KB's Movie Score Database

I haven't been around here in... some time I guess. And due to that, I thought I'd share this. It's a record of scores that I gave to the movies on my HD (well, my movie folder, I have plenty more) which total to about a hundred, and the scores are complete. Though the descriptions aren't. I've watched a far greater number of movies than this in the theater, directly streaming, in DVD's, on TV, so these actually cover a miniscule portion of what I've watched. I do keep a few for my little cousin so don't laugh when you see Lizzie McGuire there.

I apologize but most of these are good movies, so no bad ones here. I'll complete this out with a ton more movies though if I stop being lazy...

8 Mile - 3/4
- Eminem's performance is standout and so is his music, even with the plot premise and pacing leaving something to be desired.
127 Hours - 3.5/4
- A great one-man show with James Franco dominating our attention and us willingly giving it.
A Beautiful Mind - 3.5/4
- The intellectuality of the movie is surprisingly not deep, but rather easy to understand. It keeps our attention and does well with it.
A Single Man - 3/4
- The camerawork and artistic direction is absolutely ridiculous, but Colin Firth's performance fishes the movie out of the flaws.
Adaptation - 4/4
- The brilliant trio of performances from the three leads power the movie, along the with the excellent script and wackiness that balances the drama.
Adventureland - 3.5/4
- A heartfelt movie that manages to be genuinely emotional thanks to the cast comprising of talented young actors and the refreshingly young adult setting of the film.
Amadeus - 4/4
- The performances are unlike anything I've ever seen in a period piece, and the music of the movie very well fits it's immense grandeur.
Audition - 3/4
- An unignorable slow start may be intensely noticable, but the last 30 minutes are so harrowing you may forget they even happened.
Battle Royale - 3.5/4
- Incredibly violent and blunt when dealing with serious matters, Battle Royale manages to show stylish artistic direction amidst all the gore.
Beauty and the Beast - 4/4
- The epitome of the Disney rennaiscance, it's light surface counteracts perfectly with the dark depth of the characters behind it.
Black Swan - 3.5/4
- A provocative psychological thriller that is artistically fulfilled to the maximum, even with a few, ignorable bumps in the narrative content.
Borat - 4/4
- Virtually the funniest movie I've ever seen. Everything is funny, from the first minute to the mock credits at the end, this is pure comedy gold. Sacha Baron Cohen, I believe, deserved an Oscar nomination for his portrayal.
Brokeback Mountain - 4/4
- While some may say this is "The Gay Cowboy" movie, I beg to differ. I believe that this is a movie about two people who fall in love, nothing more than that. Either way, the movie is fantastic.
Buried - 3/4
- A powerful performance by Ryan Renolds excuses the movie from the surprising number of narrative problems.
Capote - 4/4
- Capote is one of the most human biopics ever made, with the entire movie being genuine as it could possibly be. Philip Seymour Hoffman is tremendous in his portrayal here.
Die Hard - 3.5/4
- A celebration in satisfying violence, it manages to be both pleasing in a primal sense yet a well made movie, and a decent plot, even though no one cares about that.
Doubt - 4/4
- The quartet of fantastic, harrowing and touching performances, specifically Viola Davis, are incredibly embodiments to convey a message that, if you think about it, makes an incredible amount of sense. This movie will make you doubt indeed.
Easy A - 3/4
- A refreshingly intelligent teen movie that manages to give us a taste of the great actress - Emma Stone. She is wonderful here.
Ed Wood - 4/4
- Johnny Depp shines bright here, far brighter than anything he might do with an instant accent or an eccentric costume. The movie is an absolute pleasure to watch.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 4/4
- Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet are both outstanding together here, leading me to believe that the assumption that Kate Winslet was best with Leo quite incorrect. The most genuine and thought-provoking romance I've ever had the pleasure of watching.
Finding Nemo - 3/4
- Though it suffers from a few flaws, you can see the great effort Pixar placed in animation and in creating a story reachable to children.
Food, Inc - 3.5/4
- Quite possibly one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, this isn't a horror movie. This documentary will probably cause you to think twice about buying a burger from Wendy's tommorow.
Forrest Gump - 3.5/4
- A celebration on both history and life, this peculiar film is as feel-good a movie as I've watched. Not realistic at all, this movie leans more on fantasy and manages to let us believe it.
Frost/Nixon - 3.5/4
- The movie may be unsure of itself, but we were sure that this was a great movie. It manages to humanize a vile president in a way that we don't like him, but we don't necessarily want to dig up his grave.
Gake no Ue no Ponyo (Ponyo) - 3.5/4
- Akin to Disney's The Little Mermaid, themes of sea adventure and romance is present here, all packaged in a movie that both children and adults will find absolutely delightful.
Ghostbusters - 3.5/4
- The most quotable movie on earth, the ridiculous feel of it seems to not affect how absolutely funny this movie is. While it may not be perfect, it's not aiming to be.
Hairspray - 3/4
- A musical that lacks a punch in terms of plot, but makes up for it in a blasting artistic direction and well composed and choreographed musical numbers.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerrer's Stone - 3/4
- The insane loyalty of Chris to the book is all too evident here. This deteriorates the movie somewhat, but it's undeniably well made.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 3/4
- Same as the previous movie, it's incredibly loyal to the book and deteriorates the movie. It improves upon the previous film though only slightly.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 4/4
- The absolute best of the Harry Potter series, the artistic direction that Alfonso Cuaron took with this particular installment. The plot was able to smoothen Rowling's original and give the series some breath. It was "the one where things got dark".
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 3.5/4
- Goblet is arguably the most blunt film in the series. What it lacks in the depth located in the other films, it makes up for in incredible focus and fantastic use of special effects in display of artistry.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 2.5/4
- The weakest of the bunch, this is not necessarily a disenchanting film, it's simply the least enchanting of the series. While it still has some familiarity, the pacing is off for the short duration of the film.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - 3/4
- Focusing less on the magic and more on the human relations, it's more like a movie for teens than ever before. This is not necessarily a bad aspect though as this seems to be the perfect story to attempt it on.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - 3/4
- Deathly Hallows Part 1 is lacking in a narrative punch, though it's impossible to blame it as it's a penultimate film. It's still an overall satisfying movie though, featuring a particularly great performance from Emma Watson.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 3.5/4
- The shortest and most action-packed movie is also one of the best. Incredible use of special effects and art direction is present here, without sacrificing any of the narrative power. The cast is at their absolute finest, especially Alan Rickman who plays Professor Snape.
Hotaru No Haka (Grave of Fireflies) - 4/4
- An incredibly powerful anti-war movie from a different perspective, I believe that this story cements animation as on par in dramatic stories as any other kind of form of movies. It's story is as compelling and harrowing as the "classics".
I'm Not There - 3.5/4
- A total mess of a movie with almost complete narrative incoherence, this is also an immensely compelling biopic. With any other movie, messy would be bad, however this movie somehow makes the mess of stories feel absolute. The star cast is powered by Cate Blanchett's portrayal.
Inception - 3.5/4
- A great science fiction that manages to be challenging intellectually and enthralling visually.
Jeux de Enfants (Love Me If You Dare) - 2/4
- There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this would have been a good movie if it had not been for the fact that the two main characters are quite possibly the most unlikeable people on earth.
Julie and Julia - 3/4
- The movie is nice, but Merryl Streep's portrayal of famous chef Julia Child is nicer. Amy Adams also gives a nice performance as Julie Powell which most people tend to overlook.
Juno - 4/4
- This is undoubtedly one of the best comedies of the decade, simply for the fact that it practically invented it's own subculture, much like Napoleon Dynamite. It also featured a brilliant performance from the delightful Ellen Page who managed to embody her character completely.
Kokuhaku (Confessions) - 4/4
- Dark, gory, artistic, and powerful. Relentless in every waking minute, and featuring an incredible cast. The first 30 minutes are equal parts disturbing and harrowing. Most standout is it's use of worded music that manages to be fitting.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain (Amelie) - 4/4
- A visual treat that delights us with the performance of Audrey Tatou and it's incredibly innocent yet depthful plot.
Little Miss Sunshine - 3.5/4
- A dark comedy/dramedy that is immediate and clear, without being blunt and maintaining humor. It's both fascinating and entertaining in a very adult fashion.
Lost in Translation - 4/4
- A relentless dramedy that shines thanks to the presence and charisma of the two leads and the beautiful urban backdrop, together with a mature, contained love story that is almost never expected. A fascinating look on Japanese culture all the same.
Marley and Me - 2.5/4
- In shines as a drama more than it does as a comedy, but it's nice for some Christmas entertainment, if you're looking to cry. Seriously though, it's direct ending will make you cry, though the rest will likely bore you.
Million Dollar Baby - 4/4
- A fantastic sports drama that is the best I've seen since (dare I say this?) Raging Bull. Hilary Swank's portrayal as a scrappy underdog boxer is amazing, as is the fact that the story never subjectifies itself to stereotypes and expectations.
Monsters Inc. - 3/4
- A weak Pixar movie out of the bunch, but still entirely good, it does have quite possibly some of the best music in a Pixar movie that I've seen. The movie manages to be heartfelt and light entertainment.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 3/4
- I don't laugh as much at it as I expect myself to, though that's mostly because (and someone can quote me on this) from a generation that's seen Borat, nothing will live up to my expectations. Though it is undeniably genuine comedy sketching at it's best.
Moulin Rouge - 3.5/4
- A dazzling, artsy and visually sparkling musical that uses contemporary music, quite a rarity. It's wild, crazy, random, yet consistent plot-wise and improves upon a well known story formula.
Mr. Bean's Holiday - 2.5/4
- This movie, at the very least, greatly improves upon it's precceedor "Bean". Then again, that's not really saying much. It's entertaining to say the least and there are funny moments, but it's not very consistent.
No Country for Old Men - 3.5/4
- An incredibly powerful western with equally powerful casting, with a few narrative bumps that may have been in there. Or I'm imagining them.
Okuribito (Departures) - 3.5/4
- A warm, predictable, simplistic, life-affirming story of death. Somehow ironic in itself, it's pleasurable to watch and strong althroughout in conveying it's message of beauty and life.
Precious - 4/4
- To be continued....
Rachel Getting Married - 3.5/4
Ratatouille - 3.5/4
Requiem for a Dream - 4/4
Rocky - 3.5/4
Schindler's List - 4/4
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakus Hi (Spirited Away) - 4/4
Shakespeare in Love - 3.5/4
Shutter - 2/4
South Park - Bigger, Longer and Uncut - 3/4
Sweeny Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 4/4
Tangled - 3/4
Tagore Seibei (The Twilight Samurai) - 3.5/4
The Pursuit of Happiness - 3/4
The Dark Knight - 4/4
The Devil Wears Prada - 3/4
The Hurt Locker - 4/4
The Incredibles - 4/4
The Kids Are All Right - 3.5/4
The King's Speech - 4/4
The Lizzie McGuire Movie - 2/4
The Prestige - 3/4
The Queen - 3.5/4
The Silence of the Lambs - 4/4
The Simpsons Movie - 3/4
The Social Network - 4/4
Titanic - 3.5/4
Toy Story 3 - 3.5/4
Up - 4/4
WALL-E - 4/4
What A Girl Wants - 1.5/4
Zombieland - 3.5/4


So, I haven't had net in a while. Finally got relieved from the unnecessary amount of projects though. Then again, when you're on the school newspaper and the math varsity and you're an A student, you have a lot to do all the time. Nothing in particular going on.

I'm pretty bored right now really, still finishing a couple of remaining projects, and finishing some pieces for submission to the paper. Graaah.


If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3822955' date='Aug 9 2011, 10:04 PM']If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.[/quote]
Honestly, I don't mind anything, just that a movie is good (that or laughably bad) since I tend to be as objective as possible. I can watch anything from Schindler's List (which happens to be my favorite movie) to Caddyshack. And yes, I've watched Oldboy and it was amazing.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3822955' date='Aug 9 2011, 04:04 PM']If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.[/quote]

Seriously... +Infinite xD You must watch Oldboy, Mr Vengeance and Lady Vengeance. Those are my favourite movies by far. Did you watch Lady Vengeance and Mr Vengeance or only Oldboy ?
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3822962' date='Aug 9 2011, 06:09 AM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3822955' date='Aug 9 2011, 10:04 PM']If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.[/quote]
Honestly, I don't mind anything, just that a movie is good (that or laughably bad) since I tend to be as objective as possible. I can watch anything from Schindler's List (which happens to be my favorite movie) to Caddyshack. And yes, I've watched Oldboy and it was amazing.
Awesome, awesome.

[quote name='hunter291' post='3822967' date='Aug 9 2011, 06:14 AM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3822955' date='Aug 9 2011, 04:04 PM']If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.[/quote]

Seriously... +Infinite xD You must watch Oldboy, Mr Vengeance and Lady Vengeance. Those are my favourite movies by far. Did you watch Lady Vengeance and Mr Vengeance or only Oldboy ?
I've watched all three. Lady Vengeance was great, but Mr Vengeance was a bit weak. (in my opinion) Probably my favorite trilogy.

Now I'm off to watch Lord of the Rings: The Trilogy: Extended blu-ray edition.
[quote name='hunter291' post='3822967' date='Aug 9 2011, 10:14 PM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3822955' date='Aug 9 2011, 04:04 PM']If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.[/quote]

Seriously... +Infinite xD You must watch Oldboy, Mr Vengeance and Lady Vengeance. Those are my favourite movies by far. Did you watch Lady Vengeance and Mr Vengeance or only Oldboy ?
Just Oldboy. Never really thought of watching the trilogy. I may look it up tomorrow.

If you liked those, try out Confessions from Japan. Fantastic flick with stylish violence and and incredible plot. Try it.
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3822973' date='Aug 9 2011, 06:27 AM'][quote name='hunter291' post='3822967' date='Aug 9 2011, 10:14 PM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3822955' date='Aug 9 2011, 04:04 PM']If you don't mind a brutally gory movie with some scenes of very strong nudity (and a scene of sexual intercourse) then go watch oldboy.[/quote]

Seriously... +Infinite xD You must watch Oldboy, Mr Vengeance and Lady Vengeance. Those are my favourite movies by far. Did you watch Lady Vengeance and Mr Vengeance or only Oldboy ?
Just Oldboy. Never really thought of watching the trilogy. I may look it up tomorrow.

If you liked those, try out Confessions from Japan. Fantastic flick with stylish violence and and incredible plot. Try it.
Mr. Vengeance is as depressing as it gets.
Lady Vengeance is sort of weird and slow for the first half, but the second half is incredible.
Seeing as you liked Oldboy, these are must watches.

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