My life is so not interesting.

I haven't even done anything really exciting ever since I went to Hawaii. Well, at school I'm learning sign language and tomorrow we're doing a class performance to show what we learned. Although, I got the most.... hmmm... I'll call it 'intense' part. We're signing the song What a Wonderful World and I got, "The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky. Are also on the faces, of people going by." I'm not even kidding. In sign language it just looks so, Napolean Dynamite. -_-

Anyways, I feel like I've become really, slow. Or dyslexic. I've been getting words mixed up. Sometimes, when I talk, I say like, "Today, I went so the tore." No joke.

My goodness, it's funny when you live with a pregnant sibling and they ask you to do something for them. Today I had to pull up my sister's pants cause she just painted her nails. I wonder what it feels like when a baby kicks. She showed me when the baby kicked. She had her hand over the spot and it started to move. :blink:

I should go eat now. I'm super hungry. =)



Welcome to my life, I go to school, come home and do nothing. Occasionally, I will have band practice or go to a party.
Yeah I'm going back to school as well, I know my life is going to be hella boring since it will be consumed with school work. Hopefully I will play some games once in a while at least.

I'm sure you will get opportunities to do some cool stuff soon Tekkin88. Just look at it like the Yes Man movie, say yes to any opportunity that presents itself lol mostly kidding but hey you never know.
Well my advice is to play more video games, and then you may say you accomplished something. ;)

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