Hey again guys, just a life update
I will start with my job, as some of you may have read I lost my job a few weeks back and so had no money. Now I went for a job interview at BHS and got it, at first I thought I had failed as they said they would get back to the successful applicants in 2-3 days. After a week I get a call saying that I got the job and the induction is that Friday. I worked Friday, Saturday and Monday and I now work every Monday and Saturday and I'm really happy, thanks to this I can buy my Uncles PS3 which he is selling to me for £120, great deal in my opinion. I have also persuaded my friend to buy one so we will be getting them at the end of next month ( my uncles going to Spain for 4 weeks and taking it with him them coming back and selling it to me ) so nearer the time you will have to give me some of your PSN names. I will still have my 360 but won't be on as often
Again for people who read my last blog I was thinking of getting into anime, well I did, I watched Code Geass and I really enjoyed it, I've downloaded R2 and next week will watch it, can't wait to find out what happens as season 1 ends with a cliff hanger. I watched the dub ( Don't complain and say Subs are so much better ) I have no knowledge of Japanese and this is the first anime I've watched so I wouldn't know if the voice acting was bad or not, I didn't mind it, maybe thanks to getting used to Vanille in FF. Code Geass actual made me feel really emotional at some times and this has never happened to me, not even movies do this. Firstly when he has to lose his relationship with Shirley and secondly when Princess Euphemia gets Geassed.
I've got my GCSE's in a few weeks ( about 5 ) and so I need to revise, I might not be on Gbatemp as much closer the time so try and get as much of me as you can while you can, some I have nearly finished with though. My Drama exam is next Thursday and my CiDa ( IT ) deadline is next Friday and then these will be finished so I can use these free lessons to do what I want. If you read a previous blog you may have known that I am failing Drama ( How do I fail drama ) so I don't really care much for the exam, I've classed that grade as a fail since the start of year 11. Any one got any good revision tactics for revising, I'm really bad at it, I can't sit there for long periods of time and revise, I get bored after like 10minute, I need new and innovative ways ?
Forum wise I got my 900th post the other day and I'm guessing soon I will hit 1000. I was thinking back to my days on Gbatemp and they has been great. I joined last year thanks to luke_C as we were in a Rom Sites IRC and I had a problem with my Edge, he directed me here and I made an account, for the first few months I was a lurker with the odd post cropping up if I needed help or wanted to help someone else, then I started being more active. In December I think it was I found out about the shoutbox and since then my time on the temp has been great, I've met some great people and hopefully some new friends, I'm a regular to the shoutbox and I think most other people ( who use it ) know me now. I want to thank the group including people like Overlord Nadrian, Prowler, Protokun, Hadrian, Raul, B-Blue, Law, Guild and who ever else I missed off (you know who you are
< hint hint ) for making me part of the community and I think I'm quite well known and a real member of the community now on Gbatemp.
^^ Now that my emotional memories of the temp are over we can get back to normal
Like the cool kids do, here's a music video
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_VQ2lqbMA-c&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_VQ2lqbMA-c&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
It's NeSchn
and his band, Dawn of the Hero, there great
P.S If you're just going to say tl,dr then is there any point posting in this topic?

P.S.S I'm getting like Guild wow, that's a lot of typing
Edit :
Ok this is kinda just because I didn't want to waste typing time I used. This is my post from the AshuraZro thread that I couldn't post because it was locked
I will start with my job, as some of you may have read I lost my job a few weeks back and so had no money. Now I went for a job interview at BHS and got it, at first I thought I had failed as they said they would get back to the successful applicants in 2-3 days. After a week I get a call saying that I got the job and the induction is that Friday. I worked Friday, Saturday and Monday and I now work every Monday and Saturday and I'm really happy, thanks to this I can buy my Uncles PS3 which he is selling to me for £120, great deal in my opinion. I have also persuaded my friend to buy one so we will be getting them at the end of next month ( my uncles going to Spain for 4 weeks and taking it with him them coming back and selling it to me ) so nearer the time you will have to give me some of your PSN names. I will still have my 360 but won't be on as often
Again for people who read my last blog I was thinking of getting into anime, well I did, I watched Code Geass and I really enjoyed it, I've downloaded R2 and next week will watch it, can't wait to find out what happens as season 1 ends with a cliff hanger. I watched the dub ( Don't complain and say Subs are so much better ) I have no knowledge of Japanese and this is the first anime I've watched so I wouldn't know if the voice acting was bad or not, I didn't mind it, maybe thanks to getting used to Vanille in FF. Code Geass actual made me feel really emotional at some times and this has never happened to me, not even movies do this. Firstly when he has to lose his relationship with Shirley and secondly when Princess Euphemia gets Geassed.
I've got my GCSE's in a few weeks ( about 5 ) and so I need to revise, I might not be on Gbatemp as much closer the time so try and get as much of me as you can while you can, some I have nearly finished with though. My Drama exam is next Thursday and my CiDa ( IT ) deadline is next Friday and then these will be finished so I can use these free lessons to do what I want. If you read a previous blog you may have known that I am failing Drama ( How do I fail drama ) so I don't really care much for the exam, I've classed that grade as a fail since the start of year 11. Any one got any good revision tactics for revising, I'm really bad at it, I can't sit there for long periods of time and revise, I get bored after like 10minute, I need new and innovative ways ?
Forum wise I got my 900th post the other day and I'm guessing soon I will hit 1000. I was thinking back to my days on Gbatemp and they has been great. I joined last year thanks to luke_C as we were in a Rom Sites IRC and I had a problem with my Edge, he directed me here and I made an account, for the first few months I was a lurker with the odd post cropping up if I needed help or wanted to help someone else, then I started being more active. In December I think it was I found out about the shoutbox and since then my time on the temp has been great, I've met some great people and hopefully some new friends, I'm a regular to the shoutbox and I think most other people ( who use it ) know me now. I want to thank the group including people like Overlord Nadrian, Prowler, Protokun, Hadrian, Raul, B-Blue, Law, Guild and who ever else I missed off (you know who you are
^^ Now that my emotional memories of the temp are over we can get back to normal
Like the cool kids do, here's a music video
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_VQ2lqbMA-c&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_VQ2lqbMA-c&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
It's NeSchn

P.S If you're just going to say tl,dr then is there any point posting in this topic?
P.S.S I'm getting like Guild wow, that's a lot of typing
Edit :
Ok this is kinda just because I didn't want to waste typing time I used. This is my post from the AshuraZro thread that I couldn't post because it was locked
[quote name='viksmart' post='2761244' date='Apr 16 2010, 09:21 PM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2761186' date='Apr 16 2010, 09:01 PM']Once you bring Nazis into your argument, you know you've officially lost. [ I say Nay... ]
Just shut up. Seriously. It's the fucking internet. [ Oh you're now figuring this out? Vent that anger! It's good for you!][/quote]
*[It is a joke when in the information age we create games to simulate the same killings and slaying of our Brave Soldiers and other innocent people. I mean what of kind sadistic people must we be to try every new generation to recreate that realistic experience. Imagine what these soldiers returning home must've/have thought..... oh right you didn't bother! I'm calling you out MW2]
-snip -
On the right of MW2 I think I have the right to comment and play these games and not feel regret ect just basically on the fact that I'm hoping on joining the forces and have done my tests in the local army careers office, I know need to go down to Edinburgh to do more tests and I will be in. If I do manage to make it into the Army then I will most likely be posted in Afghanistan ( Where my older brother is right now, he is also in the forces ) and so I think I should have the right to play the game, my brother and other people with him in out there right now at this very moment could actually be playing this. Yes the do have 360's and PS3's in Afghan and I know for a fact that he has played MW and MW2 out there as that is where he first played it.
I understand that you think that people are getting enjoyment out of killing people ( even if in a game ) but to be honest it is how the world runs. People like me who want to join up and serve for their country or people who are fighting or have fought have more than anyone to say that these games are perfectly acceptable. They are depicting the truth in a way ( about killing of innocent people, not on how wars are fought as they are made to be fun not 100% truth ) I'm not sure if at the end of your post you were saying that I was on of these people or just people in general but it is wrong. You are saying it is ok to kill in games as long as it is not based on truth or realistic. You kill things in Mario but you don't say the same thing about that. Murder is murder no matter how you depict it, people don't get enjoyment out of the concept or the action ( normal sane people ) but just the fact that you can play as if you were there,the excitement and the joy of serving even in a game.
So by saying people are ''sadistic'' is stupidly wrong, I think everyone respects the brave soldiers coming home from places like Afghanistan and we all think about how they feel, games like MW have been around since the early gaming years and so people are used to them, they may have better graphics ect but this doesn't defer from the themes shown, they have dealt with and adapted and most of the times take no notice of them, or even play them like mentioned earlier
So from now on please do not post about things like wars ect that may be offensive to a lot of people without looking at the facts and reading up a little and if you are unsure on something then don't type it, things like your post can be taken in the wrong way and then may hurt the feelings of other members
/rant over
Just shut up. Seriously. It's the fucking internet. [ Oh you're now figuring this out? Vent that anger! It's good for you!][/quote]
*[It is a joke when in the information age we create games to simulate the same killings and slaying of our Brave Soldiers and other innocent people. I mean what of kind sadistic people must we be to try every new generation to recreate that realistic experience. Imagine what these soldiers returning home must've/have thought..... oh right you didn't bother! I'm calling you out MW2]
-snip -
On the right of MW2 I think I have the right to comment and play these games and not feel regret ect just basically on the fact that I'm hoping on joining the forces and have done my tests in the local army careers office, I know need to go down to Edinburgh to do more tests and I will be in. If I do manage to make it into the Army then I will most likely be posted in Afghanistan ( Where my older brother is right now, he is also in the forces ) and so I think I should have the right to play the game, my brother and other people with him in out there right now at this very moment could actually be playing this. Yes the do have 360's and PS3's in Afghan and I know for a fact that he has played MW and MW2 out there as that is where he first played it.
I understand that you think that people are getting enjoyment out of killing people ( even if in a game ) but to be honest it is how the world runs. People like me who want to join up and serve for their country or people who are fighting or have fought have more than anyone to say that these games are perfectly acceptable. They are depicting the truth in a way ( about killing of innocent people, not on how wars are fought as they are made to be fun not 100% truth ) I'm not sure if at the end of your post you were saying that I was on of these people or just people in general but it is wrong. You are saying it is ok to kill in games as long as it is not based on truth or realistic. You kill things in Mario but you don't say the same thing about that. Murder is murder no matter how you depict it, people don't get enjoyment out of the concept or the action ( normal sane people ) but just the fact that you can play as if you were there,the excitement and the joy of serving even in a game.
So by saying people are ''sadistic'' is stupidly wrong, I think everyone respects the brave soldiers coming home from places like Afghanistan and we all think about how they feel, games like MW have been around since the early gaming years and so people are used to them, they may have better graphics ect but this doesn't defer from the themes shown, they have dealt with and adapted and most of the times take no notice of them, or even play them like mentioned earlier
So from now on please do not post about things like wars ect that may be offensive to a lot of people without looking at the facts and reading up a little and if you are unsure on something then don't type it, things like your post can be taken in the wrong way and then may hurt the feelings of other members
/rant over