I'm now building custom computers!

I have recently built my own computer. I felt that it was fairly easy and that I made it fairly cheaply. I now would like to start building custom pc's for all. So if you would like one PM me. I will build them to a budget of your choice. You could always give me a specification to build to like able to play a certain game or able to support two screens.

Tell me whether you think it is a good idea. I would love to hear your thoughts. I'm only 12 so don't say "forget it and get a job" or something along those lines :).


forget it and get a job

Why?, here are reasons:
1. You're 12, if people see that they want a more experienced builder
2. There aren't much people that know what hardware they precise want and don't want to assemble theirselves
3. There are many guys like you.
4. You're in the UK, so no one in North America is going to pay that much shipping.

Don't mean to be a downer, but they're all true.
I'm thinking that I may see if friends or family want a new pc and I could maybe build for them. It would be a good way to build credibility? rad140, I wasn't planning on shipping abroad.
[quote name='pmk010' timestamp='1343860518'] I'm thinking that I may see if friends or family want a new pc and I could maybe build for them. It would be a good way to build credibility? rad140, I wasn't planning on shipping abroad. [/quote] If you werent going to ship then who were you expecting to reach over the internet >_>
Hey can you make a computer that can run Minecraft and Tonka Trucks with out glitching or lagging?
[quote name='TheZander' timestamp='1343876046'] Hey can you make a computer that can run Minecraft and Tonka Trucks with out glitching or lagging? [/quote]

u srs?
lol I felt the same way when I built my first computer quite a few years ago, Good luck when you start upgrading laptop cpus haha
Oh god. I just dusted off my fan on my laptop, and it was terrible getting into it.

I love tinkering with tech, but sometimes, it's a little much.
[quote name='astrangeone' timestamp='1343889042'] Oh god. I just dusted off my fan on my laptop, and it was terrible getting into it. I love tinkering with tech, but sometimes, it's a little much. [/quote] Yeah they aren't really made to be modded, I just hard wired my charger into my laptop because the tip kept falling out
[quote name='lemmingsarecool' timestamp='1343951100'] Btw, i bet you can't build a good watercooled pc that doesn't leak :P [/quote]

How much do you want to bet?

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