPS games and great for parties. [/quote]

it is on the to get list, I had it once upon a time ago on the Xbox but got lost in a house fire. Was a good Bond game besides it turning slightly into Moonraker by the end
if your trying to quit cold turkey go it slow man i might suggest those electronic cigs they have just enough to help you quit not full flavored or anything like that but just a thought

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