My school sucks

I have 2 afterschool detentions, apparently because I haven't been keeping up with my homework. Bullshit. This whole year so far I have missed only about 5 assignments. Worst part is they last until 5:00. My dismissal time is 2:32. I have to be there for more than 2 hours. I wouldn't mind if it was until 3:45, but seriously, 5:00?! I don't need more than 2 hours to finish my homework. I'm considering just not going to them and getting a ISS. I'm so pissed. I hate my school so much, all of the head staff are idiots.


[quote name='SimpyDsi' post='3179667' date='Oct 6 2010, 06:50 PM'][quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:41 PM']Thank your god your school isn't as bad as mine.
1) The lockers are the size of a tiny box that like would fit your backpack if you squished it in and they cost $100 bucks each. Literally $100.
2) Without the locker, my daily back pack is heavier than myself so they basically force you to pay $100 bucks.
3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.
4) The school cafeteria is cheap. The food is horrible. They only sell turkey and cheese sandwhiches. And they sell this weird thing called Saj which is like this arabic thing everyone LOVES. 3 things on the menu that's it. If you want stuff like drinks or salads and whatnot then you need to PREORDER it at least a day early then you pick it up on the due date. (Retarded system)
5) If a teacher quits or is fired, they will a. Either bring some human out of a random crowd who never taught in his/her life before. (That's what happened to me when my teacher died) or b. They will leave you teacherless for a whole year and you MUST do the term exams = Fail. (Happened to me, my old Eng teacher hit a kid so hard her jaw cracked and her mouth on the inside was bleeding A LOT for 3 days)
6) They want them moneys. Scouts which is only 4 camps in a year and the "camps" are basically school sleepovers in the Kindergarten classes costs $350 dollars.
7) If you call and complain, they insult you.
8) Boys are separated from girls. Cruelty much?
9) I am better than the nurse. She gave a girl with throat infection panadol.[/quote]

Holy crap... I thought my school was bad... Is that stuff even legal??!

Oh ya and I forgot to mention that we live in a DESERT where it's right now still like 45 celcius and we're not ALLOWED inside the school during reccess or afterschool. They catch you, detention fir a week till 4. And a lot of lectures and stuff.
Ive been in this school for like 5 years now. I finally convinced my parents to change it...

So yeah everyone be thankful that you go to REAL schools. :P
[quote name='BobTheJoeBob' post='3179703' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:07 PM'][quote name='MaK11-12' post='3179697' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:05 PM']My school:
1. Confiscation MAX. 48 hours.
2. No fights in school
3. Break Detention if late to lesson.
4. Break detention for irregular uniform.
5. Detentions only MAX. 1 hour
6. Cefeteria has different menus on different days. (pizza, pasta, ect)
7. Corner shop just outside school (sell sweetss, chocolates, ect.)
8. People smoke weed.
9. Force to do foundation exam and then ressit as higher.
10. No lockers.


Your FORCED to do foundation. In our school, if your in the highest set you do higher.

I am the highest set though! Thats the point!
[quote name='MaK11-12' post='3179736' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:19 PM'][quote name='BobTheJoeBob' post='3179703' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:07 PM'][quote name='MaK11-12' post='3179697' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:05 PM']My school:
1. Confiscation MAX. 48 hours.
2. No fights in school
3. Break Detention if late to lesson.
4. Break detention for irregular uniform.
5. Detentions only MAX. 1 hour
6. Cefeteria has different menus on different days. (pizza, pasta, ect)
7. Corner shop just outside school (sell sweetss, chocolates, ect.)
8. People smoke weed.
9. Force to do foundation exam and then ressit as higher.
10. No lockers.


Your FORCED to do foundation. In our school, if your in the highest set you do higher.

I am the highest set though! Thats the point!
Damn. Sounds like their trying to put some equality between the lower and higher sets. Which is pretty stupid.
[quote name='SimpyDsi' post='3179667' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:50 PM'][quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:41 PM']Thank your god your school isn't as bad as mine.
1) The lockers are the size of a tiny box that like would fit your backpack if you squished it in and they cost $100 bucks each. Literally $100.
2)Without the locker, my daily back pack is heavier than myself so they basically force you to pay $100 bucks.
3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.
4) The school cafeteria is cheap. The food is horrible. They only sell turkey and cheese sandwhiches. And they sell this weird thing called Saj which is like this arabic thing everyone LOVES. 3 things on the menu that's it. If you want stuff like drinks or salads and whatnot then you need to PREORDER it at least a day early then you pick it up on the due date. (Retarded system)
5) If a teacher quits or is fired, they will a. Either bring some human out of a random crowd who never taught in his/her life before. (That's what happened to me when my teacher died) or b. They will leave you teacherless for a whole year and you MUST do the term exams = Fail. (Happened to me, my old Eng teacher hit a kid so hard her jaw cracked and her mouth on the inside was bleeding A LOT for 3 days)
6) They want them moneys. Scouts which is only 4 camps in a year and the "camps" are basically school sleepovers in the Kindergarten classes costs $350 dollars.
7) If you call and complain, they insult you.
8) Boys are separated from girls. Cruelty much?
9) I am better than the nurse. She gave a girl with throat infection panadol.

Holy crap... I thought my school was bad... Is that stuff even legal??!

[quote name='Darkmystery' post='3179671' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:52 PM'][quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:41 PM']3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.[/quote]

If they won't return it, you can sue their asses.

At my old school, they would keep it for two weeks, or you could get kicked out of school for not agreeing with the school rules.

Yeah, it sounds like the worst school ever, and they not returning your stuff is illegal and you should call the police or beat their ass(es) (if you got the guts).
Let me sum up what's on my school using your sum-up (if that's a word) numbers in the following spoiler tags:

1)The lockers are the size of a tiny box that like would fit your backpack if you squished it in and they cost $100 bucks each. Literally $100.

Our lockers are as small as on your school. But I NEVER put anything in it. And they don't cost THAT much. (i think theyre even free)

2)Without the locker, my daily back pack is heavier than myself so they basically force you to pay $100 bucks.
My bag is also freaking heavy (on Tuesday), but i don't mind.

3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.
Like I said, illegal and they should die.

4) The school cafeteria is cheap. The food is horrible. They only sell turkey and cheese sandwhiches. And they sell this weird thing called Saj which is like this arabic thing everyone LOVES. 3 things on the menu that's it. If you want stuff like drinks or salads and whatnot then you need to PREORDER it at least a day early then you pick it up on the due date. (Retarded system)

We only have candy, some snacks and stuff and Coca Cola. Atleast everyones brings his/her own food :D

5) If a teacher quits or is fired, they will a. Either bring some human out of a random crowd who never taught in his/her life before. (That's what happened to me when my teacher died) or b. They will leave you teacherless for a whole year and you MUST do the term exams = Fail. (Happened to me, my old Eng teacher hit a kid so hard her jaw cracked and her mouth on the inside was bleeding A LOT for 3 days)
Only thing i can say is... WTF?!?!?!??!

6) They want them moneys. Scouts which is only 4 camps in a year and the "camps" are basically school sleepovers in the Kindergarten classes costs $350 dollars.

7) If you call and complain, they insult you.
Teachers arent supposed to do that to children, it's kinda illegal.

8) Boys are separated from girls. Cruelty much?
Not at our school. Plus we only have like 3 girls at our school xD (but alot on the other school location)

9) I am better than the nurse. She gave a girl with throat infection panadol.
LOL. We don't have a nurse but a janitor wich is much smarter than your nurse is xD

@ the topic-creator and other people who didnt make their homework and got detention:
I didn't make my homework either but got no detention at all! I just have to make more homework and i got the worst agenda ever (wich is twice as thick as my own agenda so it won't fit in my backpack at tuesday xD) now but whatev. I just keep using my agenda. :evil:
Story time, lulz.

My previous school sucks. A lot. At least your math teachers can teach.
When one of my school's staff left, they were forced to put my evil but good-at-teaching math teacher on that job. They then got some random music teacher to teach us math.

Every monday morning, we have Flag Ceremonies. What's the problem with that? You see, there's this large covered platform on the front. All the teachers are there. ALL. No students allowed. So when it drizzles, WE GET WET. They then complain that "we do not take our Vitamin C" because some get sick.

As for the food services, bleh. There are TWO places in the cafeteria in my previous school that sells food. One puts the food on metal plates. The other on paper plates. Sure, the metal plates are good. Cheap and delicious too. The other one on the other hand... bleh. so... Get an 8.5 x 11 paper and fold it in half. That's how big the paper plate is. The rice (yes, rice) takes up 1/2 of the plate. And of course, most of the food they serve have sauce in it. Another half for the viand. The sauce will overflow like hell then boom. Sauce on uniform.

"AAAAAHH FIELD TRIP!" "YAY!!". "No PSPs and other gadgets allowed." "BAAAAAAAAWWWWW".
*fieldtrip day*

Oh, and when my previous school needs some money, they have us watch some stupid movie from the 80's that we won't even like. They then charge us PHP 30 (around 60 cents)

So yeah, my previous school is a lot worse than you people's schools
[quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:41 PM']3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.[/quote]
A teacher in my school once got hold of a very, very expensive phone ($650 with contract or something) What he did, was take out the sim card and snap the phone in half. His parents raged, but the teacher said it wasn't his fault and he got off scott-free. The parents ended up paying the rest of the contract without the kid having a phone.
DryYoshi I replied to your replies in the spoiler:

[quote name='DryYoshi' post='3179748' date='Oct 6 2010, 07:23 PM']Yeah, it sounds like the worst school ever, and they not returning your stuff is illegal and you should call the police or beat their ass(es) (if you got the guts).
Let me sum up what's on my school using your sum-up (if that's a word) numbers in the following spoiler tags:

1)The lockers are the size of a tiny box that like would fit your backpack if you squished it in and they cost $100 bucks each. Literally $100.

Our lockers are as small as on your school. But I NEVER put anything in it. And they don't cost THAT much. (i think theyre even free)

Nah I mean I'm 41 Kilograms and my back pack is like 50 - 55 ish so I would pretty much only take the homework stuff home.

2)Without the locker, my daily back pack is heavier than myself so they basically force you to pay $100 bucks.
My bag is also freaking heavy (on Tuesday), but i don't mind.

3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.
Like I said, illegal and they should die.
Seriously. Nah when the @$$holes announce these rules I like stand out, 1 kid from a croud and like scream back at them like "What kind of rules are these?!"

4) The school cafeteria is cheap. The food is horrible. They only sell turkey and cheese sandwhiches. And they sell this weird thing called Saj which is like this arabic thing everyone LOVES. 3 things on the menu that's it. If you want stuff like drinks or salads and whatnot then you need to PREORDER it at least a day early then you pick it up on the due date. (Retarded system)

We only have candy, some snacks and stuff and Coca Cola. Atleast everyones brings his/her own food :D

Luckeeee! We used to have Donuts and Brownies and French Fries and Ice Cream and a bunch of other edible stuff till they decided that "Preordering means your food is fresh" and "You don't need fries, donuts, or brownies for a healthy life."
5) If a teacher quits or is fired, they will a. Either bring some human out of a random crowd who never taught in his/her life before. (That's what happened to me when my teacher died) or b. They will leave you teacherless for a whole year and you MUST do the term exams = Fail. (Happened to me, my old Eng teacher hit a kid so hard her jaw cracked and her mouth on the inside was bleeding A LOT for 3 days)
Only thing i can say is... WTF?!?!?!??!

You should have seen my reaction when they got a painter to take over my science teacher who quit her job two years ago.

6) They want them moneys. Scouts which is only 4 camps in a year and the "camps" are basically school sleepovers in the Kindergarten classes costs $350 dollars.
I know right?
7) If you call and complain, they insult you.
Teachers arent supposed to do that to children, it's kinda illegal.
It's not the teachers, it's the administration and Co-Directors themselves. UGH I HATEEEE MY SCHOOL.
8) Boys are separated from girls. Cruelty much?
Not at our school. Plus we only have like 3 girls at our school xD (but alot on the other school location)
Lolll 3 girls. Nah us, even waiting afterschool for a ride home is separated from the girls. But we always manage to sneak to the other side after school.
9) I am better than the nurse. She gave a girl with throat infection panadol.
LOL. We don't have a nurse but a janitor wich is much smarter than your nurse is xD
ANYONE wouldn't give throat infection panadol man. xD

[quote name='scrtmstr' post='3179928' date='Oct 6 2010, 08:51 PM'][quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:41 PM']3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.[/quote]
A teacher in my school once got hold of a very, very expensive phone ($650 with contract or something) What he did, was take out the sim card and snap the phone in half. His parents raged, but the teacher said it wasn't his fault and he got off scott-free. The parents ended up paying the rest of the contract without the kid having a phone.


Seriously. Anger issues.
[quote name='naglaro00' post='3179804' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:55 PM']
Story time, lulz.

My previous school sucks. A lot. At least your math teachers can teach.
When one of my school's staff left, they were forced to put my evil but good-at-teaching math teacher on that job. They then got some random music teacher to teach us math.

Every monday morning, we have Flag Ceremonies. What's the problem with that? You see, there's this large covered platform on the front. All the teachers are there. ALL. No students allowed. So when it drizzles, WE GET WET. They then complain that "we do not take our Vitamin C" because some get sick.

As for the food services, bleh. There are TWO places in the cafeteria in my previous school that sells food. One puts the food on metal plates. The other on paper plates. Sure, the metal plates are good. Cheap and delicious too. The other one on the other hand... bleh. so... Get an 8.5 x 11 paper and fold it in half. That's how big the paper plate is. The rice (yes, rice) takes up 1/2 of the plate. And of course, most of the food they serve have sauce in it. Another half for the viand. The sauce will overflow like hell then boom. Sauce on uniform.

"AAAAAHH FIELD TRIP!" "YAY!!". "No PSPs and other gadgets allowed." "BAAAAAAAAWWWWW".
*fieldtrip day*

Oh, and when my previous school needs some money, they have us watch some stupid movie from the 80's that we won't even like. They then charge us PHP 30 (around 60 cents)

So yeah, my previous school is a lot worse than you people's schools

None of that is really bad at all.
1: The flag thing. Oh well. Wear a raincoat or hat. Trying having a bunch of fire drills when it's -20 celsius outside, windy, and you're rushed out of the school without being able to grab your coat from your locker (straight from the class outside, and a lot of people leave their coat in their locker). Fire drills usually lasted 15 minutes, standing on the the where to hide from the wind, and several people not wearing coats.
2: Cafeteria? Neither my elementary, nor my highschool had a cafeteria. Well, my highschool sort of had one. But our dumb fucking school system classifies absolutely everything as 'bad for you', and no kids wanted to buy some god damn broccoli for lunch, so it got shut down a lot, and when it was up...never had good food. I honestly wish I could torture the parents who decided to bitch about schools allowing unhealthy stuff on the premises. They must have been the worst parents ever.
3: Can't take electronics on field trips. Oh boo hoo now you have to pay attention for the field trip instead of playing electronics the whole time. Sure it sucks for some field trips, but overall it REALLY doesn't matter.
4: I don't see how a school could force you to do anything like pay money. Just refuse to watch the shitty movie.

I think every school is bad in some ways or another.
My elementary school was the definition of poor. Never did anything fun at all. We also had terrible supervisors during lunch, so there were always crazy things happening. Though, me and my group were USUALLY the cause for all the chaos. We were shit disturbers, and damn it was fun.


[quote name='scrtmstr' post='3179928' date='Oct 6 2010, 05:51 PM'][quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:41 PM']3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.[/quote]
A teacher in my school once got hold of a very, very expensive phone ($650 with contract or something) What he did, was take out the sim card and snap the phone in half. His parents raged, but the teacher said it wasn't his fault and he got off scott-free. The parents ended up paying the rest of the contract without the kid having a phone.

That's pretty sad. Mostly because he got away with it.
Here, the teacher would probably have been fired, and fined to fix/replace the phone.
[quote name='scrtmstr' post='3179928' date='Oct 6 2010, 05:51 PM'][quote name='TheTwoR's' post='3179648' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:41 PM']3) If they see you holding a phone at ANY time, whether it's off, or in recess or hidden with a cool teacher they permanently take the phone and will NEVER return it so that's like risking my iPhone + Sim Card + Contacts and all that crap + they will give you detention.[/quote]
A teacher in my school once got hold of a very, very expensive phone ($650 with contract or something) What he did, was take out the sim card and snap the phone in half. His parents raged, but the teacher said it wasn't his fault and he got off scott-free. The parents ended up paying the rest of the contract without the kid having a phone.
Oh come on. That's a criminal offence and it "wasn't his fault"? HOW THE FUCK WAS IT NOT!?! Was there someone forcing him to do it at gunpoint? That teacher should have had to pay off the phone, those parents just gave up too easily.

My school's discipline is kinda lenient unless its something serious like fights, drug etc. Which is alright I guess. If you're using a mobile during class some teachers will confiscate it (when you're in 6th Year like I am most teachers will just tell you to put it away because you should know when to pay attention and if not then its your life). If confiscated your parents have to phone in before you can get it back. My solution: Leave my phone on silent and don't text during class.

As for being ruly in class that's a whole new ballgame. When I was in 1st to 4th year we had Punishment Exercises if you were being a huge trouble (extra homework basically. Got one once for forgetting my PE kit 3 times in the space of a term) Now there's a system called "EXEAT" but most of the people in my year just call it a joke. If you're being trouble you get sent to another classroom where usually a 5th or 6th year class is going on. You get given a "think sheet" to fill out which tells you to write down what you did, why you did it, what do you think the affect was on the class etc. No threat whatsoever. You get 5-10 minutes out of class doing bugger all. This also means that for 5th and 6th Year there's no chance of us getting any kind of punishments straight from teachers (I reckon being sent to a 1st year class would be a good punishment though) but most of the time we behave ourselves cause we know we don't have to be there (school in Scotland is only compulsory up to 4th Year)

If you're late to class it gets noted but nothing gets done about it unless you've been late to the same classes every day for the past month or something. If you're late to school you used to get an instant breaktime detention, then if you didn't attend that you were expected at lunchtime and finally if you weren't at that after school. Now nothing happens unless you're late almost every day.
[quote name='Desendos' post='3179694' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:04 PM']Schools are like that.

Just try and look forward to college. That's the only thing that kept me sane in my 5 years of hell.[/quote]

This, the moment you go to college everything changes, well in the UK it does :D

P.S I'm in the same college as Desendos :D
[quote name='Danny600kill' post='3180154' date='Oct 7 2010, 02:19 AM'][quote name='Desendos' post='3179694' date='Oct 6 2010, 04:04 PM']Schools are like that.

Just try and look forward to college. That's the only thing that kept me sane in my 5 years of hell.[/quote]

This, the moment you go to college everything changes, well in the UK it does :D

P.S I'm in the same college as Desendos :D
I want to go to Cambridge! :(
Wow. Not to be an abnoxious ass, but I don't see the point here. Obviously it's the OP's blog, but whatever. I don't see the point of raging over school rules and regulations as if it's the end of the world. Every school has it's quirks, but you break the rules, you're screwed one way or the other. I'd understand if the rest of you guys was raging bout your schools sucking at the actual education business, but seriously, blame your parents for placing you in crap schools if that's your thing. Actually, you guys still in high school or whatever are the lucky ones.
I want this to be funny as possible I'm going to say that one of the teachers that insulted me took 3 weeks off of school to get a boob job and she was having a midlife crisis.

Yah Fuck school teachers are mainly assholes now and days they don't give a shit & Bullies are another thing the sad thing is some people are likely to commit suicide due to bullies and it's very sad this is why people should be home schooled fuck the school system and fuck bullies I wish them with bad luck for all eternity. When I have kids I'm letting them be home schooled and I want to say to them fuck the school system it's nothing but corrupted bastards they don't care for students it's about time that cops should be pretend to be students and track down bullies.
I went to the first detention today. I didn't feel like arguing with my vice principal or getting into more trouble by blowing it off. It wasn't that bad, mainly boring, but I got some work done and talked with my friend (kinda). One down, one to go.
[quote name='TrapperKeeperX' post='3181104' date='Oct 7 2010, 08:37 AM']I want this to be funny as possible I'm going to say that one of the teachers that insulted me took 3 weeks off of school to get a boob job and she was having a midlife crisis.

Yah Fuck school teachers are mainly assholes now and days they don't give a shit & Bullies are another thing the sad thing is some people are likely to commit suicide due to bullies and it's very sad this is why people should be home schooled fuck the school system and fuck bullies I wish them with bad luck for all eternity. When I have kids I'm letting them be home schooled and I want to say to them fuck the school system it's nothing but corrupted bastards they don't care for students it's about time that cops should be pretend to be students and track down bullies.[/quote]
That's why I study in an ACE Curriculum school. ;)

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